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Crate Training Made Easy eBook from Whole Dog Journal

Say Goodbye to Crate Anxiety

A crate, or, in other words, short-term close confinement, can be used to help dogs teach themselves two very important skills. The first is...
Crate Training Made Easy eBook from Whole Dog Journal

How To Get Your Dog To Go Into the Crate

A crate, or, in other words, short-term close confinement, can be used to help dogs teach themselves two very important skills. The first is...
Crate Training Made Easy eBook from Whole Dog Journal

How Long Can a Puppy Stay in Their Crate?

A crate, or, in other words, short-term close confinement, can be used to help dogs teach themselves two very important skills. The first is...
Crate Training Made Easy eBook from Whole Dog Journal

Should I Use a Crate To Discipline My Dog?

A crate, or, in other words, short-term close confinement, can be used to help dogs teach themselves two very important skills. The first is...
Crate Training Made Easy eBook from Whole Dog Journal

Benefits of Crate Training

A crate, or, in other words, short-term close confinement, can be used to help dogs teach themselves two very important skills. The first is...
Complete Healthy Dog Handbook Book from Whole Dog Journal

Symptoms of Hip Displaysia

My six-month-old Rottweiler has a goofy, bouncy walk. Does that mean she has hip dysplasia? A lot of puppies – especially big, gangly ones –...
Complete Healthy Dog Handbook Book from Whole Dog Journal

Getting Rid of Goo

Sooner or later, your dog will get chewing gum, tar, tree sap, burrs, or some other sticky or tenacious substance in her fur. To...
Complete Healthy Dog Handbook Book from Whole Dog Journal

Speed Eaters Anonymous

Excerpted from The Complete Healthy Dog Handbook, by Betsy Brevitz, D.V.M. “I feed my two dogs together, and the smaller one seems to gobble her...
Chill Out Fido! Book from Whole Dog Journal

How Do I Get My Dog To Listen Without Treats?

Excerpt from Chill Out Fido! by Nan Kené Arthur Once your dog knows a behavior well, and can perform it in many locations and with...
Canine Hearing Loss eBook from Whole Dog Journal

Teaching Your Dog Hand Signals

Here is how I initially teach hand signals for Down, Sit, and Come. I encourage my students to start with big hand signals, like...
Canine Hearing Loss eBook from Whole Dog Journal

Getting a Deaf Dog’s Attention

Owners of deaf dogs frequently relate that their biggest challenge is getting their dogs’ attention, whether at home or out in the world. Here...
Canine Hearing Loss eBook from Whole Dog Journal

Things To Do When Your Dog Starts Losing His Hearing

If we’re fortunate enough to have them live to old age, at some point, most of our canine companions begin to lose their hearing...

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Why Veterinary Wellness Exams Are Important

I took my two dogs—Woody, age 9, and Boone, age 3—to see their vet a week ago. I wasn’t looking forward to being chided for allowing him—nay, facilitating him—to gain a few extra pounds this winter. But I wasn’t at all expecting the health problems that my vet found.