Prison Dog Training Programs: An Inside Look
Katie Locks is the owner of Lucky Dogs Training and More in Amelia Court House, Virginia. Since 2004, she has worked with rescues and individuals to strengthen the bond with dogs through training. She trains for the Southside SPCA as well as Lab Rescue of the Labrador Retriever Club of the Potomac, is a mentor trainer for Animal Behavior College, and is the lead trainer for Pixie's Pen Pals, a prison dog program.
Find Activities That Fit Your Dog’s Personality
There is nothing sadder than the look on my 8-year-old dog Otto's face when he sees me loading my new puppy Woody into the car, on our way to puppy kindergarten classes. This is pretty much the only time I take Woody somewhere and don't ask Otto to come along, too. Otto's expression was so bereft, it got me looking around for some other activity to take up with Otto (and Otto alone).
Living in the City with Dogs
If I were to choose two words to summarize how to live harmoniously with dogs in apartment buildings it would be with consideration." It really is no different than how we should strive to treat our neighbors even when pets are not involved. For example
Best Dog Gear of the Year Part II
In the January issue, we shared our contributors' favorite dog toys, training tools, and treats, but we didn't have enough room to include all of their recommendations for the things they can't imagine living without" in their dog-care kits. Here are more favorite products things that improve the health and well being of our dogs
What Love Means to Your Dog
When it comes to love, dogs offer all of the devotion with none of the guile. They won't sign up for a secret account on, or see another owner behind your back. And that flirtation with the pet sitter
well, it's harmless. After all, there's a reason dogs have a reputation for being faithful friends. Reciprocating, though, can sometimes be a challenge. Dogs, you remember, approached our hearth; it has been in many ways a rather lopsided arrangement in the love department since the dawn of time. And with our busy lives and competing priorities, we humans have altogether too few opportunities to return that cupidity in kind although, given how utterly and completely most of our dogs rely on us, that's a tall order under even the best of circumstances.
Best Dog-Related Books: January 2016
Friendly wolves, pet heroes, canine yoga, dogs underwater, puppies shaking - and so much more! Check out Whole Dog Journal's January book recommendations. Last month, we listed just a few of our favorite dog reads. There are so many great books out there, we had to do it again!
Best Dog Gear of the Year: 2015
See Whole Dog Journal's top dog accessories of 2015. We cover reflective gear for your nocturnal hound, artisan leather collars for the posh pup in your life, indestructible dog toys, biodegradable waste bags, a treat dispenser that does more than your smartphone, paw cream for salty winters, and much more!
Foster a Dog for More Holiday Cheer
Give the gift of love by sheltering a foster dog or volunteering at your local animal shelter this season. Whole Dog Journal editor Nancy Kerns recounts why, even in the most trying of times, there's no greater feeling than opening your home to a life in need.
Best Dog-Related Books
See our top-pick pet memoirs, nonfiction books and dog ownership guides! If we had limitless time and funds, we could spend months reading nothing but dog stories. But time is short, so here's an overview of recommended dog-related books published since 2010.
Low-Stress Dog Handling
Discover the works of Dr. Overall and Dr. Yin, whose books have sparked a movement canonizing holistic and force-free handling of animals.
4 Ways to Be a Better Dog Owner
check with your neighbors to learn whether he also barks or barks more when you're not home. Frequent barking can turn a nice neighbor into a resentful one very quickly.üSome of your guests won't mind when your dog jumps all over them
When Talking About Assistance Dogs, Words Matter (but variations are common)
Jeanine Konopelski is a spokesperson for Assistance Dogs International (ADI), a non-profit coalition of more than 100 organizations working together to promote assistance dogs and the benefits they provide to people with disabilities. Konopelski recommends the phrase assistance dog" as an umbrella term that covers a variety of working dogs who are specially trained to aid people in different ways. "