Symptoms of Heat Stress
A dog exhibiting any of these symptoms needs immediate veterinary care as brain damage, kidney failure, seizures, and death can occur:
Short-Nosed Dogs
The brachycephalic breeds such as Pugs, Boston Terriers, Boxers, Bulldogs are particularly at risk of heat stress, says Eileen Fatcheric, DVM, of Syracuse, New York. The only way dogs have to thermoregulate their bodies is panting
How to Keep Your Dog Cool in Hot Weather
Dogs find summer's high temperatures challenging. That's largely because they don't sweat. Sure, you've read that dogs have sweat glands in their paws, but veterinarians agree that's not much help. A dog's primary means of cooling himself is through panting and our goal is to make this process more efficient.
Letters and Corrections: June 2015
In the May issue, we published an article, Outfoxing Foxtails
Why Are The Effects Of Snake Venom So Varied?
Snake venom consists of proteins, enzymes, substances with a cytotoxic (poisonous to living cells) effect, neurotoxins (which damage nerve cells), and anti-coagulants. Four distinct types of venom act on the body differently.
A Snake-Bite Survival Story
On October 25, 2013, three days before his dog's fifth birthday, Dan Owen of Helena, Montana, went pheasant hunting with his friend Doug Denler in Shonkin, Montana, 40 miles east of Great Falls. Owen's Golden Retriever, Dusty, and Denler's Brittany Spaniel, Radar, were experienced hunters.It's really desolate looking country
Are You Sure It Was A Rattlesnake?
Snakes and dogs are a bad combination in any circumstances, but it's helpful to know what venomous snakes look like, both where you live and where you might be traveling.
Appreciating Rattlesnakes
Rattlesnakes fill most of us with fear and anxiety. For many, the only good snake is a dead snake.
How to Prevent or Treat Bites from Poisonous Snakes
Thousands of dogs are bitten in the U.S. each year by venomous snakes. Ninety-nine percent of the snakes that bite them are pit vipers, whose Crotalidae family includes Copperheads, Cottonmouths (Water Moccasins), and more than a dozen species of rattlesnake. The remaining one percent are Coral snakes, native to the American Southeast and Mexican border.
How to Protect Your Dog From Foxtails
trailing awns that are covered with microscopic "scales" that permit movement in one direction only. This makes them dig ever deeper into flesh
Snake Avoidance Training for Dogs
Positive training methods focus on rewarding activities, and they're fun for dogs and handlers. But mention rattlesnakes and many dog owners worry that positive reinforcement isn't enough. In order to remain safe around rattlesnakes, some say, your dog may need aversion training with an electronic (shock) collar.
Patrol Your Property For Wasps
The insects we encountered on our walk were likely yellowjacket wasps, as they are the most likely to build ground nests. It would explain why we didn't find any stingers on our dogs. Yellowjackets, bumblebees, paper wasps, and hornets can all sting multiple times without hurting themselves. A honey-bee stinger, however, remains in the victim's skin, tearing out of the bee's body when it flies away, and causing its death a short time later.