Leaving Your New Puppy
I have a sign hanging near my back door that says, “If I can’t bring my dog I’m not going.” Of course, it is meant to be humorous, but it is truer than I care to admit. I am lucky in that, as a trainer, I have been able to bring my dogs almost everywhere I go. Not everyone is as fortunate. Let’s see if I can help you make plans for your puppy, should you be forced to leave him home alone.
Concerns about Homemade Dog Food Recipes
One of the biggest challenges with homemade dog food is the inconsistency of nutrient content in raw ingredients. Ingredients such as meats, vegetables, and grains can vary widely in nutrient content depending on their growing conditions, seasonality, source, storage conditions, and processing methods.
The Best Food for Small Dogs
There may be some benefits to feeding your little dog a diet specifically formulated to target many of the issues small breeds face. When looking at labels for healthy dog foods for small dogs, consider these elements:
Signs of Heart Failure in Dogs
The first symptoms of congestive heart failure in dogs are subtle. Your dog may seem less active and not eating well. He may be coughing a bit. Don’t dismiss these signs as the dog is just getting old. These changes could indicate congestive heart failure, and the earlier it’s diagnosed the better the prognosis.
Famotidine for Dogs
Famotidine is a stomach-acid reducer that is sometimes used “off label” in dogs. “Off label” means the medication is not approved by the FDA for use in dogs, but veterinarians may prescribe it. Famotidine is available as an injectable that can be administered at a veterinary hospital and an oral form that is available over the counter (OTC).
Adopting a Dog from a Shelter
On average, it takes three to six months for a shelter dog to fully settle into their new home and to see their true personality. Some dogs may blossom quickly. Others may take longer to adjust. This is normal, and it can take longer if a dog has experienced a lot of turmoil and change throughout their life before adoption.
Acid Reflux in Dogs
Symptoms of GERD in dogs include regurgitation, decreased appetite, difficulty swallowing, and acting uncomfortable. Some dogs with GERD may have a chronic cough. You may also notice that your dog’s bark sounds different than it used to. One of the classic symptoms experienced by dogs with GERD is that they are more likely to regurgitate than vomit (see sidebar). However, conditions that cause chronic vomiting may lead to the development of GERD.
Hyperthyroidism in Dogs
With hyperthyroidism, the dog’s metabolism speeds up. You may notice your dog drinking more water (and increased urine), losing weight, constipation, and showing signs of increased activity. With the dog’s overall metabolism too high, many of the dog’s body systems are affected. Some dogs will vomit and have diarrhea along with an increased appetite.
Can Dogs Eat Cicadas?
Cicadas interest dogs because they smell appetizing, are a source of protein, move in ways that attract a dog’s prey drive, make intriguing noises, and have a crunchy texture. While cicadas aren't poisonous to dogs they can cause gastrointestinal upset and stomach obstructions if they are eaten in large numbers.
Why E-Collar Dog Training Is Not Recommended
E-collars are dog-training devices used to deliver several stimuli to the dog wearing the collar, including auditory, vibration, and electric shock. There are several...
Can My Dog Have Down Syndrome? (and Other Questions About Dog Genetics)
While dogs can’t have Down Syndrome, they can possess chromosomal abnormalities that lead to conditions similar to that disorder. These include developmental disabilities, difficulty with coordination, as well as distinct physical features such as a flattened face, shorter limbs, and smaller stature.
Can I Put Hydrocortisone On My Dog?
Hydrocortisone can be used topically in dogs, but its use should be limited. It should be used only on intact skin, not open wounds, or infected skin.
How to Teach a Dog to Lie Down
Are you having a difficult time teaching your dog to lie down? With some dogs, it’s more difficult than others, but it’s not impossible. The reason is likely that you are not properly communicating what you want. In some cases, however, timid dogs are less comfortable lying down. It’s up to you, as the trainer, to determine where your difficulties lie.
Canine Longevity Drugs
Dog longevity miracle drugs don’t really exist. That said, there are drugs under study and even under the FDA’s watch that might increase quality and quantity of life for some dogs in the near future