
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

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Dogs can get throat infections like strep throat, but not from a human.

Can Dogs Get Strep Throat from a Human?

Human strep throat is usually caused by Group A Streptococcus, while dogs are more susceptible to Group G Streptococcus.
A man offers a Boston terrier a tasty treat while the dog avoids looking at the food.

Dog Sniffing Food But Not Eating

If your dog normally has a good appetite, but suddenly stops eating his food, you should be concerned. However, if your dog is always a picky, slow eater, and he goes on strike for a meal or two, there is usually nothing urgent to be worried about.
White Labrador Retriever Dog Sitting In Green Grass and Chewing Wooden Stick On Grass

Why Does My Dog Chew on Wood?

Wood chewing is fraught with potential veterinary emergencies, from splinters in the mouth to pieces lodged in the gastrointestinal tract and more. So even though it's natures favorite chew toy it shouldn't be your dogs.

Bad Breath in Dogs

Bad breath, whether sudden or chronic, can be a sign of illness in dogs.
Veterinarian during examining and cleaning dog teeth. Old labrador retriever in animal hospital.

Dog Teeth Cleaning

Cleaning a dog’s teeth is far more complicated than the same procedure is for humans. There is much more involved in the process, from when you drop off your dog at the veterinary hospital to the time you pick him up at the end of the day.
Pet care. Owner brushing teeth of cute mixed breed dog at home

At-home Dental Care for Dogs

Most dog owners are disappointed to hear that brushing their dogs’ teeth is a necessary part of maintaining the health of their dogs. Regular oral examinations and professional cleaning by a veterinarian is also needed.
A Border Collie gets its teeth examined at the veterinarian. The dog's teeth are not in good condition.

Anesthesia-Free Teeth Cleaning for Dogs

Many people are anxious about having their dogs undergo general anesthesia. But the reality is that cleaning the teeth without the benefit of general anesthesia will do more harm than good.
A cheerful dog displaying its tongue with pigmented black spots.

Black Spot on Your Dog’s Tongue?

A black spot on a dog's tongue is usually nothing but pigmentation and is completely normal. It's only a cause for concern when these spots have an uneven texture, or are associated with foul odors and sores that you need to be concerned.
A cute dog chewing on a hard deer antler that can damage its teeth.

Are Antlers Safe for Dogs?

The biggest risk for dogs from chewing on antlers is broken teeth. Antlers can also splinter and damage a dogs digestive track, or block it.
pale gums in dogs

Does Your Dog Have Pale Gums?

Pale gums in dogs can be a symptom of anemia or blood loss, but there are other causes as well.
pale dog gums

Healthy Dog Gums vs Unhealthy Dog Gums: The Colors to Watch Out For

Did you know that the color and condition of your dog’s gums can give you important clues about her health? Paying attention to these...

Canned Food Is Not Bad for Dogs’ Teeth

If you ever want to see us develop a twitch when asked a question, ask us something about the teeth-cleaning ability of kibble. First, you...

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No, You Can’t

Of all the “third rail” topics concerning dogs, here’s one I never could have guessed would make some people incensed: A passerby putting a bag of dog poop in their garbage can. Ack! Apparently, this makes some homeowners angry enough that they put signs on or next to their garbage cans, set up security cameras in order to identify and eventually confront the offenders, or threatening penalties for the alleged “theft of services” (using someone else’s garbage service).