Dog Certifications and Titles
My friend has super fast dogs, and they compete in agility. I always imagined that the magnets on the back of her vehicle indicated just how fast they could run: MACH speeds! And C-ATCH: Catch me if you can! Obviously my Border Collie, Duncan, and I didn't get far enough in our brief agility career to earn any titles (he preferred to make up his own courses). But when my curiosity got the better of me and I looked into what, exactly, those letters on my friend's car actually meant, I quickly learned that there are countless titles and certifications that can be bestowed upon our canine companions.
5 Ways to Help Your Dog Learn Cues
It's very frustrating when you're sure your dog knows the cue for a behavior but he doesn't do it when you ask him to. Imagine how frustrating it is for him when you cue a behavior and he just doesn't understand the cue that you were so sure he knew! Here are five things to do to avoid this impasse.
Professional Dog Training in Your Home
a 3-year-old Labrador-mix
Teach Your Dog to Help With Chores Around the House
Okay, I'll confess: I'm a lousy housekeeper. So when I first saw the YouTube videos starring Jessie the Jack Russell Terrier, who has been trained to do countless household chores, I found the idea of training my dogs to help me with the housework quite appealing.
The Clever Hans Phenomenon
Clever Hans was a German horse in the early 1900s who was supposedly able to solve math problems and perform other amazing tasks. His owner, math teacher, amateur horse trainer, and mystic Wilhelm von Osten, said Hans could add, subtract, multiply, divide, work with fractions, tell time, keep track of the calendar, differentiate musical tones, and read, spell, and understand German. When given a math problem either orally or in writing, Hans would answer by tapping his hoof.
Train Your Dog Using Imitation
I remember, years ago, confidently and assertively telling my training academy students "Dogs don't learn through imitation." But, degree by degree, I've been proven to be wrong.
Advantages to Daily Training
There’s a good chance you’ve heard the phrase, “Any time you are with your dog you are training.” It’s commonly spoken by dog trainers as a way of reminding clients that their dogs are constantly being reinforced for behaviors – by the owner, by others, and by the environment. Behaviors that are reinforced increase in frequency, durability and strength. It behooves you to pay attention to what’s happening in your dog’s world so you can make sure he doesn’t have the opportunity to be reinforced for behaviors you don’t want, and even more importantly, so you can make sure you reinforce behaviors that you like.
Peacekeeping Among Cats and Dogs
It's fairly common for dogs to be placed for adoption with a caveat that there should be no cats
How to Train Your Dog to Go to the Bathroom Outside
so getting him to touch the bells took just a matter of moments. However
Dog Games To Play if You Are Physically Impaired
How to exercise yourself at the same time you exercise your dog was the subject of Fitness Together" in the April 2013 issue of WDJ. But there are many reasons the human half of the equation may not be up for much physical exercise
5 Ways Teaching Your Dog to Do Tricks Can Improve Training
High-five. Fetch. Jump through a hoop. Spin, twirl, and take a bow. There is no doubt that tricks are fun to train, and even more fun to show off to friends and family. But they are so much more than just a good time! Here are five things tricks can do for you, your dog, and your training.
Looking for a Fun Trick to Teach to your Dog?
The trick Take a Bow!" is basically an exaggerated play bow