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The Best of Dog Toys, the Worst of Dog Toys


The Buster Cube
Your dog needs to be mentally stimulated,” claim the makers of the Buster Cube, so they produced a product that purports to do just that. The result is a blue, hollow, hard plastic cube with rounded corners, designed to resemble a large die, even down to the spots on each of its six sides. The one-spot is actually a hole that you can pour kibble into, so that it fills the interior of the double-walled cube. When the dog pushes the Cube around, bits of food fall out of the hole. The theory is that problem behavior can diminish or even disappear entirely if a dog is given mentally stimulating tasks.

The theory is valid; dogs who are kept mentally active through basic training classes and more advanced problem-solving challenges are almost invariably better behaved than their bored and frustrated canine brethren, even those who are given ample physical exercise. (See “Getting Beyond the Basics,” this issue) But we found the Buster Cube to be a creative but unfortunately largely unsuccessful approach to accomplishing this purpose.

Dog Toys

Our dog training consultant tested it on several dogs of varying sizes and temperaments, and found, for starters, getting the dogs to use the Cube was nowhere near as easy as the product literature claims it to be.

“All you have to do is start the game by offering the Cube and your dog will do the rest,” the pamphlet enclosed with the Cube promises. This wasn’t true with any of the four dogs tested (all of whom have been trained with positive reinforcement, using treats, and are eager and willing to “work for food”). Each dog was tested separately for about 10 minutes on the first try. Each was initially curious when offered the Cube, but simply sniffed at it for a minute or two and then sat, laid down, or walked away and ignored it. Loading the cube with tastier, meaty-smelling treats still didn’t get enough of a response to get the Cube rolling. When we rolled the Cube so the food would fall out it elicited considerably more interest, but only one dog cared enough to conduct further experiments on her own.

During a 10-minute session the following day we managed to get the Terrier-mix interested enough to use her paws to roll the Cube. She had several “wins,” which sparked her interest more, but she was still quick to give up unless we continued to encourage her to try. The Kelpie progressed rapidly, pushing the Cube around with vigor. Still, if it got stuck in a corner she gave up fairly easily and needed encouragement to re-engage. The Pomeranian had no interest in pushing around an object almost as large as he was, although he waited happily and attentively for a human to push the Cube over and provide him with a treat.

The Cube’s pamphlet states that your dog might be ill and need a trip to the veterinarian if she won’t play with the Cube, or that a dog behaviorist can help. It also suggests that withholding food to make her hungry might stimulate her interest. Most owners purchase the Cube as an educational toy, and wouldn’t expect to have to turn it into a major project with trips to the vet and the trainer, or deprive their dogs of dinner in order to get them to play.

We can cautiously recommend the Cube for dogs who are bold and active (the herding breeds, especially), as long as their owners are willing to put the time into teaching their dogs to use it. Owners who will make that kind of commitment are probably already doing other things with their dogs to foster good behavior and provide mental stimulation.

The Buster Cube ranges in price from $20 to $30, and can be found at most pet supply stores.

The Twidget
We can best describe the Twidget as a terrific toy and training tool for the tennis ball-obsessed dog. The Twidget is a low-tech, delightful toy consisting of two tennis balls strung on a 12-inch rope with three inches of rope between the balls, knotted on the outsides to prevent the balls from slipping off the rope. In contrast to the Buster Cube, this toy is simple to use.

As a toy, the benefits are obvious to any ball-crazy dog. Golden Retrievers, Labs and Border Collies put this one high on their Christmas list – retrieving two tennis balls is infinitely better than chasing just one! It is also suitable as a tug-toy. (Although some schools of thought counsel against playing tug-of-war with dogs, WDJ recognizes that it can be a fun game for dog and owner, and a useful training technique if the dog is taught to stop the game and release the tug-toy on cue.)

The Twidget also gives a tactical advantage to the owner of the over-possessive ball-crazy dog. It can be exceedingly frustrating to play fetch with a dog who loves to chase the ball but has a hard time with the concept of giving it back!

With the Twidget, we can calmly take hold of the second tennis ball as it dangles from the dog’s mouth, and offer to trade for a treat. When the dog opens his mouth for the cookie, we already have the toy in hand and can quickly remove it from his reach, thus easily (and without using force) training the dog to release the ball when we ask. Our consulting trainer vouches for this after working with the Twidget and a very determined, ball-loving Golden Retriever.

We do suggest using the Twidget for monitored play only. It would be easy for a dog to chew through the rope that holds the tennis balls together and defeat the value of having the two balls linked together.

The Twidget retails for $7 to $10, is available at pet supply stores and through many pet products catalogs.

The Eezi-Crate
If your dog is crate-trained, and you bring his crate with you when you travel, you’ll love the Eezi-Crate. It’s a light-weight, collapsible crate, resembling a backpacker’s tent when set up. The purchase of an optional shoulder strap makes carrying the crate even easier.

For dogs who are already crate-trained and well-behaved in a crate, this is a terrific buy. (Crate-training, when done and used properly, is a fantastic dog-management tool. But like any training tool, it can be abused.) It is not designed to stand up to a dog that will test confinement by chewing or digging to get out. The manufacturer’s one-year warranty only covers product defects – it excludes damage from chewing, scratching, or normal wear and tear.

But for those of us with dogs who are content – happier, even – when securely snuggled into the familiar and protected confines of their favorite “cave,” this is a lifesaver. Standard plastic and wire crates are heavy and awkward, especially for large dogs, and don’t fit into most passenger cars. Some dog owners drive vans and trucks in order to accommodate one or more dog crates. Other owners just leave their dogs’ crates at home. The collapsed Eezi-Crate takes up very little space and will fit into most passenger cars, making it possible for more dogs to take their “little piece of home” with them wherever they travel.

The Eezi-Crate is made of a nylon mesh fabric, has sturdy seams that are glued and sewn, solid fiberglass rods to reinforce the exterior, and a marine-grade glued and double-stitched zipper for the door. It comes in four sizes, from 24”x 20”x 20” to 42”x 32”x 32”, and weighs from four pounds (the smallest size) to seven pounds (the largest).

The cost of the crate ranges from $100 to $220 depending on size, and the strap is an additional $10. For more information or to order an Eezi-Crate, call the manufacturer at (803) 365-9798.

-By Pat Miller

Quiet Barking in Your Neighborhood


What can you do if the dog whose barking is driving you insane is not your dog?

Besides leaving a copy of the foregoing articles on the dog-owner’s front porch (maybe they’ll take the hint and train their dog not to bark), you might consider the practical and legal remedies offered by attorney Mary Randolph, author of Dog Law. This outstanding book, published by legal self-help specialist Nolo Press, of Berkeley, CA, covers all legal aspects of owning dogs.

The following is an excerpt from the chapter in Dog Law that deals with barking dogs. The tips contained in the excerpt will be enough to guide most people with nuisance barkers in their neighborhood through an amicable and effective resolution to their problem. However, if you are embroiled in a serious conflict with the balky owner of a problem barker, WDJ strongly encourages you to consider buying Dog Law and reading the entire chapter.

Probably the most common complaint about dogs is the noise they make. The good news for neighbors is that usually problems can be resolved without resorting to legal means, through informal negotiation or mediation. And if that fails, there is almost always a law against noisy nuisance dogs.

If you can’t get these laws enforced to your satisfaction, you can sue the dog owner to get the nuisance stopped and to recover money damages. But substituting a major hassle with expensive lawyers for a small one with a bad-mannered spaniel isn’t much progress. Lawsuits are especially undesirable when the other party is a neighbor – after all, you’ll still be next door to each other no matter who wins.

Below, we discuss the most promising ways to resolve neighborhood dog disputes out of court and stay on relatively good terms with the neighbors.

Confront Your Neighbor About the Barking

The obvious first step – asking the dog’s owner to stop the noise – is either ignored or botched by a surprising number of people. Perhaps it’s not all that surprising approaching someone with a complaint can be unpleasant and in some cases intimidating.

However, talking to your neighbor calmly and reasonably is an essential first step. Even if you do eventually end up in court, a judge isn’t likely to be too sympathetic if you didn’t make at least some effort to work things out first. So it’s a no-lose situation, and if you approach it with a modicum of tact, you may be pleasantly surprised by the neighbor’s willingness to work toward a solution.

