Camp Fire: Dispatch from a Disaster Area
By midday November 8, the adopt the puppies" project was forgotten; all local media and social media was about evacuation
Some Dog Food Recalls Are More Critical Than Others; This One Is Critical
On November 2, the FDA announced a voluntary recall by Nutrisca pet food. Three sizes of a single variety of Nutrisca dry dog food, Chicken and Chickpea, was found to contain dangerously high levels of vitamin D. The FDA also announced a voluntary recall by Natural Life Pet Products, whose Chicken and Potato dry dog food in 17.5-lb. bags was also found to have dangerously high levels of vitamin D.
A Glut of Puppies at My Local Shelter
The shelter broke up this litter of 10 into two groups, and altered the four largest, healthiest puppies first; this happened two weeks ago. Those four puppies went up for adoption while I was out of town for six days, and every day while I was gone, I checked the shelter website to see who got adopted. Not ONE got adopted!
Coming Home to My Dogs
Like most dog owners, my dogs top the list of things I have to deal with when I come home from a trip. I was away from home for five nights and six days, having traveled to Memphis for the Association of Professional Dog Trainers' annual conference (which was awesome), and then one extra night in San Diego, to watch my son compete in the national championship for his sport.
Pat Miller Honored with APDT’s Lifetime Achievement Award
I felt strongly compelled to make the journey to Memphis to see Pat honored in this way, because she's been extremely important to WDJ from day one and remains so today. You can read more about her professional accomplishments in this press release from the APDT, but if you don't mind, I'd like to tell you about why I appreciate Pat Miller.
National Association of Professional Petsitters
The professional" dog walkers have all but taken over all of the dog parks in the area
Any Bright Ideas for Encouraging Spay/Neuter?
I live in a low-income rural town in a low-income rural county in far northern California. It's only about three hours from the affluent communities in the San Francisco Bay area, but it may as well be an entirely different country, for all the differences in how dogs are commonly kept and treated here.
Hold Off on Those Oral Flea-Killing Medications
On September 20, the FDA issued a communication for pet owners and veterinarians, warning about the potential for neurologic adverse events following the administration of certain flea and tick products to dogs and cats. The products named in the release are oral products, available by veterinary prescription only, that contain isoxazoline-based ingredients. These include Bravecto, Credelio, Nexgard, and Simparica.
Fostering Puppies Who Are Just Too Young
Yes, puppies again. My local shelter called yesterday to ask if I could foster a litter of 10 pit/German Shepherd/who-knows-what-mix puppies. Well, sure, of course; I will always say yes if I am not on my way out of town or something. But this group is seriously challenging. Why? They are too young to be separated from their mom.
Zero Tolerance for Choke Chains?
I did notice that the dog had been wearing a choke chain when I took the picture. I take pains to avoid using pictures of dogs who are wearing choke chains, pinch collars, or shock collars in Whole Dog Journal. I firmly believe that dogs can be trained without these tools, and I want to show our readers well-behaved, well-trained dogs wearing flat collars in the magazine. I want our models to, for the lack of a better word, model" the kind of training that we promote."
What is the Best Source of Puppies?
Responsible breeders are more concerned about placing their puppies in the right home, where they will thrive and be a blessing to their new families, than they are with making money. If it's not a little bit difficult to find someone to sell you a puppy to prove you are up to their standards then you probably don't want that puppy. Puppies bred specifically for sale, like produce, with the goal of bringing income to a family you don't want that puppy!
Puppies Don’t Belong on Craigslist or Facebook
Overrepresented in particular on Craigslist are puppies for sale from pitbull-type dogs of every description. The ads try to make them sound exotic and special so-called red-noses and blue-noses and dogs of bizarre dimensions, large and small. The fact is, far more of these bully breeds" are being bred than anyone can find homes for