How to Prevent Kennel Cough
Vaccinating your dog for the most common causes of kennel cough is the most important preventative strategy, but there are management steps that will help protect your dog, too.
Can You Cut Dog Whiskers?
Yes, you can cut dog whiskers, and they do grow back. However, your dog’s whiskers give him sensory information about the world around him.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Dogs
Your dog cannot smell carbon monoxide; it is an odorless gas.
Is Salmon Oil Good for Dogs?
The benefits of salmon oil for dogs include improved cognitive function, joint mobility, and immune function, including minor skin allergies.
Hip Dysplasia in Dogs
This deformity of the dog’s hip joint, whether caused by inherited conformation or by excessive exercise or overnutrition as a pup, can be successfully treated and managed.
Is That Growth on the Dog’s Nose a Polyp?
Nasal polyps in dogs are pink growths in the moist tissues of the nose and throat, possibly visible in a nostril.
What Causes Yeast Infection in Dog Ears?
Frequent swimming and allergies are among the common causes of a dog ear yeast infection. Untreated, it can lead to scratching, head tilting, and neurological issues.
Riding in Cars With Dogs
To prevent injuries – or even your dog’s accidental death – when driving with your dog, restrain your dog with a safety harness and seat belt or a properly secured crate, and don’t let your dog sit on your lap, or drive with his head out the window.
Is My Dog Overweight?
Overweight dogs show sad symptoms that indicate a weight issue, so it's important to learn how to tell if a dog is overweight. Here’s how.
Pythiosis: A Scary and Emerging Disease
An organism that grows in stagnant water is widening its reach in the U.S. Sometimes referred to as “swamp cancer,” pythiosis in dogs has a high mortality rate if not diagnosed and treated early enough.
Does Your Dog Have Pale Gums?
Pale gums in dogs can be a symptom of anemia or blood loss, but there are other causes as well.
Should You Use Neosporin on Dogs?
There are worrisome drawbacks to using Neosporin on dog wounds.