Electronic-Collars – Opinions Often Vary
Because we feel deeply that dog training should be pleasurable and effective, and because we have personally witnessed innumerable successful demonstrations of completely pain- and fear-free training, we have taken the position that training tools and methods that inflict pain are inferior (a strong word, we know) to those that do not.
An Interview with Donna Duford on Kids and Dogs
not to mention financial liability.
WDJ: Clearly
Holistic Treatments for Canine Skin Rashes
Juniper suffered a brush with bloat
Performance-Enhancing Herbs For Competitive Dogs
In every obedience match, tracking test, field trial, agility event, show ring, athletic competition and puppy kindergarten class, owners and handlers are eager to find whatever strategies, products, and equipment will give their dogs an advantage. One healthy shortcut to the winner’s circle comes from Mother Nature, for with the help of medicinal herbs, dogs can concentrate despite distractions, relax under stress, keep their joints limber, improve their coats, increase their stamina and possibly even improve their sense of smell.