[Updated January 28, 2019]
The date was Friday the 13th, so I guess I should have expected something unpleasant to happen, but the news from our family veterinarian that our 10-year-old Belgian Shepherd had, “at the most about six months to live,” came as a bolt from the blue. We had noticed a lump on Jet’s left front leg just above the knee joint for a couple of months, but he hadn’t appeared to be lame on the leg, and the area wasn’t hot to the touch or painful on palpation.
Since Jet is an active dog, always an eager participant in the rough and tumble of life with three other dogs on our horse ranch, I assumed he’d knocked it, and that the lump would simply go down as it healed. When I noticed it was actually increasing in size I took him to the vet to determine the cause – still thinking it was something minor, as Jet was otherwise very healthy and cheerful.
Not so, according to our veterinarian. He sadly informed me that it was osteosarcoma, a particularly aggressive form of bone cancer, and that there was nothing we could do but control the pain (which is usually quite severe) and wait for the disease to take its course.

The veterinarian took x-rays of the leg, which revealed a large mass entwined around the bone tissue at the lower (distal) end of the long bone in the leg. This type of cancer is common in older, large dogs – and there was no doubt that this was what we were dealing with. It was a textbook case.
The veterinarian predicted the cancer would continue to grow rapidly, causing increasing levels of pain as it interfered with the bone and surrounding tissues. Then it would burst through the bone casing, and finally begin to cause an increasingly suppurating, spreading wound on the outside of the leg. He also suggested there was also a strong possibility that the cancer would spread to other parts of the body.
Sometimes in these cases surgical amputation of the whole leg from the shoulder is performed, but the doctor felt the likelihood of the cancer spreading was fairly high, and that amputation was not really a viable option. When I asked about holistic treatments, our veterinarian (who is of the conventional school, but usually puts up with my “alternative bent”), was of the opinion that “anti-oxidants couldn’t hurt.” He couldn’t offer anything other than treating the symptoms pharmaceutically until the inevitable occurred.
Accepting My Dog’s Cancer
My first reaction was initially disbelief, then despair as I visualized losing a very good old friend to a horrible disease. It didn’t help that I’d been to the funeral of another (human) friend the day before, who’d also been the victim of cancer. In a daze, I accepted a bottle of pills from the veterinarian (I still don’t know what they were for!), and left. Driving home, I couldn’t look at Jet’s cheerful furry face in the rear view mirror without tears welling up in my eyes.
By the next morning I’d decided that this wasn’t going to be the way it was at all! I’ve been a firm believer in the alternative therapies for many years, and so I hit the textbooks and the Internet, and started phoning friends for suggestions. I’d worked with a professional herbalist in another state, Robert McDowell, who treats humans, horses, and (I suddenly remembered) dogs, so I emailed him with an outline of Jet’s case.
A friend told us of an veterinarian who used alternative methods and who had successfully treated their Bull Terrier for skin cancer using Chinese herbs. I called the veterinarian, only to be told I should bring Jet to the clinic immediately to amputate the leg. His opinion: “There’s no magic cure for bone cancer – his only chance is amputation, and if you don’t do it immediately, his chances of surviving will decrease rapidly.”
What a dilemma! We hated the idea of amputating his front leg – he’s a very active dog – and his age and somewhat skittish temperament meant the surgery and recovery would be a major trauma for him, with no guarantee of success.
However, the alternative seemed to be losing him very quickly to cancer. To exacerbate the dilemma, by this time Jet was starting to show some discomfort with the leg, favoring it slightly when he walked, and shifting his weight off it when sitting.
The same day, Robert McDowell replied to my email message, saying he had made up an herbal remedy containing equisetum (horsetail), pine bark extract (a really strong antioxidant), comfrey (for bone healing), and yarrow (for its general healing properties), and that it was already in the mail. We were to give Jet 10 drops of this mix twice a day, and McDowell expressed his hope that we could “buy him some time.”
