
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

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Cataracts in Dogs

Cataracts develop in dogs in stages. Learn what cataracts look like in dogs, what the symptoms are, how (or whether) they are treated.
lovely lonely dog waiting for its ower

What is Ataxia in Dogs?

Ataxia is a loss of balance and coordination. Your dog may stumble, seem unable to walk or know where his feet are, and may fall.
bull terrier sniffs Christmas candle

Chronic Bronchitis in Dogs

Irritation in your dog’s airways can cause her to cough, which may be due to a temporary illness or a more chronic issue.
Golden retriever eating from another dog's bowl

Skip Free Feeding Dogs

Feeding your adult dog two measured meals a day is usually best; free feeding food is probably the worst choice.
Cute Pomeranian dog eating dog food from a bowl at home

Insulin for Dogs

The cost of insulin for dogs ranges from about $40 to $150 per month, depending on the size of the dog.
Veterinarian examining dog's ear at vet's office.

Why Is My Dog Walking Sideways All of a Sudden?

A dog who starts to walk crooked may have neurological problems, pain, a tumor, or an injury.
Two dogs drinking from a muddy puddle

Dangers of Communal Water Bowls for Dogs

Community dog water sources can have bad things in them, so it’s best if you avoid them.
A black male mechanic in his auto repair shop

Can You Give Your Dog Activated Charcoal?

You can give your dog activated charcoal for a suspected poisoning, but there are some caveats.
Female physiotherapist massaging old Labrador Retriever's limb on foam

What Can You Give a Dog for Pain Relief?

Over-the-counter pain relievers can seriously harm your dog. If you can’t reach a veterinarian for help, use ice packs and confined rest to help with the pain.
A runny nose is one of the symptoms of canine influenza.

Canine Influenza (Dog Flu)

Canine influenza is one of several viruses that cause canine infectious respiratory disease complex (kennel cough). Symptoms are typically mild but can progress to pneumonia. A vaccine for canine influenza is available with no more than the typical side effects of any vaccine - lethargy, reduced appetite, and soreness at the injection site.
Woman taking her dog for a walk on a forest path

Tramadol for Dogs Side Effects

This synthetic opioid drug comes with some cautions.

What Is the DHPP Vaccine for Dogs?

DHPP stands for distemper, canine viral hepatitis, and parvovirus (three “core” vaccines that every dog should receive), as well as parainfluenza, a “non-core” vaccine that is recommended by veterinarians based on a dog’s medical history and lifestyle). These are not the only vaccines that dogs need, however.

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Tips for Dog Owners Near a Disaster Zone

Could you evacuate your home 15 minutes from now, with everything you would need to live with your pets in a hotel for a few days, weeks, or months? What if you had an hour’s notice?