
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

Home Health Vet Visits

Vet Visits

Getting porcupine quills out of a dog is important to prevent infection.

How to Get Porcupine Quills Out of a Dog

Most dogs usually gently poke a porcupine with their nose or dab at it with a paw, walking away with a sore nose or foot and just a few quills to be pulled. But some dogs do go all out, attacking and killing the porcupine, leaving the scene with a face full of quills.
Pet insurance and wellness plans can provide some needed help when your dog is sick.

Pet Insurance vs. Wellness Plans

We’re always looking for ways to save money and with rising veterinary costs, saving money on your dog’s healthcare has never been more important. Pet insurance and dog wellness plans are growing in popularity as ways to lessen the sting of veterinary bills.
Dogs can have strokes the same as humans do.

Can Dogs Have Strokes?

A stroke is an acute onset of one or more neurologic symptoms. It is caused by an interruption of blood flow to a particular section of the brain. Cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs) are major strokes while transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) are more minor.
A rat terrier playing in a bar where there is a chance the dog could eat rat poison if unsupervised.

Emergency: My Dog Ate Rat Poison

There are a few different types of rat poison, which is why it’s vitally important to know which kind your dog ate and hopefully approximately how much. Your veterinarian and Poison Control will use this information to formulate the best plan for saving your dog.
Veterinary telehealth can provide immediate care for your dog when they need it most.

Understanding Veterinary Telemedicine and Teletriage

It’s the middle of the night and something is not quite right with your dog. You’re concerned but don’t know if your dog needs...
When your dog eats an onion it's natural to panic, but how much onion is toxic to dogs.

My Dog Ate an Onion!

Approximately 100 grams – about a half cup – of onion can be toxic to a 45-lb. dog. Onion powder is more concentrated, and therefore worse.
Cerenia for dogs is an injection for vomiting and motion sickness.

Cerenia for Dogs

Cerenia is a wonder drug for vomiting in dogs that blocks a neurotransmitter in the brain that triggers the vomiting reflex. You should never use Cerenia without consulting your veterinarian first. There are times when the ability to vomit can be lifesaving for dogs.
Hookworm in dogs is a nasty disease that spreads between untreated dogs.

Hookworm in Dogs

Hookworm in dogs is a nasty parasite that can coexist with an adult dog for quite sometime, and spread. Recognizing the signs of hookworm infection is the best way to protect your dog, and other dogs too.
Ear mites in dogs are one of many potential causes of ear discomfort.

Ear Mites in Dogs

Ear mites in dogs cause an inflammatory reaction in their ear canals. The glands that line your dog’s ear canals ramp up production ear wax to drive out the ear mites and cause a discharge that can resemble coffee grounds.
The symptoms of heartworms in dogs start small but get increasingly serious without treatment.

Symptoms of Heartworm

Heartworm is a deadly parasite spread by the bite of a mosquito. The symptoms of heartworm becoming increasingly severe as the damage progresses. This damage is not fully reversible making prevention or early treatment critical.
Giardia in dogs is a protozoal infection associated with drinking unsafe water.

The Giardia Parasite in Dogs

Symptoms of giardia in dogs include diarrhea, maldigestion, and malabsorption. The infection can be a minor nuisance or a royal pain to treat and totally clear.
The best way to avoid an ACL injury is to keep your dog fit and in shape.

Signs of a Torn ACL in Dogs

ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injury is the most common cause of hindlimb lameness in a dog. The injury may involve partial tearing of the ligament or complete rupture.

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What If You Get the Wrong Dog?

It’s a sad fact (but a fact nevertheless) that sometimes people adopt a dog or buy a puppy that turns out to quite unsuited for life with those people.