Sometimes owners are blissfully unaware that there’s a problem. If a dog barks for hours every day – but only when it’s left alone – the owner may not know that a neighbor is being driven crazy by a dog the owner thinks is quiet and well-mannered. Even if you’re sure the neighbor does know about the dog’s antisocial behavior, it may be better to proceed as though she doesn’t.

Here are some suggestions on how to get the most from your negotiations:

– Write a friendly note or call to arrange a convenient time to talk. Don’t blunder up some rainy evening when the neighbor is trying to drag groceries and kids in the house after work.
– If you think it’s appropriate, take a little something to the meeting to break the ice – some vegetables from your garden, perhaps.
– Don’t threaten legal action (or illegal action!). There will be time to discuss legal remedies if relations deteriorate.
– Offer positive suggestions. Once you have established some rapport, you may want to suggest, tactfully, that the owner get help with the dog. Try saying something like, “You know, my friend Tom had the same problem with his dog, and since he’s been taking the dog to ABC Obedience School classes, he and his neighbors are much happier.” Of course, if you make suggestions too early in the process, the neighbor may resent your “interference.”
– Try to agree on specific actions to alleviate the problem. For example, that the dog is kept inside between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m.
– After you agree on a plan, set a date to talk again in a couple of weeks. If your next meeting is already arranged, it will be easier for you to talk again. It won’t look like you’re badgering your neighbor, but will show that you’re serious about getting the problem solved.

If the situation improves, make a point to say thanks. Not only is it the nice thing to do, it will also encourage more progress.

Mediation: Getting Another Person to Help

If talking to your neighbor directly doesn’t work, or you’re convinced it’s hopeless, consider getting some help from a mediator. A mediator won’t make a decision for you, but will help you and your neighbor agree on a resolution of the problem.

Mediators, both professional and volunteers, are trained to listen to both sides, identify problems, keep everyone focused on the real problems and suggest compromises. Going through the process helps both people feel they’ve been heard (a more constructive version of the satisfaction of “having your day in court”) and often puts people on better terms.

Mediation provides a safe, structured way for neighbors to talk. They meet informally with one or more mediators, and first agree on ground rules – basic guidelines, such as no name-calling or interrupting. Then, each person briefly states a view of the problem. The mediator may summarize the problem and its history before moving on to discuss possible solutions.

Unlike a lawsuit, mediation is not an adversarial process. You do not go to mediation to argue your side. No judge-like person makes a decision for you. So there is nothing to gain from the lying and manipulation common to the courtroom. People can become amazingly cooperative when they realize it’s in their power – and no one else’s – to resolve their problem.

When two people do agree on how to alleviate the problem, it’s best to put the agreement in writing, which helps clarify everyone’s expectations. And it’s invaluable if later memories grow fuzzy, as they almost always do, about who agreed to do what.

The best place to look for a free mediator for this kind of dispute is a community mediation group. Many cities have such groups, which usually train volunteers to mediate disputes in their neighborhoods.

Other places that may be able to refer you to a mediation service include the small claims court clerk’s office, the local district attorney’s office, radio or television stations that offer help with consumer problems, or state or local bar associations.

State and Local Laws on Nuisance Dogs

If the situation doesn’t improve after your efforts to work something out, it’s time to check your local laws and see what your legal options are. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be better prepared to approach your neighbor again or go to animal control authorities, the police or a small claims court.

In some places, barking dogs are covered by a specific state or local ordinance. If there’s no law aimed specifically at dogs, a general nuisance or noise ordinance will make the owner responsible. Local law may forbid loud noise after 10 p.m., for example, or prohibit any “unreasonable” noise. And someone who allows a dog to bark, after numerous warnings from police, may be arrested for disturbing the peace.

To find out what the law is where you live, go to a law library and check the state statutes and city or count), ordinances yourself. Look in the index under “noise,” “dogs,” “animals” or “nuisance.” If you don’t have access to a law library, you can probably find out about local laws by calling the local animal control agency or city attorney.

Animal Control Authorities and Nuisance Dogs

If your efforts at working something out with your neighbor haven’t succeeded, talk to the animal control department in your city or county. The people there are likely to be more receptive than the police or other municipal officials.

When you call, don’t just make your complaint and hang up. If it’s really a persistent problem, you need to be persistent, too. Ask the person you talk to – and write down his name, so you won’t have to explain your problem every time you call – about the department’s procedures. Find out what the department will do, and when. For example, the department may need to receive a certain number of complaints about a barking dog within a certain time before it will act.

Some cities have set up special programs to handle dog complaints. The animal control department establishes a simple procedure for making a complaint, and follows up promptly – and repeatedly, if necessary. This is a great idea, for two main reasons. First, it gives a specific city official or department – usually the health, police or public safety department – responsibility for the problem. If it’s not clear who’s primarily responsible, someone with a complaint is likely to get shuffled from department to department.

Calling the Police on a Barking Dog

The police aren’t very interested in barking dog problems, and you can’t much blame them. Unless you live in an exceptionally quiet and peaceful place, police have lots more serious problems on their hands. Another reason to avoid the police, except as a last resort, is that summoning a police cruiser to a neighbor’s house obviously will not improve your already strained relations. But if none of the options already discussed works, and the relationship with your neighbor is shot anyway, you might as well give the police a try. The police may be your only choice, too, if you don’t know who owns the offending dog, as can happen on crowded city blocks where you just can’t tell whose dog is making the noise.

The police have the power to enforce local noise laws and laws that prohibit disturbing the peace. As when you’re dealing with animal control people, don’t be afraid to ask the police exactly what you and other neighbors must do to get them to take action. You may well have to make more than one call or written complaint.

Small Claims Court for Nuisance Dogs

If nothing you’ve tried helps, you can sue the owner of a barking dog, on the ground that the dog is a nuisance that interferes with your use and enjoyment of your home. The least painful route is through small claims court. Small claims court procedures are simple and designed to be used without a lawyer. In some states, including California, lawyers are barred from small claims court. Even if they aren’t banned, you will rarely see one there because most people find it too expensive to hire them. Fees in small claims court are also low, and the process is relatively fast – which means you’ll get to court in a few weeks or months, not years.

Winning a lawsuit in small claims court can get you money (and satisfaction), but probably nothing else. In most states, small claims court judges only have the power to order someone to pay money. They can’t give you what you really want – a court order telling your neighbor to make the problematic pooch be quiet.

Still, making your neighbor fork over some money may be even more effective than a simple court order in convincing your neighbor to clean up his (or his dog’s) act. And you can keep going back to court and asking for more as long as the nuisance continues.

If you absolutely must have a court order telling the neighbor to stop (the technical term for this kind of order is an injunction), you may have to go to “regular” court (often called circuit, superior or district court) instead of small claims court. For that, you’ll probably need a lawyer, though you can bring a straightforward nuisance suit yourself, if you’re willing to spend some hours in the law library finding out how to draw up the papers and submit them to the court.

Reprinted with permission of Nolo Press. For information about suing in small claims or regular court, see the rest of Chapter 7 of Dog Law.

Digestive Disorders and Blue-Green Algae

We bought Belle as a puppy from a friend, Linda, who is also a very good and conscientious breeder. A couple of Linda’s dogs were notorious for eating sticks and/or other assorted objects. Belle’s mother, in fact, had to have a quarter and a dime surgically removed from her stomach. We like to call that the “not-so cost-effective money retrieval” system! (Linda is also an accountant.)

So, when Belle started finding assorted objects to munch on as well, we joked about it. But we stopped laughing in July of 1996, when she swallowed (whole) a pair of my nephew’s underpants. Later on the same day she ate them, she stood in front of my husband, looking a little green around the gills, and threw them up in one big burp! All the time she was growing, Belle had eaten some pretty nasty things, but this took the cake!

Belle also exhibited a few other strange symptoms. For one, she was a habitual “paw licker,” and would develop “lick granulomas” – not to mention drive me crazy – if I didn’t watch her carefully. And while her appetite for weird things was strong, she was a disinterested eater of dog food. Since coming to us at seven weeks, she had never eaten her dog food with a good appetite; I almost had to force-feed her at times.

I wasn’t really prompted to look further into these conditions, however, until the underwear incident. Shortly afterward, she started to lose weight. When her weight loss reached 15 pounds, I panicked and scheduled an appointment with a veterinarian I sometimes use in Andover, Massechusetts. An endoscopy revealed a blockage that called for immediate surgery. Inside her stomach, they found a hunk of “mixed materials” – a combination of plastic Nylabone, cloth, and other unidentifiable stuff.

