
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

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Man giving medicine to his old dog

How to Give Your Dog a Pill

Most experts suggest that you give your dog a pill in food. But what if you can’t use food? Here’s how to administer pills with or without hiding them in food.
Funny dog enjoying scratching his bum on grass at public dog park

What Is Anal Gland Expression?

Anal gland expression is done when a dog cannot naturally empty his anal glands and becomes uncomfortable.
Yorkshire Terrier dog is sick and refuses to eat. No appetite, sadness, depression.

When Your Older Dog Won’t Eat

Dogs don’t stop eating for no reason.
Cute puppy playing, running, fluffy ears and tail

Can a Dog Break His Tail?

Dogs have bones in the tail, called “coccygeal vertebrae,” and like any bone, tail bones can be broken.
Woman playing with her dog on the beach while the dog bites her pants

Capnocytophaga Infections

This rare but deadly bacteria lives in your dog’s mouth, but the chance of you contracting a disease from it is slim.
Small dog getting bath

Pyoderma in Dogs

Itchy, crusty, gooey, and probably caused by bacteria, pyoderma treatment starts with medicated shampoo and meds from your veterinarian.
Lilac brindle French Bulldog dog pregnant for 8 weeks with big belly

How to Tell If Your Dog Is Pregnant

Dogs are pregnant for 62 days, but that doesn’t mean 62 days from breeding.
The medial luxating patella in dogs and healthy join

Luxating Patellas in Dogs

A dog with a luxating patella, or misaligned knee, needs a solid treatment plan, which often includes surgery. Braces may not be the best choice.
Puppy Jack russell with scratching himself and bite fleas.

Why Is My Dog Constantly Scratching and Biting Himself?

A dog who is itching a lot is uncomfortable. The constant scratching is annoying – for both of you! Tracking down the cause is the only way to halt the itch.
Female with thermometer and cocker spaniel dog

How to Tell If Your Dog Has A Fever

Here’s what you need to know when your dog has a fever.

Dog Coughs After Drinking Water

Dogs might cough after drinking water for many reasons, most of which are minor. In some cases, however, coughing after drinking water can indicate a serious underlying issue.
Tooth extraction in dogs is a complex procedure but often the best option for dealing with advanced dental disease.

Tooth Extractions in Dogs

Tooth extraction dogs is complicated with teeth having multiple deep roots and recovery can take time, but most dogs are happier after having a problem tooth removed.

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Tips for Dog Owners Near a Disaster Zone

Could you evacuate your home 15 minutes from now, with everything you would need to live with your pets in a hotel for a few days, weeks, or months? What if you had an hour’s notice?