
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

Home Health Common Medications

Common Medications

Man's hand giving cute small black and white dog medicine, pills for arthritis. The owner feeds the dog from his hand.

How to Give a Dog a Pill

Many medications can be compounded into flavored chews or liquid suspensions, but others cannot. For these wrapping the pills in a treat or a pet piller that keeps your hands free of your dog's mouth provide an alternative.
A man offers a Boston terrier a tasty treat while the dog avoids looking at the food.

Dog Sniffing Food But Not Eating

If your dog normally has a good appetite, but suddenly stops eating his food, you should be concerned. However, if your dog is always a picky, slow eater, and he goes on strike for a meal or two, there is usually nothing urgent to be worried about.
Welsh Corgi Pembroke dog feeds six newborn puppies, lies on white couch. Happy family. Pets. Childhood. Maintenance and feeding of pets. Dog breeding. Positive emotions. Raising puppies.

Progesterone Test for Dogs and the Female Dog Heat Cycle

Most progesterone tests for dogs are done through the veterinary office, using radioimmunoassay (gold standard) or chemiluminescence immunoassay, but progesterone home test kits are available if needed.
A group of pill bottles containing common antibiotics for dogs.

A Guide to the Top Antibiotics for Dogs

Antibiotics are the best weapon in our medical arsenal for fighting bacterial infections in dogs. Prescribed and given appropriately, antibiotics give our dogs the best chance at recovery from an infection.

Joint Supplements for Dogs

If your dog has been diagnosed with a joint disease such as arthritis, then youre probably no stranger to the world of joint supplements for dogs. Just visit your local pet store, and you will see that options abound. The choices can be confusing. There are chews, powders, and even diets that claim to improve canine joint disease. But which of these supplements are legitimate, and how can you tell?

Reporting Dogs’ Adverse Reactions is Your Duty

It seems that is rare for a week to go by that we dont hear about - or even experience - yet another pet illness or reaction to animal food, drugs, vaccines, or pesticides. At times, Whole Dog Journals articles and blog posts will include the advice to report any adverse events. And its excellent advice - so heres when, how, and why you should report these events.

Steroids for Dogs: Pros & Cons

Steroids are perhaps one of the most ubiquitous medications in the veterinary world. They can be used for a host of problems ranging from inflammation and allergies to autoimmune disease. While they are incredibly useful and diverse medications, steroids are not without significant side effects. It is important to know why they are used and how they can best be used. It is also critical to realize the possible negative effects and interactions that can occur. Steroids are not benign.

Prescription Oral Flea Control Medication for Dogs

For several reasons, veterinarians tend to put the most stock in prescription oral or topical flea medications than any other preventatives. In fact, these are the two most effective solutions for killing fleas – but they aren't without potential side effects and they should represent only a part of a dog owner's efforts to control fleas.
dachshund dog

Prescription Drugs for Dog Arthritis Pain Relief

Hundreds of drugs developed for human pain are used by veterinarians to treat chronic pain in dogs, but only nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (abbreviated as NSAIDs and pronounced EN-seds") and two non-NSAID prescription drugs (Galliprant and Adequan) have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for canine use. For many veterinarians

Medical Marijuana for Dogs?

Would a dog benefit from using medical marijuana? Legally, they're not allowed to, but many believe it could relieve pain the same way it does for humans.

Dog Behavior Medication Types

Knowing the properties of both daily and as-needed medications for your dog gives you an advantage when tackling canine behavioral problems.

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What If You Get the Wrong Dog?

It’s a sad fact (but a fact nevertheless) that sometimes people adopt a dog or buy a puppy that turns out to quite unsuited for life with those people.