Are more “pandemic dogs” being returned to shelters? is a Lithuanian website that publishes articles about “lightweight and inoffensive topics,” including frequent posts about animals. A week ago, the site shared...
What constitutes a suitable home for a dog?
In last week’s post, I shared the information that I was on the hunt for a dog – searching on behalf of a couple I...
Finding the Perfect Dog For Friends and Family
For the past few years, my son’s former sports teammates and co-workers have been a great source of adoptive homes for dogs in my...
Winter Walks With Dogs
My very favorite part of social media is seeing photos and videos of dogs having a good time outdoors. Lately, I’ve been seeing a...
Lost Dogs – How You Can Help
Over the past few weeks, I found myself following posts detailing the stories of two lost dogs – and the extraordinary lengths that people...
Prisma – A Fun App for Dog Owners
Like most dog owners, I absolutely love taking pictures of my dogs and my dogs’ friends (my friends’ dogs, lol). Most of us are...
Foster Dog Coco Has Found Her Forever Home
I’ve written three previous posts (links are here, here, and here) about my most recent foster dog, Coco – a young mixed-breed with spinal...
Oh No, Not a Hot Spot!
The other day, I was working away on my computer, both dogs snoozing in my office while my Spotify playlist blared from the computer...
Senior Dog Otto Gets a Pass
Some years ago, I read a short piece by one of our long-time contributors, Barbara Dobbins, talking about dogs she knew, including one of...
Please, Get Professional Help
I am not a regular reader of or contributor to But somehow I started receiving “digest” emails concerning dogs – it’s possible I...
A Diagnosis for Foster Puppy Coco’s Strange Gait
Since I last wrote about Coco, the little dog with the strange gait (her front feet move normally, but she can only bunny hop...
Read Your Dog’s Medicine Label Carefully
The last time my senior dog, Otto, had a wellness examination, our veterinarian recommended that I start giving him a medication that treats arthritis...