After surgery, she recovered fairly well, but still was not eating right. She gained about 10 pounds, but was still all bones. I took her to my regular veterinarian, Dr. Eric Bloomfield of the Northside Animal Hospital, here in Manchester.

Supplement improves situation
Dr. Bloomfield took a look at Belle, listened to her history, and heard me cry for about 10 minutes about not wanting to lose her. Then he left the room and came back with a container of green powder. He said, “Don’t laugh and don’t be afraid. This stuff will help your dog, if you use it!” In the container was Super Blue Green AlgaeTM (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae).

I was sceptical, but Dr. Bloomfield was so serious, I decided to give it a try, thinking all the while, “Yuck, if I don’t like the look of it, how will I get Belle to eat it?” I disguised it in several ways, rolling it up in raw hamburger or cheese.

One day, about a week and a half after giving her the SBGA daily, I heard the sound of a bowl being banged in the kitchen. I usually tune out that sound, as our resident “pork chop” Molly, the Pointer, likes to eat ‘round the clock, and that’s how she says she’s hungry. But there was Molly at my feet! I ran into the kitchen, and who should I behold but Belle, standing in front of her dish, whacking it with her paw!

After placing two cups of dry food in front of Belle (whose motto has always been, “What me? Eat dry food? Never!”), I went into shock when she finished it in four minutes flat.

That was the beginning of a new and improved Belle. Within two weeks she gained another 10 pounds, and almost completely stopped eating “bad” things. About five weeks after starting her on the algae, she weighed 115 pounds, ate three meals a day because she asked for it, and has since had very few episodes of chewing or eating inappropriate items. (The exception has been when she’s experiencing a false pregnancy, then I have to double the SBGA I feed her.) She looks great, her coat is now a shiny, deep steel blue, with no more “brown out.” She also lost her skittishness and is more outgoing. She only licks her paws excessively when she’s stressed; otherwise, that behavior is gone.

I did test the algae several times by removing it from Belle’s diet. Each time her consumption of food decreased within four to seven days. She is now on a maintenance dose, getting 1/3 teaspoon of the algae per meal, and she’s doing great.

Of course, since Belle’s success, I started giving the algae to Molly (the Pointer). Molly has chronic pain from a torn ligament, and I had been giving her ascriptin and phenylbutazone for treatment. She couldn’t play with the big dogs due to pain, nor could she chase Frisbees, her favorite sport.

Within a month or so, the pain eased to the point where I was able to wean her off the ascriptin and bute. She now plays with the Danes on a limited basis every day. She is stiff but doing well, with no limping. All my dogs have lovely coats and surprisingly, since the cats have started eating it, we have had a drastic reduction in our flea problem at home. Coincidence? Who knows? But I’m no fool; I’ll continue with what works.

Not a cure-all
Dr. Bloomfield explained it to me this way: Algae is not a cure-all, but it does supply raw trace minerals, enzymes, and amino acids, the building blocks upon which bodies build and repair themselves. Nutritionists tell us that the soil that has been intensively farmed for the last 40 years or so has become relatively depleted of trace minerals. For our dogs, who should be eating raw food anyway, this lack of nutrients in farm-grown food (and in the meat-producing animals that eat farm-grown grains) manifests itself in a wide range of symptoms. Many veterinarians speculate that many symptoms signal a nutritional deficiency of one or more kinds.

SBGA grows naturally in Klamath Lake in Oregon, and is harvested and freeze dried immediately. Representatives for Cell Tech, of Klamath Falls, Oregon, the company that manufactures the algae that I use, claim that Cell Tech is the only company that produces the algae in such a way that its elements, minerals, and nutrients are not damaged. (See “Super Supplements” and “Multi-Level Marketing Mysteries.”)

Recently Cell Tech announced the publication of an independent study of SBGA and its effects on the immune system, especially on the activity of the body’s killer cells (the ones which search out and destroy cells such as cancers). The study was conducted by researchers from Magill University at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal. They found that eating SBGA triggered the release of a significant number of killer cells from the bloodstream into the tissues, a more effective position from which to launch an attack on abnormal cells such as cancer or virally infected cells.

Again, I don’t know for a fact whether these claims are valid or not. All I know is that the algae made a world of difference to my dogs, especially Belle. I wouldn’t dream of doing without it.

By Lyn Richards

Lyn Richards is a dog trainer and Great Dane breeder who lives in Manchester, NH.

Holistic Treatments for Osteosarcoma in Dogs

[Updated January 28, 2019]

The date was Friday the 13th, so I guess I should have expected something unpleasant to happen, but the news from our family veterinarian that our 10-year-old Belgian Shepherd had, “at the most about six months to live,” came as a bolt from the blue. We had noticed a lump on Jet’s left front leg just above the knee joint for a couple of months, but he hadn’t appeared to be lame on the leg, and the area wasn’t hot to the touch or painful on palpation.

Since Jet is an active dog, always an eager participant in the rough and tumble of life with three other dogs on our horse ranch, I assumed he’d knocked it, and that the lump would simply go down as it healed. When I noticed it was actually increasing in size I took him to the vet to determine the cause – still thinking it was something minor, as Jet was otherwise very healthy and cheerful.

Not so, according to our veterinarian. He sadly informed me that it was osteosarcoma, a particularly aggressive form of bone cancer, and that there was nothing we could do but control the pain (which is usually quite severe) and wait for the disease to take its course.

belgian shepherd with osteosarcoma

The veterinarian took x-rays of the leg, which revealed a large mass entwined around the bone tissue at the lower (distal) end of the long bone in the leg. This type of cancer is common in older, large dogs – and there was no doubt that this was what we were dealing with. It was a textbook case.

The veterinarian predicted the cancer would continue to grow rapidly, causing increasing levels of pain as it interfered with the bone and surrounding tissues. Then it would burst through the bone casing, and finally begin to cause an increasingly suppurating, spreading wound on the outside of the leg. He also suggested there was also a strong possibility that the cancer would spread to other parts of the body.

Sometimes in these cases surgical amputation of the whole leg from the shoulder is performed, but the doctor felt the likelihood of the cancer spreading was fairly high, and that amputation was not really a viable option. When I asked about holistic treatments, our veterinarian (who is of the conventional school, but usually puts up with my “alternative bent”), was of the opinion that “anti-oxidants couldn’t hurt.” He couldn’t offer anything other than treating the symptoms pharmaceutically until the inevitable occurred.

Accepting My Dog’s Cancer

My first reaction was initially disbelief, then despair as I visualized losing a very good old friend to a horrible disease. It didn’t help that I’d been to the funeral of another (human) friend the day before, who’d also been the victim of cancer. In a daze, I accepted a bottle of pills from the veterinarian (I still don’t know what they were for!), and left. Driving home, I couldn’t look at Jet’s cheerful furry face in the rear view mirror without tears welling up in my eyes.

By the next morning I’d decided that this wasn’t going to be the way it was at all! I’ve been a firm believer in the alternative therapies for many years, and so I hit the textbooks and the Internet, and started phoning friends for suggestions. I’d worked with a professional herbalist in another state, Robert McDowell, who treats humans, horses, and (I suddenly remembered) dogs, so I emailed him with an outline of Jet’s case.

A friend told us of an veterinarian who used alternative methods and who had successfully treated their Bull Terrier for skin cancer using Chinese herbs. I called the veterinarian, only to be told I should bring Jet to the clinic immediately to amputate the leg. His opinion: “There’s no magic cure for bone cancer – his only chance is amputation, and if you don’t do it immediately, his chances of surviving will decrease rapidly.”

What a dilemma! We hated the idea of amputating his front leg – he’s a very active dog – and his age and somewhat skittish temperament meant the surgery and recovery would be a major trauma for him, with no guarantee of success.

However, the alternative seemed to be losing him very quickly to cancer. To exacerbate the dilemma, by this time Jet was starting to show some discomfort with the leg, favoring it slightly when he walked, and shifting his weight off it when sitting.

The same day, Robert McDowell replied to my email message, saying he had made up an herbal remedy containing equisetum (horsetail), pine bark extract (a really strong antioxidant), comfrey (for bone healing), and yarrow (for its general healing properties), and that it was already in the mail. We were to give Jet 10 drops of this mix twice a day, and McDowell expressed his hope that we could “buy him some time.”

