Liver Cancer in Dogs
True liver cancer tends to grow slowly, but your dog can be uncomfortable and feel sick. Many metastatic cancers that settle in the liver, such as hemangiosarcoma, have shorter survival times and may be painful. Keep in mind your dog’s quality of life.
How Long Is Kennel Cough Contagious?
If your dog is still coughing you need to assume he might be contagious. To be truly safe from being the bane of your dog’s social circle, I would keep him out of his activities for a week after the last cough.
How to Get a Sick Dog to Drink Water
If your dog is sick, feeling a little off, or has an acute or chronic illness that makes him avoid water, he still needs to drink enough to stay hydrated. We have ways to entice a dog to drink starting with cool clean water, and adding flavorings.
Warning Signs After Spaying a Dog
Most dogs who have spay surgery go through the spay incision healing process without problems. Healing tissues are fragile, however. It is your responsibility to pay attention to the instructions you receive post-surgery.
Can Dogs Get Food Poisoning?
It may seem like dogs are immune to food poisoning, as they often eat things that would land us in the hospital. They are susceptible to many of the same pathogens that impact humans. In a healthy adult dog, a larger pathogen load is required to induce illness.
How to Treat Limping Dog at Home
Your dogs were out in the yard, and you call them in. One is limping on her front leg. It’s Saturday night, and you’d like to avoid a visit to the emergency clinic. Luckily, the odds are in your favor. Your dog’s pain may be from something simple, like a sprained front paw.
Mastitis in Dogs
Prevention of mastitis involves keeping the nursing environment as clean as possible. It’s wise to try to prevent trauma to the mammary glands by eliminating sharp objects in the whelping box and trimming the puppies’ toenails. Make sure the puppies are nursing from all the teats to keep the glands drained (in small litters, rotate through each of the teats).
Hypoglycemia in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes and How to Manage it
Diagnosing your dog’s hypoglycemia and its root cause will be imperative for proper treatment and management, as well as having a complete understanding of their prognosis. A glucometer is an easy and quick way to evaluate your pup’s blood glucose levels and diagnose hypoglycemia.
Is Garlic Bad for Dogs?
Many human foods are toxic to dogs, including grapes, raisins, onions, and garlic. But, you say, garlic has health benefits for your dog and...
Dog Eye Allergies vs. Infections
Deciding if your dog has an allergic eye reaction or if he is starting with an infection is difficult. Unfortunately, eye problems can go from minor to very serious very quickly.
Is That a Cyst or a Tumor?
A “cyst” is a capsule that usually has fluid in it, although it can have air as well. “Tumor” is a general term, basically a generic swelling or mass.
Treating a Red Rash on a Dog’s Belly
A red rash on a dog’s belly and inner thighs is due to allergies. It could be because of new carpets or bedding, or from running through tall grass or brush, or a host of other things