Can All Dogs Swim?
Some dogs like Chihuahuas are too small to swim, and lack the fur to keep warm. Other breeds like bull dogs are not build to swim well and may sink rear end first.
How to Introduce a Cat to a Dog
There are millions of homes where cats and dogs live together in perfect harmony – mine included. How does that happen? Careful introductions of...
Is Coconut Water Good for Dogs?
Coconut water can help dogs recover from vigorous exercise, especially in hot weather, and it is said to aid digestion. As with any new food, start slowly and monitor your dog’s response.
Do Dogs Really Watch TV?
Dogs’ vision is a little different from ours. Despite these differences between dogs’ vision and ours, many dogs watch TV and recognize things that are of interest to them.
Are Dogs’ Mouths Cleaner Than Humans’?
People have been told that dogs’ mouths are cleaner than a human’s. This is a myth! Dogs’ mouths contain just as many bacteria as our own.
How to Show Your Dog You Love Them
Humans tend to naturally want to demonstrate their love with hugs, petting, and cuddles – and some dogs love being hugged, petted, and cuddled. Others don't. Here's some new ways to show your dog you love them.
Can Dogs Drink Oat Milk?
Oat milk can be good for dogs. It’s a lactose-free dairy alternative for humans that dogs also can enjoy, but in moderation.
Do Dogs Like Music?
It’s understandable that dog owners would be interested in using music to facilitate calmness. And there is evidence that some music does indeed help dogs relax.
How long can a dog go without peeing?
Normal healthy dogs can hold their pee for four to eight hours. Puppies and senior dogs need to go more often, and high temperatures can cause the dog to drink more and need to go more often.
Low-Energy Dog Breeds
Calm canines range from small to giant, so you have your choice of size, but if you’re also looking for a dog who is easy to care for take note: Some low-energy breeds also have extra grooming or medical needs.
How Often Should You Walk Your Dog?
There isn’t a valid one-size-fits-all recommendation for the distance or amount of time that you should walk your dog. There are factors specific to each individual dog’s health and needs that determine how often you should walk your dog
Dog Surrender Fees
I was recently made aware that the term “where can I surrender my dog for free” is searched online thousands of times every month....