Well, the offer was the most positive thing we’d heard so far, so we nervously decided against the amputation, and to “wait and see” with the herbs. At the same time I started Jet on antioxidant tablets (a mixture of Vitamin E, C, and A, and garlic) , figuring that if they didn’t help him, they surely couldn’t hurt.

Alternative Medicine to Treat Cancer

After we’d been using the herbal mix for about a week, we heard about another veterinarian who used alternative methods and who lived quite close, and I decided it was worth covering all the bases and giving him a call. Dr. Marcel Christiaan runs a mixed practice in the foothills near Perth (Western Australia) and came highly recommended by friends who had taken their cats to him for a variety of complaints, which Christiaan had treated with a mix of conventional and alternative therapies.

Jet took to Dr. Christiaan immediately. Since he’s usually very reserved and nervous with strangers (particularly veterinarians!), this was remarkable. Christiaan agreed with the original diagnosis – he had no doubt that we were dealing with osteosarcoma. He also agreed the condition was advanced. The mass had probably already created its own blood supply, he said, making it very hard to treat.

He also added that he would not recommend amputation in this type of deep-shouldered dog, because the loss of one foreleg would put such pressure on the other leg that he would develop severe arthritis in the joints, and have to be put down anyway. So much for that option.

I explained we had Jet on a mix prepared by McDowell, what it contained, and that we also had him on extra antioxidants and garlic. His opinion was that we doing all the right things, but that he’d like to give Jet equisetum intravenously to make sure he had a sufficient dose, as sometimes the juices in a dog’s digestive tract can interfere with the action of herbs. He’d been using equisetum on cats with feline leukemia with a high rate of success, even with cats that had been in the last stages of the disease, and he felt it was certainly worth a try with Jet. He gave Jet the first dose that day, and booked him in for three more injections over the next week, resulting in a fairly large dose over a short period of time.

Christiaan explained that the herbs and anti-oxidants would strengthen and support Jet’s immune system, and that if the immune system could fight the cancerous cells, then over the next two months we should see some improvement in Jet’s comfort levels. If that occurred, then a remodeling of the bone at the site of the cancer would begin. He stressed that there were no guarantees, but commented as I was leaving, “Jet certainly doesn’t want to give up, so why should we?” Feeling tentatively heartened, we decided simply to take it one day at a time.

Following the last injection a week later, Christiaan asked me to bring Jet back for a checkup in three weeks, and to monitor any changes in his leg but not to limit his exercise as he would do that for himself.

Over the next three weeks, Jet’s energy levels were even greater than usual, his coat gleamed, and his eyes shone. His lameness had decreased, but the lump seemed to be spreading outward – sort of flattening. Suspecting that this probably meant the cancer was still growing; it was with some trepidation that I took Jet back for his check-up.

Dr. Christiaan allayed my fears, saying that Jet was certainly more comfortable on the leg, and that the bone felt as though there could be remodeling beginning to occur! He decided Jet didn’t need another equisetum injection, advised that we continue with McDowell’s herbal drops, the antioxidants, and the garlic, and asked me to bring him back in another six weeks.

About two weeks later, my partner Ron took the dogs for their customary morning walk, only to return ten minutes later with Jet absolutely hobbling lame on his bad leg. Thinking the worst, I called Dr. Christiaan, and his immediate reaction was, “Oh no, I was really hoping that wasn’t going to happen!” Apparently as the bone tissue is remodeling it becomes weak in places, and he suspected Jet had simply landed the wrong way on the leg and fractured the bone.

Dr. Christiaan felt that it was probably only a hairline fracture that would heal rapidly – considering the herbs we had been feeding him – and suggested we give him a crushed aspirin for the pain. If Jet wasn’t noticeably more comfortable in four or five days we were to take him in to the clinic to reconsider the options. When asked whether we should bandage the leg for support, Christiaan said the new bone growth needed to have weight brought to bear on it for healthy growth, and a support bandage would be counterproductive.

We administered the aspirin, and sympathized seriously with Jet over his pain for the first day (he was miserable and very depressed), and were delighted to see that he was markedly better the next morning.

The night before, I’d emailed McDowell to tell him of our setback, and he recommended wrapping the leg with comfrey leaves, which I duly did using a loose-fitting bandage. He also sent another herbal remedy containing additional comfrey, white willow bark and devil’s claw (as anti-inflammatory agents); guiacum (as a lubricant); and Bach Rescue Remedy (for shock). We were to add this to Jet’s usual drops.

Within a week, Jet was completely sound on the leg – which was absolutely remarkable considering the level of pain and lameness he exhibited initially.

Success from Alternative Medicine

Jet’s next check-up (six weeks after his initial visit to Dr. Christiaan) revealed that the bone was still remodeling healthy tissue at the cancer site, and Christiaan was delighted with his progress. He said to continue the herbal drops and antioxidants, and to bring him back in three months, which we did for another positive outcome! Christiaan commented, “You can usually tell whether an animal has the will to live, and there was no way that this one was giving up! He saw it all as a minor inconvenience, really, and once we’d helped his immune system along a little – he did all the rest himself.”

McDowell has also been delighted with continuing positive progress reports. It’s been nine months since the initial diagnosis, and Jet’s still going strong. He still has a bump on his leg where the bone continues to remodel, but has nothing else to show for his close call. In his daily life Jet has never been healthier or more active. His coat is absolutely gleaming, his appetite is voracious, his energy level is higher than when he was a two-year-old, his eyes are bright, and his attitude is overwhelmingly positive. We realize that the situation could change at any time, but are simply delighted that with the help of some dedicated professionals, we’ve been able to buy a good friend some more time with us.

Di Rowling is a freelance writer who lives near Perth, Western Australia. 

Dog Training Videos Offer Tips!

We dog training enthusiasts are lucky; there are any number of information resources available to help us learn about our favorite preoccupation. First-hand learners can go to a class, or work with a trainer in private sessions. Readers can choose from a bewildering array of books. For the computer-phile, there are even a few CD-ROMs that offer dog training tips!

But videos are absolutely one of the easiest mediums to learn from. Like classes and private training, videos have the benefit of being a visual medium, but with an advantage – you can play them over and over until a concept really sinks in. Although you miss out on the personal feedback that is provided by a real live trainer, videotapes enable you to learn directly from the world’s best trainers and behavior experts and to experience canine events from around the world. It would cost far more time and money to visit these people and events in person than the average dog owner has available for these pursuits.

Perhaps the only problematic aspect of learning about dog training from videos is selecting which ones to buy! How can you determine which of the hundreds of available titles are worth $20 to $50 of your hard-earned dollars? To help inform your decisions, WDJ will periodically review a number of videos. All the following tapes available from Direct Book Service (800-776-2665), unless otherwise noted.


Answers From Experts – 05/98


What’s right for tartar?
We adopted a female 3 1/2 year old toy poodle who proved to be unproductive as a breed bitch and far too nervous to show. By the age of five years she fell heir to progressive retinal atrophy and the beginning of cataracts.

With the help of a holistic veterinarian in Tampa, we were able to hold this condition at bay for a full year, though, later, the retinal atrophy galloped away with her. Now both eyes are fully covered with cataracts, the lenses in both eyes have luxated and fallen forward, causing her discomfort which we now manage by a daily application of Neopredef into the eyes and Prednisone orally as needed, both of which I dislike but I feel I have no alternative.

But my main reason for writing is the tartar on her teeth, which she has always had, notwithstanding a change to a more raw and healthy diet. Can you shed any light on what homeopathic medicine, how much, and how administered could help our little girl, who still has terrible tartar buildup?

-Helen A. Karkeet
Hernando, FL

We turned this question over to Dr. Charles E. Loops, a veterinarian with a 100 percent homeopathic practice. Dr. Loops lives and works in Pittsboro, North Carolina, consulting with many of his clients over the telephone. He has a special interest in cancer treatment.

Treating chronic disease homeopathically is what we refer to as constitutional prescribing. This is the determination of the one, most similar, homeopathic remedy that matches the overall symptoms, characteristics, and mental attributes of a given individual animal. This is in marked contrast to allopathic medicine, where similar symptoms in dissimilar patients are often treated with the same remedy. Used in the traditional Western manner, the same homeopathic remedy would be administered to every patient with tartar on their teeth. That’s not how homeopathy really works, however.

