
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts


Sheepdog sniffing butter on kitchen table

Can Dogs Have Butter?

Although butter is not toxic to dogs, it can make them sick if they ingest large amounts.
portrait of a cute purebred puppy chihuahua eating fruit

What Foods Are Toxic To Dogs?

There are many foods that are toxic to dogs. Watch what your dog eats, and if you’re not sure and see signs of poisoning, get to a veterinarian immediately or call a poison control center.
Adorable, pretty puppy and handsome man preparing a healthy breakfast. Closeup, indoors. Day light, studio photo. Concept of care pet and healthy, delicious food

Can Dogs Drink Oat Milk?

Oat milk can be good for dogs. It’s a lactose-free dairy alternative for humans that dogs also can enjoy, but in moderation.
A black and white Border Collie sprints after a ball in the grass.

Best Dog Food for Weight Gain

If your dog is too thin, adding calories is the obvious solution. Calories can come from different ingredients, but their sources can be broken down into three main categories: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
Male Feeding Stray Dog While Eating Chips On Outdoor Gym

What Seasonings Can Dogs Have?

Most spices and seasonings will not harm your dog, provided he doesn’t eat too much of them. Eating a handful of salt could lead to sodium poisoning, but eating a couple potato chips isn’t likely to cause a problem.

What Are Dog Lick Mats?

The benefits of a lick mat for a dog include slowing his eating and controlling anxiety and boredom.

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When a Cup is Not a Cup

I’m infamous among my friends and colleagues for asking people if they are aware that their dogs are overweight. It’s because I have seen firsthand how fat dogs suffer in their senior years when they are too heavy to exercise without pain! And their burden of carrying extra pounds makes the ordinary aches and pains of arthritis even worse. AND YET, I have to give myself a stern talking-to from time to time about helping my older dog stay trim.