How to Teach a Dog to Lie Down
Are you having a difficult time teaching your dog to lie down? With some dogs, it’s more difficult than others, but it’s not impossible. The reason is likely that you are not properly communicating what you want. In some cases, however, timid dogs are less comfortable lying down. It’s up to you, as the trainer, to determine where your difficulties lie.
Teach Your Dog to Play Dead
Tricks are great crowd pleasers, and teaching your dog how to play dead along with other tricks is a fun way to bond. If “play dead” is on your tricks wish list, here’s what you need to know to achieve a star-worthy performance.
Best Tools for Daily Dog Training
When it comes to training our canine companions, there are a few important items — beyond essentials like a collar and leash — that you’ll want to have on hand to set you and your dog up for success.
How to Keep Dogs Off the Couch
For many people, a dog on the furniture is taboo, an unacceptable behavior. Others may be wishy-was about it. Once the dog becomes used to getting on the furniture, it becomes a learned behavior though.
How to Crate Train a Rescue Dog
Crates are management tools meant to help your dog feel safe during your absence and other times he may need to chill. Dogs who learn to love their crates use them independently for relief and safety .
How to Get Involved in Rally, an Obedience-Based Dog Sport
I’ve been teaching my Rough Collie, Dashi, tricks and obedience skills since she came home at 10 weeks old. She began learning agility foundations...
A Long Line: The Surprising Problem-Solver
The ever-changing outdoor environment is wildly exciting for our dogs. Alas, when they enthusiastically zigzag after every scent, bike, or friend, they yank us along with them. To break free, start fresh! Head to a new spot, with a different approach. Ditch the 6-footer and grab a long line, which is essentially a longer, thinner, lighter leash.
8 Steps to Teach a Dog to Heel
Sometimes we need our dogs to follow tucked up close to us in a heel position, so it’s a valuable skill for your dog to learn. While most often useful for safety, it can also be helpful for foundational work.
What Is Dock Diving? How to Get Involved in This Swimming-centric Dog Sport
Do you have a dog who zooms into lakes, creeks, and rivers at first sight? Does your dog live for fetch and toy play? If so, dock diving may be the sport for her.
All About Canicross
Canicross—the name comes from the words “canine” and “cross-country”—is, essentially, the sport of long distance trail running with your dog.
How Quickly Do Dogs Learn?
Can dogs learn everything they need to know in one eight-week puppy kindergarten or basic obedience class? No. That’s just a small part of your dog’s education.
How To Teach A Dog Her Name
Most dogs will figure out their names eventually even without being specifically taught because it is repeated and reinforced so often. Call your dog’s name when it’s time for dinner or a walk and she will quickly learn that her name means it’s time to check in.