Homeopaths don;t automatically prescribe remedy A for every case of dental tartar. Instead, we look for the remedy that best suits each individual. In your dog’s case, we would also take into consideration her nervous temperament, breeding difficulties, retinal atrophy, and all other significant medical and temperamental data, in order to choose the correct remedy.

When resonance occurs homeopathically, changes will occur within that individual correcting all the symptoms of imbalance which exist in that particular animal. These corrections will not come all at once, but over time. Usually the more recent problems disappear first and the older, possibly suppressed imbalances resolve later.

Excessive tartar build-up is one of those characteristics which can resolve with the correct prescribing of one dose, or several doses over time, of the correct homeopathic medicine. Determination of the correct homeopathic medicine to prescribe is what a veterinary homeopath does when he takes the case of an individual animal. You need to find a classically trained homeopath and consult with that individual either by phone or with a visit if there is one near you.

Homeopathic consultations for animals with chronic disease usually require 30 minutes to one hour on the telephone with a practitioner and cost from $75 to $150. This is very inexpensive healthcare when you consider that one consult can sometimes result in curative effects for a condition which could require years of conventional treatment and great expense over time.

All right, I’m newly convinced that I should feed my dog raw red meat for optimum health. But how do we transition a dog from a diet of dry food? My first attempt at red meat was a disaster, as I discovered on the kitchen floor the morning after I first gave my Peek-a-Poo Molly her first taste of meat. Should I introduce it slowly? Is there a particular cut that is beneficial? What should I ask/look for? Can we feed it twice a week instead of every day? Won’t this be expensive?

Sign me,
-Just Plain Pooped in CT
via email

To answer this question, we turned again to veterinarian Pat Bradley, of Conway, Arkansas. A graduate of Louisiana State University, Bradley practiced conventional veterinary medicine for 10 years before opening an all-holistic practice five years ago. Bradley strongly advocates feeding dogs a diet comprised largely of raw meat.

First of all, congratulations on your decision to feed meat to your dog. I’m certain that you will be happy to see improvements in her health and even possibly her temperament with an improved diet. You’ll also be glad to hear there are a number of things you can do to make the transition to an all- or mostly meat diet easier on your dog’s digestive tract and your kitchen floor!

When a dog (especially one who normally eats only commercially prepared dog food) eats a food she has never, or rarely, had before, diarrhea is often the result. That’s because most dogs guts contain only a limited amount and variety of digestive enzymes and bacteria with which to process foods. That situation can be improved in a number of ways.

I’m not sure why, but one of the most helpful things you can do is to fast your dog (liquids only) for one day immediately prior to making a dietary change. Fasting seems to prepare the gut for a change.

The next trick is to introduce new foods slowly enough to give the gut time to adjust its chemistry. A standard veterinary protocol has you start out by feeding a quarter of the new food and three-quarters of the old food for several days, feeding half and half for the next few days, three-quarters new and one-quarter old for several days, and finally, nothing but the new food. How many days several turns out to be should depend on your dog’s sensitivity to diet changes. Draw the process out if she exhibits signs of digestive upset.

Supplementing the intestinal flora can also be very helpful. Some veterinarians recommend giving dogs supplemental digestive enzymes, which are manufactured to replicate enzymes produced by the pancreas to help break down food. These supplements can be very useful, but not all animals tolerate them well. Friendly bacterial supplements, like acidophilus, can also be useful. If a dog can handle yogurt, you can add anywhere from a tablespoon to half a cup of yogurt a day, depending on the size of the dog, while you’re making the transition. The yogurt you use must contain an active yogurt culture; not all supermarket brands do. But, again, some dogs don’t like yogurt, and some are sensitive to milk products. In those cases, you can buy acidophilus culture as a dried powder in capsules.

Try a tonifier
Slippery elm can also be used as an intestinal tonifier. It is especially good for animals that are sensitive to food changes. The dried powder comes in both capsules and loose. I use it this way: Mix a tablespoon of dried powder with one cup of cold water in a small pot. It’s kind of like a corn starch and water combination; it’s difficult to stir it up well.

When it is well mixed, put it on a stove, bring it to a boil for about a minute and then let it cool down. Add about a tablespoon of honey to sweeten it. After it has cooled, you can give your dog a small amount. I use a syringe to squirt it directly into the dog’s mouth. Use about a teaspoon for a little dog, and up to a couple of tablespoons for the giant breeds. If you administer it about a half hour before the dog eats, it helps to coat the gut and help keep it from being irritable. The mixture can be kept in the refrigerator and used for several days. It will help with any kind of gut problem, whether it is diarrhea or constipation.

Types of meat
Regarding the cuts or types of meat: If you have a dog that has never been fed any type of meat or table scraps, I would suggest you start her out with a lower-fat meat. Most dogs that I have seen who have had problems with meat were actually having problems with the fat content.

While it is admittedly the easiest and most inexpensive meat to buy and feed, ground meat (hamburger) is not the best meat to feed. Every time a piece of meat is cut, it both loses some of its nutritional value, and it risks greater exposure to contaminants. It’s far better (and less expensive) to buy big chunks of meat and cut them up yourself. Many of my clients buy big pieces and freeze them, thawing each day’s portion a day in advance.

Ideally, you can find a market with a butcher, and explain what you need to him or her. Butchers can tell you what they might have that is less expensive. Be sure to mention you would prefer meat that is not too fatty, and cuts that people would be unlikely to buy, such as heart muscle, are good for your dog.

Organ meats
Many veterinarians recommend feeding organ (kidney, liver) meats once or twice a week, though others warn against organ meats, fearing that these meats contain a higher accumulation of toxins than most meat. My dogs LOVE organ meat, which makes me think there is probably something in it that is good for them. Still, I wouldn’t feed it more than twice a week.

Don’t forget to ask your butcher for some bones, too. Bones are an important addition to the healthy dog’s diet, both for their ability to clean and strengthen the teeth and as a natural source of calcium. There are also nutrients concentrated in bone marrow, and dogs just love it. Again, if the dog has never been given raw bones before, you have to make sure to offer them gradually. Some dogs get diarrhea if they eat too much raw bone at once; others get hard, white stools or get constipated. Limit the dog’s access to the bones at first, until the novelty wears off; the dog will get less avid for them as they get used to having access to them

Finally, feeding meat several times a week beats not feeding meat at all. I have some clients who have several large dogs, who simply couldn’t afford feeding meat to all the dogs every day. They do give the dogs meat a couple of times a week, though, and that has made all the difference in their health and attitudes.

Letters – 05/98


First, I would like to compliment you on your newsletter. I subscribe to several dog-related newsletters/magazines and, after just two issues of Whole Dog Journal, consider yours the cream of the crop! Your articles are informative, well written and pertinent. Best of all, they don’t insult my intelligence. Please keep up the good work.

Regarding the article in the April issue titled “Are Premium Foods Worth It?”, I was quite surprised and somewhat disturbed that your list of foods did not include the “Innova” dog food manufactured by Natura Pet Products in Santa Clara, California (they are also the manufacturers of California Natural). Our household is run by four Golden Retrievers and one “who-knows-what,” all of whom we love dearly. Wanting them to have the best nutrition, we went in search of the best dog food on the market (short of cooking our own). Our search led us to Innova. I won’t take your time with the details, only to tell you that after switching from NutroMax to Innova, we observed a noticeable improvement in our dogs’ coats and overall health.

I should mention that I am not affiliated with Natura Pet Products in any way, except as a devoted customer!

-Jill Besl
via email


Thanks for your compliments, as well as for mentioning this great food. We didn’t (and couldn’t) list every dog food made by every manufacturer, and were more impressed with the California Natural food than the Innova. This isn’t intended to knock Innova at all; from all angles, it, too, looks like a truly “premium” dog food.

Compare its first 10 ingredients with the foods listed in the “Are Premium Foods Worth It?” article in the April issue: Turkey, chicken, chicken meal, whole ground barley, whole ground brown rice, whole steamed potatoes, ground white rice, chicken fat (preserved with natural vitamin E and vitamin C), herring meal, whole raw apples.

These are top-quality ingredients, and the rest of the label (including all of the rest of the ingredients) look just as good. Its guaranteed analysis: crude protein (min.) 24 %, crude fat (min.) 14 %, crude fiber (max.) 3.0 %, moisture (max.) 10 %.