Well, the offer was the most positive thing we’d heard so far, so we nervously decided against the amputation, and to “wait and see” with the herbs. At the same time I started Jet on antioxidant tablets (a mixture of Vitamin E, C, and A, and garlic) , figuring that if they didn’t help him, they surely couldn’t hurt.
Alternative Medicine to Treat Cancer
After we’d been using the herbal mix for about a week, we heard about another veterinarian who used alternative methods and who lived quite close, and I decided it was worth covering all the bases and giving him a call. Dr. Marcel Christiaan runs a mixed practice in the foothills near Perth (Western Australia) and came highly recommended by friends who had taken their cats to him for a variety of complaints, which Christiaan had treated with a mix of conventional and alternative therapies.
Jet took to Dr. Christiaan immediately. Since he’s usually very reserved and nervous with strangers (particularly veterinarians!), this was remarkable. Christiaan agreed with the original diagnosis – he had no doubt that we were dealing with osteosarcoma. He also agreed the condition was advanced. The mass had probably already created its own blood supply, he said, making it very hard to treat.
He also added that he would not recommend amputation in this type of deep-shouldered dog, because the loss of one foreleg would put such pressure on the other leg that he would develop severe arthritis in the joints, and have to be put down anyway. So much for that option.
I explained we had Jet on a mix prepared by McDowell, what it contained, and that we also had him on extra antioxidants and garlic. His opinion was that we doing all the right things, but that he’d like to give Jet equisetum intravenously to make sure he had a sufficient dose, as sometimes the juices in a dog’s digestive tract can interfere with the action of herbs. He’d been using equisetum on cats with feline leukemia with a high rate of success, even with cats that had been in the last stages of the disease, and he felt it was certainly worth a try with Jet. He gave Jet the first dose that day, and booked him in for three more injections over the next week, resulting in a fairly large dose over a short period of time.
Christiaan explained that the herbs and anti-oxidants would strengthen and support Jet’s immune system, and that if the immune system could fight the cancerous cells, then over the next two months we should see some improvement in Jet’s comfort levels. If that occurred, then a remodeling of the bone at the site of the cancer would begin. He stressed that there were no guarantees, but commented as I was leaving, “Jet certainly doesn’t want to give up, so why should we?” Feeling tentatively heartened, we decided simply to take it one day at a time.
Following the last injection a week later, Christiaan asked me to bring Jet back for a checkup in three weeks, and to monitor any changes in his leg but not to limit his exercise as he would do that for himself.
Over the next three weeks, Jet’s energy levels were even greater than usual, his coat gleamed, and his eyes shone. His lameness had decreased, but the lump seemed to be spreading outward – sort of flattening. Suspecting that this probably meant the cancer was still growing; it was with some trepidation that I took Jet back for his check-up.
Dr. Christiaan allayed my fears, saying that Jet was certainly more comfortable on the leg, and that the bone felt as though there could be remodeling beginning to occur! He decided Jet didn’t need another equisetum injection, advised that we continue with McDowell’s herbal drops, the antioxidants, and the garlic, and asked me to bring him back in another six weeks.
About two weeks later, my partner Ron took the dogs for their customary morning walk, only to return ten minutes later with Jet absolutely hobbling lame on his bad leg. Thinking the worst, I called Dr. Christiaan, and his immediate reaction was, “Oh no, I was really hoping that wasn’t going to happen!” Apparently as the bone tissue is remodeling it becomes weak in places, and he suspected Jet had simply landed the wrong way on the leg and fractured the bone.
Dr. Christiaan felt that it was probably only a hairline fracture that would heal rapidly – considering the herbs we had been feeding him – and suggested we give him a crushed aspirin for the pain. If Jet wasn’t noticeably more comfortable in four or five days we were to take him in to the clinic to reconsider the options. When asked whether we should bandage the leg for support, Christiaan said the new bone growth needed to have weight brought to bear on it for healthy growth, and a support bandage would be counterproductive.
We administered the aspirin, and sympathized seriously with Jet over his pain for the first day (he was miserable and very depressed), and were delighted to see that he was markedly better the next morning.
