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Large breed puppies need large breed puppy food to support their greater growth.

Finding The Best Large-Breed Puppy Food

Choosing a food for a new puppy is always a bit worrisome, but for those who adopt large or giant breed pups, selecting the...
Dogs can eat cat food without adverse health risks.

Can Dogs Eat Cat Food?

If your dog snatches a little cat food occasionally, his biggest risk is getting a swat on the nose from your irritated cat.
Dogs can eat the majority of fruit that humans eat in moderation.

What Fruit Can Dogs Eat?

With the notable exception of grapes and raisins many common fruits are safe for dogs to eat and make a great treat or dietary add in.
Pineapple is good for dogs to eat in small amounts as an occasional treat.

Is Pineapple Good for Dogs?

You can feed your dog pineapple. To feed pineapple to your dog, cut it just like you do to eat yourself.
Dogs can eat vegetables and many may prefer them to other treats.

Can Dogs Eat Vegetables?

Can dogs eat vegetables? Yes, dogs can eat vegetables. Dogs can eat celery, and carrots are especially good for dogs. Dogs can eat broccoli,...
Can dogs eat berries? Not only can dogs eat berries but many berries are a healthy treat they love.

Can Dogs Eat Berries?

Many berries are a delicious and nutritious addition to our dogs’ regular food and as a treat the enjoy whether fresh or frozen,
Coconut water is good for dogs in the right circumstances and small amounts.

Is Coconut Water Good for Dogs?

Coconut water can help dogs recover from vigorous exercise, especially in hot weather, and it is said to aid digestion. As with any new food, start slowly and monitor your dog’s response. 
Low protein dog food is one of many prescription foods for pets pictured here in a display.

Low Protein Dog Food

Many dogs are prescribed low-protein diets to alleviate kidney workload, help with gastrointestinal issues or kidney disease. However, protein is vital to a dog's health and there is dog food that is low in protein, and dog food with really low protein.
Cute older dappled Dachshund With Paralyses Legs Eating Pet Food At The Kitchen And Looking At Camera.

Kidney Diet for Dogs

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) allows waste products and toxins to build up in the body as kidney function decreases. Diet can help mitigate symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.
Sheepdog sniffing butter on kitchen table

Can Dogs Have Butter?

Although butter is not toxic to dogs, it can make them sick if they ingest large amounts.
portrait of a cute purebred puppy chihuahua eating fruit

What Foods Are Toxic To Dogs?

There are many foods that are toxic to dogs. Watch what your dog eats, and if you’re not sure and see signs of poisoning, get to a veterinarian immediately or call a poison control center.
Adorable, pretty puppy and handsome man preparing a healthy breakfast. Closeup, indoors. Day light, studio photo. Concept of care pet and healthy, delicious food

Can Dogs Drink Oat Milk?

Oat milk can be good for dogs. It’s a lactose-free dairy alternative for humans that dogs also can enjoy, but in moderation.

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No, You Can’t

Of all the “third rail” topics concerning dogs, here’s one I never could have guessed would make some people incensed: A passerby putting a bag of dog poop in their garbage can. Ack! Apparently, this makes some homeowners angry enough that they put signs on or next to their garbage cans, set up security cameras in order to identify and eventually confront the offenders, or threatening penalties for the alleged “theft of services” (using someone else’s garbage service).