Causes of Seizures in Dogs
There are many potential causes of seizures in dogs – and the cause needs to be identified in each patient in order to treat them successfully.
Heating Pad for Dog Arthritis
Heat therapy for dogs can reduce pain, ease stiffness, and relax muscles.
Intestinal Blockages in Dogs
Intestinal blockages in dogs are a surgical emergency – but the dog’s prognosis is good if veterinary attention, diagnosis, and surgery are promptly provided.
Running With Your Dog
Running or jogging has benefits for you and your dog, but keeping your dog safe while exercising is paramount. Here’s how to get a safe start to running together.
Eye Drops for Dogs
The only safe over-the-counter eye drops for dogs are saline eye drops and artificial tears.
Vitamin E For Dogs: What You Should Know
Vitamin E is good and safe for dogs, but that doesn’t mean every dog needs it. Dogs on fish oil, however, may benefit from a vitamin E supplement.
What Does Fish Oil Do for Dogs?
Fish oil benefits for dogs with arthritis are well researched, but this natural supplement can also help with your dog’s itchy skin, cognition, and more.
How to Prevent Kennel Cough
Vaccinating your dog for the most common causes of kennel cough is the most important preventative strategy, but there are management steps that will help protect your dog, too.
Can You Cut Dog Whiskers?
Yes, you can cut dog whiskers, and they do grow back. However, your dog’s whiskers give him sensory information about the world around him.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Dogs
Your dog cannot smell carbon monoxide; it is an odorless gas.
Is Salmon Oil Good for Dogs?
The benefits of salmon oil for dogs include improved cognitive function, joint mobility, and immune function, including minor skin allergies.
Hip Dysplasia in Dogs
This deformity of the dog’s hip joint, whether caused by inherited conformation or by excessive exercise or overnutrition as a pup, can be successfully treated and managed.