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Ways to Stop a Dog from Whining

Dogs whine for a variety of reasons. Understanding your dog's motivation for whining will lead you to the appropriate modification approach. Misinterpreting the whine, or simply chastising or otherwise punishing your dog for whining, can exacerbate the behavior and even give rise to other more serious behavioral issues. Consider these possible causes.

Why Dogs Bark and How to Stop Them

Barking is a natural, normal canine behavior. If you have a dog, you need to understand and accept that sometimes dogs bark! Dogs bark for a variety of reasons. How you work to manage and modify your dog's barking will depend, at least in part, on what motivates him to bark.Step one of any good dog barking modification program is minimizing your dog's need and opportunity to bark. Exercise, an important element of many good behavior modification programs, is useful here as well. A tired dog has less energy, hence less need to bark, and a well-exercised dog tends to be emotionally healthier as well.
Bull dog

How to Teach Your Dog to Trade

Training a dog to "drop it!" is extremely useful, but what about when you're dealing with a resource-guarding dog, or a dog who insists...

Got a Sneaky Dog Stealing Food?

Like many other expert food thieves, Chip is quite careful in his pilfering decisions. He will steal only when we are not in the room or when we are being inattentive. The parsimonious (simplest) explanation of this is a behavioristic one: Chip learned early in life that he was more likely to be successful at taking forbidden tidbits when a human was not in the room, and more likely to be unsuccessful if someone was present and attentive to him. In other words, like many dogs who excel at food thievery, Chip learned what works!

How To Prevent Your Dog from Begging For Food

I can't tell you how many times someone has said to me, I don't give my dog ‘people food' because I don't want him begging at the table while we're eating." If this sounds like you

How to Manage Multiple Barkers in the House

It's feeding time at the Miller household. All is calm until I pick up Scooter's bowl to carry it to the laundry room where the little Pomeranian can eat without harassment from the larger dogs. As I lift the bowl from the counter, Scooter erupts with high-pitched barking and spinning, and Lucy the Corgi joins in with her deeper-but-still-sufficiently irritating vocals. It's more of an annoying bit of ritual than a dangerous or disturbing one, but it's annoying just the same, and one that would be nice to extinguish.

Does Your Dog Bark at the TV?

Our Corgi, Lucy, barks at the television. Not only does she bark at dogs, she may also bark at horses, giraffes, cartoon hippopotami, and any other animal or ersatz animal, as well as menacing human figures. It's at least a little annoying, if not irritating. Given her herding-dog Type-A control-freak personality she may always be somewhat prone to respond to television stimuli, but we've made a lot of progress using several of these tactics.
dog wakes up too early

My Dog Wakes Up Too Early!

Those last few minutes of sleep before the alarm goes off are a treasured sanctuary where we hide in dreams before the reality of the world intrudes. Few dog owners appreciate their canine pals robbing them of those golden moments. But some dogs seem to have an uncanny knack for anticipating the alarm by 15 or 20 minutes, and manage to routinely do just that. Of course, puppy owners expect to be awakened by their baby dogs – or they should. It's unreasonable to think a young puppy can make it through the night without a potty break.

Unwanted Barking at The Front Door

you teach your dog to perform a specific behavior – such as go to his bed – using the doorbell as the cue. For this

Training Your Dog Not to Jump Up

There’s a common misconception that dogs jump on people to establish dominance. Balderdash! Dogs jump on people because there’s something about jumping that is reinforcing for the dog - usually the human attention that results from the jumping. If you want your dog to stop jumping on people, you have to be sure he doesn’t get reinforced for it. Here are five things to do when your dog jumps on people. Of course you need to practice polite greetings in the absence of the exciting stimulus of guests and strangers by reinforcing your dog’s appropriate greeting with you and other family members. Be sure to take advantage of the presence of guests and strangers to reinforce your dog’s polite greeting behaviors while you’re managing with leashes and tethers.

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What If You Get the Wrong Dog?

It’s a sad fact (but a fact nevertheless) that sometimes people adopt a dog or buy a puppy that turns out to quite unsuited for life with those people.