Which Is Best For You: Adopting an Adult Dog vs Puppy
When I learn that someone is interested in one of my foster puppies, I know what they’re picturing: A tiny, miraculous little ball of...
No Need for Force: How to Stop Your Dog From Pulling on the Leash...
One of the most common requests humans bring to dog trainers is this: “Can you just stop my dog from pulling on the leash...
Does Your Dog Opt In? How to Communicate With Your Dog
You may have acquired your dog with the intent of competing in agility, doing therapy-dog work, or having fun with musical freestyle (dancing with...
Leaving Your Dog Home Alone: How To Set Up Your Dog’s Space
Many dog owners routinely leave their dogs home alone without giving it a second thought. They put on their shoes, grab their coat and...
Creative Confinement: Dog Crate Alternatives
Sooner or later, at some point in your dog’s life, she is probably going to need to be kept confined. There was a time...
Lessons on Force-Free Dog Training From Gundog Trainers
Ever hear of force-free gundog training? Neither have most of America’s 3 million duck, pheasant, and migrating bird hunters, but what’s new in the...
Family Sabotage: Is Someone Undermining Your Dog’s Training?
When I get an email asking for help with a 6-month-old puppy who’s still not house-trained, I’ll bet you this: That puppy’s owner doesn’t...
Extreme Anxiety in Dogs
Most of us have had moments of anxiety in our lives, and while it’s not fun, most of us survive those moments and get...
Daily Practice Makes for Perfect Dog Recall Training
Coming when called – a “recall” as it’s often known in dog-training circles – is arguably the most important behavior you can teach your...
Dog Barking: What You Can Do
Whole Dog Journal is reader-supported. If you purchase through links on our site we may earn a commission. Whole Dog Journal does not accept...
Clarify Your Dog Cues
If you’re frustrated that your pup “doesn’t listen,” I urge you to consider what your dog is actually hearing each day. Take a minute...
Angst With Your Adolescent Dog
Congratulations! You’ve made it through the puppy months pretty much in one piece and hopefully laid a solid foundation for your many years together...