The night before, I’d emailed McDowell to tell him of our setback, and he recommended wrapping the leg with comfrey leaves, which I duly did using a loose-fitting bandage. He also sent another herbal remedy containing additional comfrey, white willow bark and devil’s claw (as anti-inflammatory agents); guiacum (as a lubricant); and Bach Rescue Remedy (for shock). We were to add this to Jet’s usual drops.
Within a week, Jet was completely sound on the leg – which was absolutely remarkable considering the level of pain and lameness he exhibited initially.
Success from Alternative Medicine
Jet’s next check-up (six weeks after his initial visit to Dr. Christiaan) revealed that the bone was still remodeling healthy tissue at the cancer site, and Christiaan was delighted with his progress. He said to continue the herbal drops and antioxidants, and to bring him back in three months, which we did for another positive outcome! Christiaan commented, “You can usually tell whether an animal has the will to live, and there was no way that this one was giving up! He saw it all as a minor inconvenience, really, and once we’d helped his immune system along a little – he did all the rest himself.”
McDowell has also been delighted with continuing positive progress reports. It’s been nine months since the initial diagnosis, and Jet’s still going strong. He still has a bump on his leg where the bone continues to remodel, but has nothing else to show for his close call. In his daily life Jet has never been healthier or more active. His coat is absolutely gleaming, his appetite is voracious, his energy level is higher than when he was a two-year-old, his eyes are bright, and his attitude is overwhelmingly positive. We realize that the situation could change at any time, but are simply delighted that with the help of some dedicated professionals, we’ve been able to buy a good friend some more time with us.
Di Rowling is a freelance writer who lives near Perth, Western Australia.
My dog Gracie Jane just was diagnosed with osteosarcoma and had her leg amputated. They said they found no signs of it spreading but want her to start chemo. I don’t want to put her on grudges that and want to try and the more natural treatments even if only to give her time more quality. Could you please direct me with what to get to start her out. I’m heartbroken.
My dog Buddy was diagnosed with osteosarcoma just this past Friday. While he is about 12 -13 yo, he is still very happy and active and enjoys long hikes. Unfortunately, now that he is in pain and limping we are no longer able to do this activity. It is so sad. I do not want to have his leg amputated or chemo is given to him. I also just looked at the osteosarcoma program on mcdowellsherbal.com and contacted the customer support to see if they would suggest additional products. I am not ready to let him go. He is my best friend and otherwise healthy. He is also not giving up and despite the pain coping very well so far. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on natural treatments that might help.
My Ridgeback Shaka was just today diagnosed with osteosarcoma. He is only 6 years old… I can’t find the words about how I feel… The vet said he has 6 months… we live in Europe, small country called Serbia where I don’t know of any vets that would apply alternative treatment. I would be so grateful if you could share with me in more detail how to make the treatment you used. I am devastated, I can’t accept my boy going away that soon… Please…
My dane just git diagnosed w bone cancer please firward contact info where i can purchase treatment or contact dr Christian
my three year old golden retriever/border collie has been diagnosed with osteosarcoma as well. He is in a considerable amount of pain. Can you please give me the information needed to get the remedy you described above? 3. He is only 3!
my 3 years old malamute mix just diagnosed with osteosarcoma. since he is so young, doc said, amputation will not do much on prolong his lifespan and im devastated. any remedy recommended? im so devastated.
My labradoodle isn’t even two with this horrible osteosarcoma!
Our family dog “Moose” was diagnosed with osteosarcoma as well. We are doing all that we know to boost his immune system and fight it naturally but is it possible to order what you shared about above? We would be so grateful.
Sincerely a family who loves their best friend Moose
Has anybody had any luck with this info.
Ive ordered a small much as I can online and will just give it my dog.
My dog larnie was diagnosed yesterday. Trying to do anything we can to try and get more time. She’s only 5 and used to run with me. She’s sad we are not running 🙁
Hello. Can you tell me exactly what you’re giving you beloved furbaby to fight the immune system? I am not sure of which vitamin C, A, or E to give. And if fresh garlic or pills!