We’ll repeat the phone number: Natura Pet Products, (800) 532-7261.

– Nancy Kerns, Editor

Dog Answers from Veterinary Experts

dog ear infection

Ear Infections
I have a seven month old Labrador Retriever who has been suffering with a bad yeast infection in his left ear for at least three months now. The vet has tried several medications and has sent a sample to the lab to verify that in fact it is just yeast. The infection will go away but then returns. Can you suggest any natural remedies for prevention?

-Pat Alvarez



West Palm Beach, FL

WDJ asked homeopathic veterinarian William Falconer of Austin, Texas, to answer this question. Dr. Falconer has practiced veterinary medicine for 18 years, the last 12 with an exclusively holistic practice.

Remember, if you ask a homeopath about how to treat a given condition, you won’t get simple answer. I practice veterinary homeopathy, so my first answer is always. It is a constitutional problem in the dog. In this particular case, I would add that this is not a disease caused by yeast. If yeast is present, it is because the environment of this dog’s ear is calling out for it: OK, you can move in now! The problem lies with the dog’s lack of resistance to the yeast.

As the dog’s owner has seen, conventional medicine doesn’t have a lot to offer in this situation. Conventional medicine palliates the symptoms, but doesn’t do anything for the dog’s constitutional health. In other words, while the dog is treated, the thing goes away, but it returns shortly after treatment stops.

Unfortunately, most conventional practitioners fail to see it quite this way. Instead, they change the medication in this case, the yeast-killing medication or increase the dosage. In my experience, if you keep doing that, the disease only grows worse. If the problem has only been in one ear, it will move to the second ear, and the dog will start to exhibit other symptoms, like itchy feet or skin eruptions. And if his veterinarians keep palliating these symptoms and they will, because conventional medicine sees those as new diseases, and treats them with more drugs the end result will be something far more serious.

As I said before, the real problem is that the dog has a problem at the level of his basic vital life force. A dog who is not healthy tells you so with symptoms: itchiness, body odor, excessive shedding, bad breath, frequent eye discharges, etc. These are all signs of chronic disease.

In homeopathy, the first step is to conduct a thorough health intake. I would ask a lot of questions about the dog’s obvious symptoms, as well as his appetite, thirst, stools, behaviors, when his symptoms are better or worse, past illnesses, temperature preferences, etc.

Armed with all this information, a homeopath selects a specific remedy for that individual that reflects their health status and the pattern of symptoms they are and have been displaying. I would prescribe one or a series of remedies until I’ve gotten this unwound and the dog is truly cured.

In the case of this particular dog, I don’t think it would take that long, because he is so young; the disease hasn’t yet had time to get deeply lodged. If this dog started with ear problems when it was four months, and didn’t come to a homeopath until it was two years old, and the disease had progressed into skin problems and itchy feet and so on, it would be much harder to treat. But the young are very responsive; we typically give one high-potency remedy, watch them over a span of a few weeks, have a follow-up and another dose of something if it is needed, and we often have the animal well in short order.

Once the dog is treated and is well again, thought should be given as to how to prevent future onslaughts of this or other disease states. Because this dog is so young, I would suspect the problem was either an inherited weakness, or, more likely, that the early puppyhood vaccines really stirred up chronic disease in this dog. Why do holistic practitioners always point a finger at vaccinations? Dramatic allergic reactions are the result of an immune system run amok.

What do we do to young puppies that addresses their immune systems? Vaccination! And we do it so often, and with so many viruses in combination! I’ll bet if the dog’s owner looks at the dog’s records, she will see that the problem with the dog’s ears began within a month of one of the vaccination visits. I would suggest supporting the dog’s health by discontinuing the vaccinations and feeding the dog a wholesome diet.

Let me caution you about the very commonly prescribed practice of using ear cleaners. Most ear cleaners on the market (with the exception of Halo’s earwash) contain drying agents, usually acids like salicylic acid and malic acid. Conventional veterinarians almost always prescribe these drying earwashes in addition to antibiotics and steroids. But drying a discharge is, once again, palliating or suppressing a symptom. That ear has a discharge because that dog is trying to get well. And if you go in and suppress, in essence, saying, “No, you may not have a discharge, the disease will come out somewhere else typically, in a more and more serious form.

You have to look beyond the symptom, which is an attempt at healing. When it repeats, it is a sign that the dog can’t heal it alone, so we give help with a carefully chosen course of remedies.

What about natural ear cleaners? My caution stands. Even natural products like tea tree oil or grapefruit extract-based products work on the germ-killing theory. But it’s palliation all over again: you’ll kill the yeast for a while, but when you stop using the drops, lo and behold the yeast will come back. There is no use in substituting a natural palliative agent for a non-natural one! the disease that needs to be cured is not at the level of the ear its at the level of the vital force.

I might add that homeopathic medicine may palliate as well! This is common with the combination remedies, but could even happen with a single remedy that’s not accurately assessed. The key is, if repeating the remedy improves the symptoms, but just until the remedy is discontinued, you are palliating. A cure means the symptoms go away permanently and the overall health is improved long-term.

That said, I can add that if the dog swims a lot, you can use a little dilute vinegar (a tablespoon of white vinegar to one cup of water) to flush out the dog’s ears after a swim. (Let him shake his head afterward and blot the excess moisture out with a towel or tissue.) The vinegar solution changes the pH in the ears, making them less hospitable to yeast and bacteria. This is not something I would do for all swimming dogs, only if the dog was having trouble with his ears.


Old Dog’s Heart Trouble
What do your holistic veterinarians have to say about dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs? I feel I can’t trust my veterinarian; he gave my dog a death sentence.

-Walter Klink
Johnstown, PA


Holistic veterinarian Carolyn Blakey, of Westside Animal Clinic in Richmond, Indiana, answers this question.

Unless your dog is in a really advanced state of disease, I wouldn’t accept the death sentence. Some dogs live a long time with this condition. You do have to recognize the heart is enlarged and it is not operating as efficiently as it used to. But there are a number of drugs and natural treatments that can improve the situation dramatically.

This disease is usually seen in older dogs; essentially, it’s caused by an old heart wearing out. The heart can no longer work efficiently, so the blood pressure drops. Lower blood pressure makes the dog retain fluids; very often these dogs will cough, because there is fluid in their lungs, or they may develop a pot belly, because their abdomens are full of fluids. Of course, the dog will act tired, because his heart cannot supply all his muscles with an adequate supply of blood.

If the disease is very advanced, the dog may also have a bluish tongue, because of the lack of oxygen in the blood. When the dog has reached that point, he’s in trouble. Pneumonia may not be far behind.

There are two types of drugs that are commonly used to treat this condition. First, a diuretic is given to help the body get rid of the excess fluid. The most commonly prescribed diuretic is Furosemide. The second type of drug is given to help the heart beat stronger. These drugs include Lanoxin, Digitalis, and Enacard. Both of these types of drugs are helpful; most heart patients benefit from them.

There are a few dietary changes you can try. First, I would feed this dog fresh food. At a minimum, get away from the grocery-store foods, which are very salty. A good quality, low-salt diet will help a lot.

I would also supplement the dog with Coenzyme Q10. This nutritional enzyme is expensive, but readily available in many dosage levels at health food or drug stores. CoQ10 is a very, very safe enzyme that dogs (and humans) have in our systems, and it seems to particularly help the cardiovascular system. It will help your dog’s heart and blood vessels. (It is also a nice antioxidant, said to be very helpful with gingivitis. It also has an anti-cancer reputation.)

I would give the dog about 10 mg. once or twice a day if he is very small, like a Chihuahua, up to a 100-200 mg. once or twice a day for a very big dog. All the heart patients I have put on CoQ10 do better; it’s the best treatment I can recommend.

Some dogs respond well to natural diuretics, such as the herb burdock. You can feed it dried; dose it according to your dog’s weight, adjusted from the recommended human dosage. Be conservative when using the tincture form; a little goes a long way. But Furosemide is OK, it’s been around a long time and it does a good job.

Your dog may also benefit from homeopathy. It might be worth it to try a low-potency, multi-symptom homeopathic remedy, the kind that is available over the counter. Or talk to a homeopath and get some in-depth support for the animal.

What’s Best for Dogs?


