Can Dogs Get Strep Throat from a Human?
Human strep throat is usually caused by Group A Streptococcus, while dogs are more susceptible to Group G Streptococcus.
Kidney Diet for Dogs
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) allows waste products and toxins to build up in the body as kidney function decreases. Diet can help mitigate symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.
Pyometra in Dogs
Pyometra in dogs is a life threatening infection of a dog's uterus, most often in un-spayed dogs. It can rarely occur in spayed dogs too.
Can Dogs Have Butter?
Although butter is not toxic to dogs, it can make them sick if they ingest large amounts.
What Foods Are Toxic To Dogs?
There are many foods that are toxic to dogs. Watch what your dog eats, and if you’re not sure and see signs of poisoning, get to a veterinarian immediately or call a poison control center.
How to Give a Dog a Pill
Many medications can be compounded into flavored chews or liquid suspensions, but others cannot. For these wrapping the pills in a treat or a pet piller that keeps your hands free of your dog's mouth provide an alternative.
Dog Papillomas: Viral Warts
Viral dog papillomas are contagious from dog to dog. With the dawn of dog parks and doggy day care veterinarians are seeing more cases of viral dog papillomas, especially oral papillomas in dogs.
Dog Treadmill Choices
Working out on a dog treadmill can be a great excercise option during inclement weather, or the winter months when long walks aren't an option.
How Does a Dog Get Pneumonia?
Pneumonia is inflammation of the lungs, usually caused by infection, resulting in the accumulation of fluid in the air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs.
Lenticular Sclerosis in Dogs
Lenticular sclerosis in dogs is a normal aging change in the dog’s lenses that results in that bluish haze. It is not painful, and it will never make your dog blind.
Dog Sniffing Food But Not Eating
If your dog normally has a good appetite, but suddenly stops eating his food, you should be concerned. However, if your dog is always a picky, slow eater, and he goes on strike for a meal or two, there is usually nothing urgent to be worried about.
Why Dogs Sneeze When They Play
When a dog sneezes due to an irritation in her nose, the sneeze is forceful and may include nasal discharge. A social sneeze is small and delicate with no nasal discharge and very little head movement.