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Swollen runny eyes are one way to identify a dog allergic reaction.

How To Identify a Dog Allergic Reaction

Dogs can experience allergic reactions just like humans do. Often these are low-grade, chronic problems such as a food or pollen allergy, but dogs can have severe or anaphylactic reactions too.
Getting a sick dog to drink water can be a challenge but there are several ways to encourage drinking.

How to Get a Sick Dog to Drink Water

If your dog is sick, feeling a little off, or has an acute or chronic illness that makes him avoid water, he still needs to drink enough to stay hydrated. We have ways to entice a dog to drink starting with cool clean water, and adding flavorings.
A dog's whisker serve an important sensory function and should not be cut.

Why Do Dogs Have Whiskers and Should You Cut Them?

When you think of whiskers, you probably picture cats, but dogs also possess a set of whiskers on their muzzle, cheeks, and above their eyes that serve important specific purposes.
Dog sedation for grooming is an option for dogs that find it stressful or taumatic.

Dog Sedation For Grooming

In some cases, a dog may need to be sedated for grooming. For example, if you have a new rescue dog who is badly matted, sedation may be the kindest way to get him shaved and nails trimmed.
Mastitis in dogs is a an inflammation of the mammary glands that needs veterinary attention.

Mastitis in Dogs

Prevention of mastitis involves keeping the nursing environment as clean as possible. It’s wise to try to prevent trauma to the mammary glands by eliminating sharp objects in the whelping box and trimming the puppies’ toenails. Make sure the puppies are nursing from all the teats to keep the glands drained (in small litters, rotate through each of the teats).
Senior dogs may need soft food not only for ease of chewing, but for ease of digestion.

Soft Food for Senior Dogs

As dogs age, their nutritional needs and dietary preferences may change. Dog food recommended for senior dogs is usually soft, wet, or canned. The wide variety of soft foods on the market makes it easy to find one to fit your senior’s specific needs, as you will see here.
Dandruff in dogs can respond to natural treatments like improved nutrition and grooming.

How to Treat Dandruff in Dogs Naturally

Dandruff in dogs isn’t a life-threatening disease, but dry skin flakes are messy, itchy, and unattractive. Worse, they can trigger allergic reactions in humans and signal health problems in your pup. What causes dog dandruff, how can you prevent it, and what can you do to improve your dog’s coat?
Why is your dog shedding so much? It might be the season, or it might be age.

Why Is My Dog Shedding So Much?

Shedding removes old, damaged, or excess hair in a natural cycle that regulates body temperature and maintains skin and coat condition. The rate and timing of your dog’s hair loss depend on age, breed, and overall health.
Unhealthy dog paws can cause excessive licking as well as a variety of other problems.

Dog Paw and Claw Problems

Proper care of your dog’s nails and following treatment instructions for any injuries can help keep your dog on the run and allow problems to heal faster.
When your dog is drooling a lot it can be for behavioral, structural, or medical reasons.

When Dog Drool is More Than Just Gross

Dogs drool. Some just drool a little once in a while, while others drool a lot. Some dogs are also just plain built to drool. Drooling can happen for structural, behavioral, and medical reasons.
You can use human shampoo on a dog. Dish soap is also an option.

Can You Use Human Shampoo on Dogs?

For a normal dog who doesn’t have atopic dermatitis or any other skin irritation, you can use human hair shampoo to bathe your dog.

How to Groom a Dog

While it can seem daunting at first, learning the basics of how to groom a dog is well within reach for many dog owners.

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No, You Can’t

Of all the “third rail” topics concerning dogs, here’s one I never could have guessed would make some people incensed: A passerby putting a bag of dog poop in their garbage can. Ack! Apparently, this makes some homeowners angry enough that they put signs on or next to their garbage cans, set up security cameras in order to identify and eventually confront the offenders, or threatening penalties for the alleged “theft of services” (using someone else’s garbage service).