There doesn’t seem to be any limit to what people will do for their canine companions. I’ve heard stories about people paying hundreds of dollars for oil portraits of their dogs, thousands of dollars to put braces on their dogs’ teeth, and millions of dollars for a building dedicated in their deceased dog’s memory. Why have we become so dog crazy?

The results of a survey of North American pet owners were published recently by the American Animal Hospital Association. Their numbers confirmed the fact that dogs are climbing the family tree. To wit:

• 76 percent of respondents feel guilty when leaving their pet at home.

• 41 percent of pet owners take their dog on vacation with them; 61 percent include them in holiday celebrations.

• 18 percent have provisions for their animals in their wills.

Why do we care so much?

It’s got to be because they do.

As a species, dogs give and give and give. Faced with such constant love and generosity, most people – whole people – can’t help but come around to their example.

I subscribe to a service that sends me stories about dogs in the news. Every day I read articles about dogs that have made a difference in the lives of the people around them.

Some of them are ordinary friendly dogs like Twiggy, a young Beagle mix and the delight of six mentally disabled women who live together in a group home in Lauderhill, Florida. The residents happily share the responsibility of caring for Twiggy, taking turns walking and feeding her. Twiggy joins them on the couch, treats them to plenty of doggy smooches and attends “family” meetings. It’s easy for disabled people to get accustomed to being taken care of, say their counselors, whereas caring for another living being has motivated the women to start taking better care of themselves and their home, at least partly so they can spend more time with Twiggy.

Some dogs, like Chocolate Chip, a 10-month-old Dalmatian, bring special abilities to the relationship. Chip was trained to warn her people about a family member’s impending epileptic seizures. In her first week on the job at the home of Shanna Wilson, a five-year-old girl living in Statesville, Tennessee, Chip alerted Shanna’s mother to an impending seizure, so she was ready to assist Shanna.

Witness Luke, a three-year-old Golden Retriever in Minneapolis, Minnesota who searches for people who wander away from home. Luke was especially trained to search in big-city settings after a relative of his owner was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. “He gets so excited when he finds somebody,” says his owner, Twin Cities veterinarian Mary McCormick. “I don’t think there’s anything that makes him happier.”

I read about these dogs, and I think about Rupe, my own devoted canine companion, who faithfully follows me from room to room all day long, spending long, boring stretches under my computer table. Try as I might, I can’t explain why the relationship between dogs and humans is so strong, any more than I can articulate why Rupe and I are so bonded.

All I know is, with a nudge of his nose under my elbow, at least 20 times a day, Rupe reminds me he’s there if I need him.

And I find that I do!

Here’s the bottom line: Dogs don’t need running water in their dog houses or diamond-studded collars. They just need us to be there. And what better way to “be there” for our companion animals than to equip ourselves with the knowledge and understanding necessary to take optimal care of them? The simple ideas and techniques described in each monthly issue of The Whole Dog Journal will help you prevent disease from occurring, or stamp it out if our best efforts at health maintenance fails. Knowledge, understanding, awareness, sensitivity: They really are the best things you can give your dog.

-By Nancy Kerns

Safely Getting Rid of Fleas


Every dog owner knows that getting rid of fleas can be one of the biggest challenges of dog-keeping. Few people know, however, that the process can also be the most damaging to their dog’s health. Specifically, the use of insecticides on the dog and all around the dog’s environment can cause nerve and liver damage, impair the immune system, and even cause cancer. And you have to wonder – if these effects have been noted in dogs, what effects do all these toxins have on the people who live with the dogs?

It’s a real problem, because if you have fleas in your home, you have to do something. They can make your dog (and you and your family) miserable through their tiny but painful bites, as well as the allergic reactions that many people and dogs develop to flea saliva. They are prolific, producing thousands of eggs during their three- to four-month life-span. In ideal conditions the cycle takes just two weeks, from egg-laying to larvae to pupae to hatched fleas capable of laying eggs of their own.

The chemical approach to flea control can involve use of a panoply of toxic powders, shampoos, sprays, bombs, dips, and collars. Not incidentally, its probably the casual use and mixing of several of these products that can pose the biggest challenge to the dog’s health, as his body strives to deal with his exposure to several different types of toxins.

Safely Getting Rid of Fleas

Toxic families
There are a few major types of chemicals most widely used in the war on fleas.

Organophosphates, most of which are readily absorbed through skin, eyes, stomach, and lungs, are among the most common pet insecticides and are responsible for the majority of pet poisonings. Initially, overexposure can result in salivation, involuntary defecation, urination, and vomiting. This can progress to ataxia (lack of balance), convulsions, teary eyes, slow heartbeat, and labored breathing.

Carbamates are the second-most common compound in flea-control products. The effects of exposure to carbamates are generally less severe than organophosphates, and carbamates do not accumulate in the tissues. Dogs who are overexposed to carbamates will exhibit many of the same symptoms of poisoning as the organophosphate-poisoned dogs. Long-term, the chemicals can cause lowered production of bone marrow and degeneration of the brain.

Organochlorines, a third major class of insecticides, are not as immediately toxic as the first two, but do accumulate in the tissues and persist in the environment for years. (DDT, an organochlorine, was banned in 1972 but is still found in 55 percent of Americans.) Poisoning with this chemical may stimulate the dog to exhibit exaggerated responses to light, touch, and sound. Spasms or tremors can progress to seizures and death. Yet another class of flea-killing chemicals, pyrethrins, are often labeled as “natural,” due to the source of the poison: the chrysanthemum flower. But despite their origins, pyrethrins are still potentially dangerous, and have caused allergic dermatitis as well as systemic allergic reactions, vomiting, headaches and other nervous system disturbances.

How toxic are these pesticides?
An estimated 20,000 people receive emergency care annually for actual or suspected pesticide poisoning, and approximately 10 percent of these are admitted to the hospital. Each year, 20-40 people die of acute pesticide poisoning in the U.S. Also in the United States, most episodes of acute occupational poisoning are due to organophosphate and carbamate insecticide exposure. And there’s no telling how many animals succumb to pesticide poisoning.

Each of the chemicals mentioned above are intended to kill fleas via direct contact. In recent years, the focus of development of flea-killing chemicals has been on substances that affect only the fleas that actually bite a treated dog. These substances, which are either applied to or fed to a dog, are intended to linger in the dog’s body without affecting his own chemistry, waiting to deliver a fatal blow to any flea that drinks his blood. While these chemicals are proving to be far less harmful than the older flea-killing substances, and conventional veterinarians enthusiastically encourage their use, many holistic practitioners are less enthusiastic about the drugs. (See “Should You Get With the Program?”)

Natural flea control
Fortunately, there are many natural, effective methods of controlling fleas widely recommended by both conventional and holistic veterinarians. The most successful approach will utilize several indoor and outdoor methods. A pesticide-free battle takes a little more time to win than one that utilizes deadly foggers and shampoos, but it has the advantage of not killing your dog. Regular flea-combing is the most direct and low-tech method, and it works as a good flea-population monitor, too. Pet supply stores sell the fine-toothed combs that pull fleas through the fur and trap them. The comb is then dipped in warm soapy water to remove and kill the fleas.

Since fleas spend only a portion of their time on the dog, and eggs, larvae and pupae, are likely to be found in any area where the dog lives, most of your flea-eradication efforts should concentrate on your home and yard. This may not be welcome news, but the safest way to get rid of fleas is through fastidious housekeeping.

The length of the flea’s life depends on environmental conditions, but it can live out its entire cycle in as little as three weeks or as much as six months. Female fleas are prolific, laying as many as 20 to 50 eggs per day for as much as three months. Development of the larvae that hatch out of the eggs takes place off the dog, usually on or near the dog’s bedding and resting areas. Concentrating your efforts on removing the opportunities for the eggs to develop is the most effective population control strategies.

One way to remove the eggs’ opportunities to develop is to remove the eggs, and to this end, your vacuum will be one of your most valuable tools in the flea war. Vacuum all the areas that your pet uses frequently, at least every two to three days. Since fleas locate their hosts by tracing the vibration caused by footsteps, vacuuming the most highly-trafficked hallways and paths in your house will be rewarding. Don’t forget to vacuum underneath cushions on the couches or chairs your dog sleeps on. Change vacuum bags frequently, and seal the bag’s contents safely in a plastic bag before disposing. Some people place flea collars in their vacuum bags, to kill any fleas or flea larvae they vacuum up; this is probably the safest application for the toxic plastics.