We received the devastating diagnosis of Osteosarcoma for our 5 year old dog. I have read this article, done more research, and found the products on McDowells Herbal Treatment website. We ordered the products today. Their customer service said we should the have products in 4-6 business days. We are praying for success.
Hi Nicole,
Did medicines help? You dog ok now?
My dog is also 3 yr old. Can I try this medicine
My 11 yo Chocolate Lab was diagnosed July 22 with oral Osteosarcoma on his upper front jaw. The mass was removed that day with being unable to get all perimeters. I started him on the pain meds the vet gave me and.. the following items. Life Gold by Pet Wellbeing, Bailey’s Blend Intensive Care Formula, High quality CBD/THC tincture, Essiac Tea, Green Tea, Good quality Fish oil Omega 3, & Probiotics. Wanting to look into Chinese Herbs and mushrooms. I am determined to kill this cancer. I pray for all going through this.
Hey! I’m in a very similar situation with my 6mo old German Shepherd Luna- I’ve also just started her on fish oil omega 3, vitamins A and C, green tea, and Organic joint hemps- I’ve noticed this post was made in July so did those have any effect on her at all, how is he now??
Did you have good luck with this? We just got this diagnosis; however, ours is lower jaw
How much longer did your dog live after the herbal approach?
Hi Di,
Our 15 year old girl was just diagnosed with the bone cancer 2 weeks ago. We are doing the holistic route. Would you be able to provide the contact info for both vets/Drs you worked with please? I would like to order the herbs for our girl.
Thank you 🙏🏼
Our 6.5 German Shepherd was just diagnosed with lymphoma. Please send me the site where we can order the herbal supplements for him. We need to try anything we can for him. Please!
I’m currently fostering a Great Dane that has osteosarcoma. Could you possibly provide the information on the herbal drops you used? I would really like to give this big girl some hope
Hi Di…
Can anyone provide the exact amounts of all the ingredients in the remedies that were used to treat this Australian Sheppard for his Osteosarcoma? I live in Longmeadow, MA so Australia is not an option form me. I can buy most of the herbs and herbal tinctures here, but, do not know the strength of each ingredient or how much of each should be used in the ten drops a day 2X a day schedule.. My sister Royce passed on about a year ago. Beauty is one of her two beloved pit bulls. I am adopting them both, of course. they are so bonded. Beauty is 101/2 and weighs app 50-55 pounds. She has also tested positive this past August 19, for Lyme desease, which her mobile vet did not inform us of. so this is a double whammy for this baby to be dealing with. Please, someone, get back to me ASAP as time is not on our side. Thank you, all. My best,always, Donna E. Taras
Two weeks ago I took my rotty to the vet because she had started limping more and more. I thought she stepped on something in yard. Vet told me she osteosarcoma in her left shoulder. She wanted to amputate. This was all so fast. I didn’t want that to be my only solution. So i have pain pills and antiflammatory pills add well. Last Wednesday I bought cbd oil and was instructed to give to a certain amount am and pm. I also found a recipe for thrmeric,coconut oil and distilled water with black pepper to dijest it better. I have to mix it with something When i give her the less than a tsp amount each morning. I really want to help her. I called for a consult to a holistic Dr but haven’t heard anything back. Each day that goes by is getting harder. I want to help her. She looks in my eyes looking for hope. I don’t want to lose her or disappoint her if I haven’t tried to get help.
Wendy Fry
Hey Wendy my rottweiler is in same position how did your treatment get on
Glad I came across this. My 2.5 yo lab / pit mix (Jax) was just diagnosed with Chondrosarcoma. Most friendly, lovable dog ever – super active. We caught it fairly early, but amputation seems to be the conventional course. I’d rather not go that route. PLEASE forward contact info to see what can be done to try to cure Jaxie other than amputation. Thanks in advance!
My 11 yr old lab/pit mix was just diagnosed. Please forward info. I would much prefer this method of treatment versus amputation.
Thanks in advance!
