Can Dogs Get Herpes?
Dogs can get herpes, and have their own form of the herpes virus. Canine herpesvirus—also known as canine herpes—is a disease that is nearly...
A Guide to Dog Allergy Medications
There are several manifestations of allergies in dogs, including atopic and flea allergy dermatitis, allergic rhinitis and bronchitis, hives, and insect bite hypersensitivity. Symptoms...
Emergency: My Dog Ate Rat Poison
There are a few different types of rat poison, which is why it’s vitally important to know which kind your dog ate and hopefully approximately how much. Your veterinarian and Poison Control will use this information to formulate the best plan for saving your dog.
5 Things to Feed a Sick Dog With No Appetite
Consider offering a sick dog with no appetite small meals frequently. A variety of different foods might tempt them to try and eat.
What is Puppy Strangles?
Also known as juvenile cellulitis the puppy strangles is a rare condition whose cause is not known. Most dogs are able to make a complete recovery.
How to Make a Dog Throw Up
Hydrogen peroxide can make a dog vomit, but making your dog vomit isn't something to be done without consulting an informed professional.
Dogs Can Get Bartonella, Too
In both people and dogs, bartonellosis often shows up with cardiac signs while it is asymptomatic in cats.
What to Do When Your Dog is in Heat for the First Time
Dog heat cycles can be unpredictable, and you can be caught by surprise by you dog going into heat for the first time. Here are some tips to managing this and keeping your dog safe and well.
Acral Lick Dermatitis in Dogs
Acral lick dermatitis is an area that becomes bald with raised skin that may ulcerate or bleed as your dog excessively links it.
What Is a Dog Chiropractor?
Just as in a chiropractic session for humans, a dog chiropractor will palpate the dog’s spine, limbs, and even the skull to detect abnormalities.
Treatment and Signs of Parasites in Dogs
Parasites in dogs affect both the dogs internal organs like the heart and digestive system, their skin, and orifices like the nose and ears.
Understanding Veterinary Telemedicine and Teletriage
It’s the middle of the night and something is not quite right with your dog. You’re concerned but don’t know if your dog needs...