Low-Energy Dog Breeds
Calm canines range from small to giant, so you have your choice of size, but if you’re also looking for a dog who is easy to care for take note: Some low-energy breeds also have extra grooming or medical needs.
How Often Should You Walk Your Dog?
There isn’t a valid one-size-fits-all recommendation for the distance or amount of time that you should walk your dog. There are factors specific to each individual dog’s health and needs that determine how often you should walk your dog
Dog Surrender Fees
I was recently made aware that the term “where can I surrender my dog for free” is searched online thousands of times every month....
Are There Restaurants That Allow Dogs?
A number of restaurants allow dogs in their outdoor seating areas. There are a few that even offer special menu items for canine guests. You should consider your and other guest's comfort by being sure that your dog is a well mannered dinner date.
Do They Make Hearing Aids for Dogs?
Hearing aids for dogs are very expensive. custom fit, and require frequent visits to check both fit and settings. Dog vibration collars provide a more affordable and effective way for owners to communicate with their dogs.
Whole Dog Journal’s Gear of the Year for 2024
The Whole Dog Journal staff and contributors provide their top picks for the best dog gear to take care of your canine companion this year.
How to Register a Dog as Emotional Support Animal
Emotional support dogs are not registered in any database. What you do need is a letter from your licensed mental health professional that you need an emotional support animal.
Can Dogs Eat Turkey?
You can share your Thanksgiving turkey with your dog. However, be aware of any additional ingredients you've use in cooking the turkey to avoid causing stomach upset or worse in your dog.
Wheelchairs for Disabled Dogs
Most of us have seen a dog using a wheelchair to carry his paralyzed or weak back legs. But did you know there are...
Are Antlers Safe for Dogs?
The biggest risk for dogs from chewing on antlers is broken teeth. Antlers can also splinter and damage a dogs digestive track, or block it.
The Best Family Dogs
If you are looking for a dog who will make a fantastic addition to your family, what you should be looking for is an individual dog with specific canine personality traits that are conducive to family life.
How Old Is My Dog in Human Years?
How old your dog is in human years depends on its age, puppies mature faster, and the size of the dog with toy breeds living longer than large working breeds.