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Other Diseases

Seborrhea in dogs is a disorder of the skin that is a symptom of several diseases.

Seborrhea in Dogs

Got flaky skin? Maybe with a little odor and grease? Your dog may have seborrhea. Seborrhea is not a disease, but a description of an abnormal process occurring with your dog’s skin and sebaceous glands.
Renal failure in dogs can be caused by multiple conditions and requires immediate intervention.

Acute Renal Failure in Dogs: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

There are several other diseases that share symptoms with acute kidney injury. Your dog should be evaluated by your veterinarian immediately if he is showing the symptoms of acute renal failure.
Can dogs have cold sores? Dogs can have CUPs a condition that is similar to cold sores.

Can Dogs Get Cold Sores?

Dogs can get a bump that looks like a person’s cold sore—that small crater-like ulcer on the inside of your lip. But, cold sores in humans are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1, which cannot be transferred to or from your dog.
Dogs can get food poisoning from consuming an animal they find dead, or by eating unsafe or harmful foods.

Can Dogs Get Food Poisoning?

It may seem like dogs are immune to food poisoning, as they often eat things that would land us in the hospital. They are susceptible to many of the same pathogens that impact humans. In a healthy adult dog, a larger pathogen load is required to induce illness.
Mastitis in dogs is a an inflammation of the mammary glands that needs veterinary attention.

Mastitis in Dogs

Prevention of mastitis involves keeping the nursing environment as clean as possible. It’s wise to try to prevent trauma to the mammary glands by eliminating sharp objects in the whelping box and trimming the puppies’ toenails. Make sure the puppies are nursing from all the teats to keep the glands drained (in small litters, rotate through each of the teats).
Hypoglycemia in dogs causes lethargy and weakness.

Hypoglycemia in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes and How to Manage it

Diagnosing your dog’s hypoglycemia and its root cause will be imperative for proper treatment and management, as well as having a complete understanding of their prognosis. A glucometer is an easy and quick way to evaluate your pup’s blood glucose levels and diagnose hypoglycemia.
Dog pneumonia is first diagnosed by listening to a dog's lungs and then confirmed by x-ray.

Does My Dog Have Pneumonia?

Canine pneumonia is a respiratory infection that has moved into the dog’s lower respiratory tract, the bronchioles and lungs themselves. The location of the infection alone makes it harder for your dog to get relief by coughing.
Eating wild prey is one of the ways that dogs get worms and other parasites.

Identifying Worms in Dog Poop

Internal parasites or worms are of great concern to both canines and their people. In some cases, the parasites are zoonotic (meaning humans can get them, too).
Providing your dog with shade can help avoid heat exhaustion.

Heat Exhaustion in Dogs

The first signs of heat exhaustion in dogs are easy to miss. If your dog is panting heavily, he needs to cool down. Your dog’s tongue can be key to detecting increasing heat stress.
Regular veterinary exams are important for identifying HGE in dogs early.

Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis (HGE) in Dogs

Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis (HGE) in dogs is caused by the Clostridium perfringens bacteria, a normal part of a dog's gut flora. When it reproduces out of control it can cause a potentially lethal condition.
Early detection is important in treating kidney disease in dogs.

Kidney Disease in Dogs

As with so many health problems in our dogs, the prognosis is better if kidney failure is detected early. While kidney disease can’t be reversed, the progress of the disease can be slowed, giving your dog extra lifetime with good quality.
Dog ear infections can occur follow water in the ear.

Dog Ear Infection Symptoms

While inner-ear infections occur more in dogs with drop ears, like Cocker Spaniels, any dog can experience an ear infection. Infections can be in one or in both ears. A proper diagnosis of ear discomfort will usually require ear cytology.

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When a Cup is Not a Cup

I’m infamous among my friends and colleagues for asking people if they are aware that their dogs are overweight. It’s because I have seen firsthand how fat dogs suffer in their senior years when they are too heavy to exercise without pain! And their burden of carrying extra pounds makes the ordinary aches and pains of arthritis even worse. AND YET, I have to give myself a stern talking-to from time to time about helping my older dog stay trim.