Are There Restaurants That Allow Dogs?
A number of restaurants allow dogs in their outdoor seating areas. There are a few that even offer special menu items for canine guests. You should consider your and other guest's comfort by being sure that your dog is a well mannered dinner date.
How to Register a Dog as Emotional Support Animal
Emotional support dogs are not registered in any database. What you do need is a letter from your licensed mental health professional that you need an emotional support animal.
Can Dogs Eat Turkey?
You can share your Thanksgiving turkey with your dog. However, be aware of any additional ingredients you've use in cooking the turkey to avoid causing stomach upset or worse in your dog.
The Best Family Dogs
If you are looking for a dog who will make a fantastic addition to your family, what you should be looking for is an individual dog with specific canine personality traits that are conducive to family life.
How Old Is My Dog in Human Years?
How old your dog is in human years depends on its age, puppies mature faster, and the size of the dog with toy breeds living longer than large working breeds.
Dog Kisses: Is Your Dog Really Kissing You?
You either love it or hate it: the wet, warm sensation of a dog licking your face. Many of us seek out this kind...
Service Dog Scams
Imagine scraping, scrimping, and saving all your hard-earned dollars to realize a long-held dream – the purchase of a well-trained service dog for yourself,...
Spending the Golden Years with Dogs
Well, it's happened: I have reached the age where I look forward to Social Security payments arriving in my bank account every month. With that significant milestone comes some new perspectives on life with dogs as a senior citizen. Not the least of these is the sobering realization that I have a finite number of dogs left to share my life with, making each one an even greater treasure.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Dog Owners
but finds it even more rewarding to teach their owners how to build a better relationship with their canine family members
Moving with Dogs: Everything You Need to Know
Moving to a new house regardless of whether it's down the street or across the country is stressful for anyone, but for dogs it can be especially confusing and upsetting. I just moved my three dogs (ages 16 years to 21 months, 10 pounds to 100 pounds) from New York City to Portland, Oregon. The move has been a bit hectic, but my biggest priority has been creating stability and consistency for my dogs.
Planning A Road Trip with Your Dog?
Thinking of taking a road trip with your dog? Road trips can be a lot of fun and are a great way to see...
Dog Walking Apps: Are They Safe?
When you use a dog walking app service, you are inviting a stranger into your home who you have not vetted. You are handing your four-legged family member, with all his or her unique quirks, to a well-intentioned dog lover who most likely does not have the requisite education and training to keep your dog safe by understanding body language, recognizing early warning signs, knowing how to avoid incident, and what to do should something go wrong. This puts your dog at greater risk.