Why Are My Dog’s Nails Splitting?
Split or broken nails are very painful for dogs and can get infected – and some dogs are highly prone to these problems. Here’s how to prevent your dog’s nails from splitting or breaking.
Dry Shampoo for Dogs
You can use dry shampoo on your dog when a regular bath is not in the cards, but why would you?
Is Your Dog’s Poop a Weird Color?
Follow our simple dog poop color chart to learn why your dog's poop is not brown.
How Long Should a Dog’s Nails Be?
The correct dog nail length is when the nails don’t touch the ground when your dog is standing still.
Pica in Dogs
If you’re battling pica in your dog, you can’t ignore it. Treatments depend upon the signs you’re seeing and suspected causes.
Fluoxetine for Dogs
While FDA-approved for separation anxiety, fluoxetine is also a medication for aggressive dogs.
Interdigital Cysts
Interdigital cysts can make your dog’s paws painful and irritated. Here are the causes of interdigital cysts and appropriate treatments for them.
Causes of Seizures in Dogs
There are many potential causes of seizures in dogs – and the cause needs to be identified in each patient in order to treat them successfully.
Heating Pad for Dog Arthritis
Heat therapy for dogs can reduce pain, ease stiffness, and relax muscles.
Intestinal Blockages in Dogs
Intestinal blockages in dogs are a surgical emergency – but the dog’s prognosis is good if veterinary attention, diagnosis, and surgery are promptly provided.
Running With Your Dog
Running or jogging has benefits for you and your dog, but keeping your dog safe while exercising is paramount. Here’s how to get a safe start to running together.
Eye Drops for Dogs
The only safe over-the-counter eye drops for dogs are saline eye drops and artificial tears.