
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

Great Pyrenees are a breed of livestock guardian dogs that also make good family dogs.

Livestock Guardian Dogs: Characteristics, Breeds, and Roles

Livestock guardian dogs (LGDs) are an ancient class of dogs whose sole purpose is to guard livestock such as sheep and goats. (Livestock guardians are very different from herding dogs such as Border Collies and Australian Shepherds, which help herdsmen move their stock from place to place.) First brought to the U.S. by Spanish settlers in the 1500s, livestock guardian dogs were nevertheless virtually unknown by most American ranchers until the late 1970s.
An aging dog is at greater risk for injury due to slipping or jumping.

Is Your Dog Aging?

A quietly shocking truth sneaks up on the luckiest dog people, and it’s this: Nothing compares to the companionship of a senior dog.
Dogs eating chocolate was the fourth most common reason for calls to Animal Poison Control.

Top Calls to Animal Poison Control

The APCC received more than 451,000 calls from pet parents last year who needed immediate answers: Could what their dog gobbled down cause a life-threatening problem? The organization crunched its data and just released its annual list of the top ten toxins that pets managed to ingest the most.
Nasal mites in dogs can be the cause of mysterious respiratory problems like sneezing, nose bleeds, and breathing trouble.

How to Get Rid of Nasal Mites in Dogs

Nasal mites in dogs are unusual mites that can be responsible for sneezing, difficulty breathing, and other hard to diagnose respiratory problems.
Alpha dog training stems from a misunderstanding about dog social groups, and has done immense damage.

Why Alpha Dog Training is Outdated

Outdated practices and philosophies of dog training, such as dominance training or the need to be the “alpha” pack leader persist, despite being debunked by modern science. Let’s take a brief look into the history of dog training to understand where practices like alpha dog training originated.
Bell training a dog means creating an association between the ringing out the bell and going outside for potty.

Train a Dog to Ring a Bell

Although many dog parents want to train their dog to ring a bell to go outside, this is an option that dogs most frequently learn to use for alternate purposes. Especially if you combine pottying with walks or if you have a fenced yard.
Dogs do have a sense of time, and can tell when you are behind schedule.

Do Dogs Have a Sense of Time?

Dogs use natural circadian rhythms based on light cycles for much of their version of telling time. Dogs also tell time by the routines of humans in their lives. Waking, working, school, recreational activities, etc. all have telltale actions and accessories that help the dogs that we live with know what might happen next.
When is flea season? It can be all year round if you don't stay up to date on flea treatments.

How to Spot Fleas Before They Infest Your Dog

While a few fleas are unlikely to seriously injure a dog, a severe flea infestation can lead to serious health problems, and in extreme cases, dogs can die from complications. Puppies, senior dogs, and dogs with weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable to these complications.
Training a puppy to use a pee pad is different from training an older dog.

How To Train a Dog to Use a Pee Pad

How you train a dog to use a peed pad changes when you are training a mature dog
Play and training are both how you bond with your dog.

How To Bond With Your Dog

Building a relationship with your dog takes time and effort. Although it’s plenty of fun to bond with a new dog, your four-legged friend might not adore you instantly.
Puppy flea treatments are important because puppies are more vulnerable to fleas, and to the diseases they carry.

How to Choose Flea Treatment for a Puppy

While all dogs are susceptible to flea infestations, puppies less than 8 weeks old are particularly vulnerable to fleas, which can cause intense itching, skin irritation, and even more serious health problems such as anemia due to blood loss.
Medicated dog shampoos can cure a dog of skin infections and other conditions, but you should be aware of what is in them.

How to Choose the Best Medicated Shampoo for Your Dog

If you can successfully treat your dog’s skin problem with a medicated shampoo, it’s better for the dog, antibiotic resistance protocols, and for your wallet. The first step is to know what condition you’re dealing with.
Bloodshot eyes in dogs can have a number of causes from allergies to serious eye infections.

How to Treat Bloodshot Eyes in Dogs

A dog’s eyes can appear red or bloodshot for many reasons—some of which are minor and will quickly resolve, and others which are much more serious.
Training with treats is an effective means of positive reinforcement training so long the treats are not a bribe.

Positive Reinforcement Dog Training: 6 Tips for Training With Treats

Training with treats is cornerstone of positive reinforcement dog training. It’s dog-friendly, it’s fun and the basics are easy for trainers of all ages and skill levels. At its core, the concept is simple: feed behaviors you want to see happen more often.

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What If You Get the Wrong Dog?

It’s a sad fact (but a fact nevertheless) that sometimes people adopt a dog or buy a puppy that turns out to quite unsuited for life with those people.