Teach Your Dog to Fetch By Training Your Dog to Love Retrieval
we start with shaping that behavior and backchain to the completed "Fetch" behavior.üGradually
5 Benefits of Trick Training Your Dog
It's fortunate that there are many positive training options for our dogs today! Increasingly, people are choosing to extend their dogs' education past classes in good manners, and I strongly advocate following up those basic classes with a tricks class! Learning even just a few basic tricks is fun for you, your dog, and your potential audience! And while the benefits to you and your dog are many, I will describe my top five.
Rules for Playing Tug
A couple of decades ago, when positive reinforcement-based training was in its infancy, we were quite sensitive to criticism from the dog training community about this new permissive" style of dog training. When we began encouraging people to play tug with their dogs
A Bond-Based Approach to Dog Training
There is a lot of food for thought in this book. There is much that I find intriguing and would like to pursue, and also much that I disagree with. Arnold criticizes modern trainers for their focus on operant conditioning without acknowledging the great interest force-free trainers have already demonstrated in regard to the concepts of empowerment, choice, and cognition in their training programs. She insists that dogs really are eager to please" their humans an idea I have long argued against. She hasn't convinced me on that topic
Training a Dog to Make Choices
One would expect that the rise of force-free training methods and the increased awareness of and respect for dogs as sentient creatures would make life easier for them. We should expect to see a corresponding rise in the number of calm, stable, well-adjusted dogs who are happily integrated into lifelong loving homes. But many training and behavior professionals note with alarm the large number of dogs in today's world who seem to have significant issues with stress and anxiety, with high levels of arousal and low impulse control.
The Cues Our Dogs Learn All By Themselves
Great job to all of you amateur and professional dog trainers! Developing these skills in our dogs takes first and foremost an owner who is interacting with her dog and paying attention to what the dog says" in the conversation. That's the very foundation of a good relationship between two individuals of any species! The following are some of my favorite submissions from among the hundreds that Whole Dog Journal subscribers sent in including one selected at random to win one of my books! We had to make a random selection; there were too many great submissions to choose "the best" one!"
Qualified Professionals for Dog Aggression Modification
Mild aggression cases might involve a dog who growls and might even air-snap
How Much Training Does Your Dog Really Need?
Teaching a dog new behaviors can be lots of fun, and there are tons of people and dogs who thoroughly enjoy daily training and engaging in various canine sports or activities. However, it's equally important to give yourself permission to take the pressure off of yourself and your dog if training doesn't go so smoothly. By taking time to get to know your dog's personality, you will come to realize that your dog has a lot of strengths. We can spend so much time focusing on what is wrong with a dog, that we stop noticing what is right.
Become a Dog Sport Champion – At Home!
and we even managed to complete it with my lack of videography and editing skills. I am a Certified Trick Dog Instructor through DMWYD and really like the way the program gives people attainable goals to work toward with their pets."üüüüüüüüüJude Azaren (seen at a conventional agility event with her dog
Doggy Inside Jokes: The Unconventional Cues Our Dogs Learn
which means to stop his attempts to be noticed and petted.üTo teach her dog Trixie to enjoy coming back into the house (as an alternative to continuing to play outside), Valerie Balwanz initially used treats as a lure, and gave the behavior its own name: Inside
Prison Dog Training Programs: An Inside Look
Katie Locks is the owner of Lucky Dogs Training and More in Amelia Court House, Virginia. Since 2004, she has worked with rescues and individuals to strengthen the bond with dogs through training. She trains for the Southside SPCA as well as Lab Rescue of the Labrador Retriever Club of the Potomac, is a mentor trainer for Animal Behavior College, and is the lead trainer for Pixie's Pen Pals, a prison dog program.
A Former Inmate’s Success Story
Rob was one of the inmates in the Pen Pals program when I spoke there several years ago. It was a delightful surprise to see him at the Pet Professional Guild trainer conference in Tampa, Florida, last fall and have a chance to chat. It is clear from his comments that the program contributed to his successful reintroduction into society. Rob is currently working with a mentor trainer to gain additional experience and knowledge in the field of dog training and behavior.