Progesterone Test for Dogs and the Female Dog Heat Cycle
Most progesterone tests for dogs are done through the veterinary office, using radioimmunoassay (gold standard) or chemiluminescence immunoassay, but progesterone home test kits are available if needed.
Bad Breath in Dogs
Bad breath, whether sudden or chronic, can be a sign of illness in dogs.
Why Does My Dog Smell Like Fish?
A fishy odor is not normal for a dog. If you note your dog smelling like fish then it can indicate an underlying health issue that needs to be addressed.
What Is Distemper in Dogs?
Distemper in dogs is caused by paramyxovirus which attacks the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervous system. It is spread by sneezing, and shared food and water bowls.
Can Dogs Catch a Cold?
Dog owners nationwide are concerned about a severe canine respiratory virus that doesn’t respond to traditional medications and is killing some dogs.
Getting a Dog Fecal Sample for Internal Parasite Testing
A dog fecal sample for internal parasite testing is critical to determining effective treatment for your dog. Stool samples can also provide other vital information about your dog's health.
Why Do Dogs Smell Like Fritos?
If your dog’s feet have a slight eau de corn chip, don’t worry. This smell is just from the normal bacteria that end up on dog feet throughout daily life.
Dog Teeth Cleaning
Cleaning a dog’s teeth is far more complicated than the same procedure is for humans. There is much more involved in the process, from when you drop off your dog at the veterinary hospital to the time you pick him up at the end of the day.
At-home Dental Care for Dogs
Most dog owners are disappointed to hear that brushing their dogs’ teeth is a necessary part of maintaining the health of their dogs. Regular oral examinations and professional cleaning by a veterinarian is also needed.
Anesthesia-Free Teeth Cleaning for Dogs
Many people are anxious about having their dogs undergo general anesthesia. But the reality is that cleaning the teeth without the benefit of general anesthesia will do more harm than good.
Dog Elbow Hygromas
A hygroma is a large, fluid-filled lump on a dog’s elbow, or a fluid-filled lump on any bony point on your dog that frequently comes into contact with the ground when he sits or lays down. Elbow hygromas are the most common.
What to Give a Dog for an Upset Stomach
The simplest, safest remedy for vomiting is one of the hardest: A 24-hour fast. (Note: This does not apply if your dog is a puppy or diabetic.) Not feeding your dog when he looks at you with those big, beautiful eyes is hard to resist.