Easing Winter Aches
genetic predisposition
Successfully Adding a New Dog to Your Pack
The decision to add a new dog to the pack shouldn’t be taken lightly. Don’t expect to be able to use the same methods on every dog you own. Every new pup requires individualized training and management. Bringing a new dog into the family can be fraught with unexpected developments, no matter how experienced a dog owner is, how well her home is prepared, and how good-natured the dogs are that she already owns. However, with preparation, flexibility, and dedication to principles of positive training and behavior management, most dog owners can get through the adjustment period with peace in the pack.
Therapeutic Essential Oils for Your Dog
Last month's aromatherapy article introduced therapeutic shampoos, spritzes, and massage oils. If you and your dog tried any of the wonderful products recommended there, you may be ready to buy some essential oils and try your own custom blending for maximum effects.
Aromatherapy For Dogs
Aromatherapy. Ten years ago, few people in the U.S. knew what it was, much less its canine applications. Today, hundreds of pet products contain essential oils or have aromatherapy" on their labels. However
Letters: 11/04
A friend copied the article, “Monkey See, Monkey Do?” from the July issue for me, knowing I would want to subscribe, which I did.
Are Canine Calming Formulas All Safe?
Based on the number and variety of herbal “calming formulas” I see in pet stores, there must be a lot of stressed-out pooches out there. Or maybe it’s just that the pet product industry is tapping into the frustrations of consumers who cannot tolerate their high-energy dogs. Regardless, there are more herbal calming formulas for dogs lining pet store shelves than ever before.
Structure of the Canine Ear
he adds, it makes no sense from a health or holistic living perspective."üOne flap down? It takes some pups a little longer to develop the upright ears typical of their breed.üPrevent ear-piercing drama: Warm the ear cleanser or treatment before putting it in your dog's ear."
Conventional and Holistic Veterinarians Working Together
Every day the already dazzling array of options for caring for your dog grows even more. There are myriad modalities in the realm of holistic care, including complementary and alternative options, as well as conventional veterinary medicine, with its low- and high-tech diagnostic and treatment procedures. Which way do you go when your dog has a health concern?
Help Prevent Tragedies With the Pet Fund
We hear about a lot of amazing people who are doing great deeds for and with dogs – people involved with rescuing and fostering dogs, search and rescue, training service or therapy dogs, etc. We also know that dog lovers are asked, frequently, to donate money to these and many other animal-oriented good causes. But because our primary mission is to provide our readers with information they can use to benefit their own dogs, we don’t often highlight these admirable canine-oriented social services in the pages of Whole Dog Journal.
Microchipping Your Dog – A Good Idea
A lost dog’s chances of finding his way back to his concerned owner are vastly improved if he’s wearing a collar and identification. People may try harder to catch a stray dog who is wearing a collar and tags; they may feel he’s less likely to be abandoned and more likely to be lost. A collar gives a samaritan something to reach for. And, obviously, the identification makes it ridiculously easy for the owner to be immediately notified and summoned to reclaim his errant friend.
Skunk Odor Removal Products
We had not planned to review products that promise to remove skunk scent, but then, are skunk/dog conflicts ever planned? No, this was an emergency, and we dealt with it by running out the door to our local pet supply store and buying every odor-eliminating product on the shelves.
Your Dog’s Skin Problems, Ear Care and Help for Aggressive Dogs
People are eager to feed the best" to their animals