Please, please provide me with both vets contact information for my 9yr old Hans, a great Great Dane. Please I’m begging you. Thank you and please hurry. 💔🙏🏻
Our great Dane has osteosarcoma. Could you send contact information of doc who provided treatment to dog in this story?
Hi – My 5 year 7 month Great Danes was diagnostic with Osteosarcoma this past monday. I need help – can you please send the information about the treatment – holistic medication. Thank you in advance
Our Great Dane was just diagnosed. Could you please send us the information or details on how we can obtain.
We want to do anything we can to help without pumping a bunch of chemicals through her veins.
Has anyone gotten the contact information or ingredients for the supplement? My Great Dane was just diagnosed with osteosarcoma and I am willing to try this before putting her down. I feel like hers is still early, because they only caught it via X-ray and her demeanor declining. Also, her ALP liver enzymes were slightly elevated (750).
Like everyone else who commented I live in the US in CA and I would love to know doses of vitamins, antioxidants, and garlic tablets what brand or if you made them. Any information would be helpful. I found out yesterday about my soulmate dog. I am devastated, amputation sounds so dreadful. I know many herbalist that could make something up if I new what doses to give. I hope jet is well and if not I hope you had some quality time before he passes/passed… thank you for giving the rest of us hope with alternative option and ideas!
Please I would also like Rx and dosages etc for a 88 lb dog with the same diagnosis. I am in British Columbia, Canada.
Our 11 year old dog was just diagnosed with osteosarcoma in her back leg. We too were told that amputation and chemo were our best option. We do not want to put her through that. We would prefer a different approach. I would like contact information on the herbalist McDowell and Dr, Christiaan if possible. We desperately want to do what we can for our sweet girl.
We just came back from the vet today and I am completely heart broken. My 8 years old mastiff has osteosarcoma. Please forward the doctor’s information and the person that concocted your drops. I am so devastated. Please help!
Can you please let me know how to reach him? I just found out my 5 year old pup is dealing with the same issues and we were likely going to put him down in two days. Please let me know. ❤️
We just came back from the vet today and our 11yrs old lab diagnosed osteosarcoma.. we don’t want him to go through the amputation and chemo… can anyone provides herbal treatments or other better options please??
We just found out our two year old lab has osteosarcoma. My best friend. Any information you could forward would be appreciated. 🙁
We found out about a week ago that our
5-year-old English Mastiff (Winston) has osteosarcoma. The vet and the vet surgeon both say there’s nothing we can do for him and that he has about 6months 😢. X-ray shows that it hasn’t spread to his lungs. He’s not ready to give up, he still runs around like he a puppy. Please forward any information on these supplemental we live in Florida and 🙏 I can get this program for him.
Thanks in advance!!!
I’m reading these comments and they’re tearing my heart out that the author doesn’t respond. Someone did reply ‘up there’ with the link to McDowell’s tinctures. Here it is again: https://shop.mcdowellsherbal.com/osteosarcoma-program-dog.html
And this is an excellent article: https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/osteosarcoma-in-dogs/
To the person who is in MA, you can order from Australia: you do not need to be in Australia. McDowells’ shipping to the US is around $25.00.
My standard poodle was also just diagnosed. Sending well wishes to all.
Found this Dr McDowell’s website. Sending you all guidance and wisdom towards your pet’s healing!
Hello. Can you tell me exactly what you’re giving you beloved furbaby to fight the immune system? I am not sure of which vitamin C, A, or E to give. And if fresh garlic or pills!
Just found out today that my amazing Great Dane has bone cancer. So devastated. I like everyone else would love to know the amounts of each ingredient. I’m seeing no replies to anyone in the comments so I hope you are emailing them the information. Thanks!
My dog was just diagnosed on my birthday 1211 with osteosarcoma. I need help. I can let her go yet. She is my best friend. She eats drinks and still is happy. She just can’t walk on her right leg. The tumor is on her right shoulder. My vet keeps pushing to put her down,and it pissing me off. I know she is in pain’ but meds are helping her control it. Please help