Utilizing Target Training for Better Leash Walking
Does your dog know how to target? If not, the two of you may be missing out on one of the most versatile behaviors to come along since the rise in popularity of the positive dog training philosophy.
Fun Dog Training Techniques Using Shaping!
it doesn't require the dog to figure out for herself what exactly it is that you want.üThis dog is learning to flick a light switch. At first
Train Your Dog to Target
During the two-plus decades that I trained my dogs in old-fashioned obedience classes, I never learned the pervasively useful and versatile behavior of targeting. The closest I came was the narrow application to go-outs" in advanced level competition classes not really the same thing at all. Even today
Advanced Dog Training Methods: How to “Fade” Prompts and Lures
looking right at them
Advanced Positive Dog Training Terms and Techniques
such as going through a series of "weave poles."üPremack exercise: To get the prize
Classical Conditioning – How Your Dog Learns by Association
simply pour on the treats
simply pour on the treats
Getting Beyond the Basics of Dog Training
Not so very long ago, trainers assumed that anyone who signed up for a basic obedience class was seeking that perfectly straight, sit-in-perfect-heel position. Classes were conducted with military precision, trainers barking commands as owners marched their dogs in a circle, jerking and popping on leashes and choke chains in order to achieve lightning-fast responses. Success was measured by speed and perfection of position, and advanced work was conducted with one goal – to show in American Kennel Club obedience competitions, earn obedience degrees, and achieve scores as close to that magic “perfect 200” as possible.
Target-Train Your Dog to Ring A Doorbell
Each month, I stand in the middle of my training center during the second session of my newest Level One class and introduce my...
Long Distance Information
controlled area" to "come reliably when called regardless of where we are or what other exciting things are happening"?
Enter the long line: a behavior management tool that you can use very effectively to prevent Ranger from being rewarded by dashing off. The fact that he can't leave also gives you the opportunity to convince him that coming to you is irresistibly rewarding regardless of the circumstances.
Long lines come in many forms