The dirt on dust
Some people use diatomaceous earth (also known as DE or Diatom Dust), a non-toxic powder more commonly used in swimming pool filters and as a garden soil amendment (the latter kind is the form used against fleas). The powder acts as a powerful desiccant on the waxy coating that covers fleas, technically dehydrating them to death. It also kills flea larvae. DE can be sprinkled onto carpets and swept across wood floors (so it works into the cracks in the wood).

A couple of cautions: because it consists of tiny, hard particles, it can contribute significantly to wearing down your carpets, and some carpet manufacturers’ warranties won’t insure the carpet if you use a desiccant powder. Also, neither you nor your dog should inhale the powder, which can physically (rather than chemically) damage the lungs. Use a dust respirator when applying.

There are a number of powders and sprays that utilize pungent herbs or essential oils intended to drive fleas away. Eucalyptus is a common ingredient, as is peppermint. But unless these products are used in an overwhelming concentration, or in combination with other remedies, they are unlikely to be effective.

If your dog habitually sleeps in one or two areas, or has a bed, cover those spots with a towel or a small, washable blanket. Immersion in water kills both eggs and developing flea larvae, so wash the bedding every other day or so. Some people keep two or three sets of towels for bedding so the dog’s favorite spot is always covered – keeping the trap set constantly, as it were, for flea eggs.

Wash uncarpeted floors at least once a week. Wood floors are especially important to wash well, since the larvae tend to burrow into cracks in the wood. Similarly, steam cleaners (used without chemicals) can kill flea eggs and larvae present in short carpets. You probably couldn’t (or wouldn’t want to) get thick rugs wet enough to kill the eggs, however.

Taking the war outside
Outdoors, it’s easier to use water to your advantage. Most dogs pick out a couple of spots in shady or protected areas where they spend most of their time in your yard. Fleas, too, like these shady spots; in fact, neither the adult fleas nor the larvae can survive very long in direct sunlight. It’s unnecessary, then, to worry about the lion’s share of the landscaping or lawn areas around your house. At least once a week, wash down the areas your dog uses for sleeping and resting.

Other safe tools you can use in the outdoor flea war are beneficial nematodes, tiny creatures that seek out and kill fleas. Several companies raise and sell the nematodes, which are strictly insectivorous and cannot harm humans, pets, plants, or the beneficial earthworms in your garden. Application of the nematodes is simple. About one million nematodes come packaged on a small sponge pad, about 2-3 inches square. The sponge is soaked in about a gallon of water, and then the water is sprayed over the area to be treated. The nematodes should be distributed at night or on a cloudy day, since they die if exposed to direct sunlight. They also work best in a moist environment, so watering the yard well for several weeks after application helps them do their job most efficiently.

Nematode sources include The Bug Store, (800) 455-2847, and Integrated Biocontrol Systems, Inc., (888) 793-IBCS. Both sources offer can take your order over the phone with a credit card, and provide overnight shipping. These companies suggest using about one million nematodes per every 2500 square feet of garden or yard. Does this sound like a lot? Don’t worry! Costs range between $1-15 per million, depending on the source and quantity purchased.

-By Nancy Kerns

Herbal Remedies for Common Canine Ailments

Good holistic health care fulfills the needs of the whole animal being, physically, mentally, and emotionally. A sound, well balanced diet (along with fresh, clean water), appropriate exercise, and proper behavioral education just about covers the bases.

Or does it? Health is individual. Many people consider their animals to be healthy as long as they aren’t sick, but to me, a healthy dog is happy and expressive, exuding resilience. Whether our animal companion denotes health with a gleaming eye, a flashing coat, and an athletic leap for a Frisbee, or a half cocked ear, sly grin, and thumping tail from the Barcalounger, we can best ascertain the level of our friends’ health by observing over time what’s normal for each unique individual.

Healthy animals can and do get sick occasionally. Sometimes a “tincture of time” is the best remedy, as the dog’s body fights off an invading bacteria or virus and the “illness” resolves with the passing of time. Occasionally, you’ll need veterinary help for a pet’s acute or severe problem. But in other times, a minimal treatment provides a sufficient level of care to boost the healing response. That’s where herbal treatments shine.

Herbal Remedies

Why should dogs have herbs?
Plants provide vital natural sources of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements that many of today’s commercial diets just don’t provide, what with poor-quality and over-processed ingredients. And in our increasingly urbanized environment, many dogs don’t have the opportunity to forage and ingest healing plants they instinctively seek out when feeling distressed.

From herbal treatments, animals can derive not only nutritional benefits, but also gentle, non-invasive medicinal therapy. Herbal medicine works by strengthening the body’s physiological systems, rather than treating only individual presenting symptoms. Because our culture is so accustomed to the methods of reactive, allopathic medicine, it’s easy to view herbal remedies as simply replacements for pharmaceutical drugs, but this is a mistake. Herbs aren’t a quick fix in the way drugs often are. Instead, they are usually gentler and slower-acting.

Below, we describe several common canine health problems that can often be quickly and easily remedied with herbal treatments. Even though herbs often serve as the raw material for refined and standardized prescription drugs, you’ll find some variance in the relative strength of plant materials, as well as products prepared in the same manner from different lots of herbs. For that reason, your approach to using herbs should be flexible. Monitor your dog’s behavior and symptoms, and be prepared to increase or decrease the amount you use accordingly.

There may not be one right method of herbal administration for your dog (or you!) but with patience, you may find the right combination of herbal treatments that will support growing wellness in your animal companion.

Just as in people, arthritis is probably the most common chronic health condition in older dogs. It is characterized by chronic inflammation and calcium deposits in the joints, leading to stiffness, swelling, and pain.

A classic herb tea for arthritis uses equal parts alfalfa, burdock, and white willow. The first two are excellent detoxifiers, and white willow is an effective anti-inflammatory and pain relieving agent. In addition, alfalfa is full of nutrients. This is best administered as a tea, mixed in with the dog’s food or water. The liquid has a pleasant taste, but if a dog refuses it, squirt a teaspoon of the mixture into his mouth two or three times a day.

Given that it is such a common condition, it’s a cinch that a number of herbal treatments have been recommended by veterinarians and herbalists. Dr. Richard Pitcairn, a well-known holistic veterinarian and author of “Natural Health for Dogs & Cats”, suggests adding one to three tablespoons of alfalfa to the daily diet, or using the herb in a tea. Juliette de Bairacli Levy, author of “The Complete Herbal Handbook for the Dog and Cat,” suggests feeding raw comfrey and chopped parsley in the dog’s food, and rosemary or nettles tea.

Herbalist Diane Stein, author of “The Natural Remedy Book for Dogs & Cats,” recommends feeding garlic to reduce arthritic symptoms. She suggests other herbs can be used for specific properties, according to their role in the individual’s arthritis. Yucca can be used for its steroid and pain-relief properties. Licorice root can display anti-inflammatory action. Horsetail grass contains silica and aids calcium absorption. For pain relief, Stein recommends valerian root, skullcap, St. John’s Wort, chickweed, or feverfew.

Diarrhea is a symptom rather than a disease. Diarrhea with no other symptom in an adult dog can be safely allowed to continue for a day or two, as the process works to rid the body of causative agents. However, a dog with diarrhea accompanied by abdominal distention, projectile vomiting, dehydration, fever, or respiratory symptoms, should be seen by a veterinarian as quickly as possible. If the stool contains blood or is black and tarry, there may be intestinal tract bleeding; seek immediate veterinary attention. Puppies suffering from diarrhea also need expert attention – dehydration can quickly result in death to vulnerable pups.

Diarrhea can be caused by many agents or conditions. Toxins from flea collars or dips can cause diarrhea and vomiting. In this case, wash the dog with soap and water and remove the collar.

Sometimes animals eat plants that cause diarrhea to rid their bodies of wastes. Once the animal has removed the causative factor from its system, or toxin been removed, the diarrhea usually stops.

Diarrhea is often the result of your dog eating something laden with bacteria, such as spoiled food or dead animals. If you know your dog has eaten something he shouldn’t have, and suspect that as the main cause of his diarrhea, your first treatment should be to withhold his regular food until the diarrhea has run its course. Then give him one half to one teaspoon of slippery elm syrup or powder mixed with honey or water, three times a day for three days.

Unbeknownst to many people, the same bacteria that necessitates the use of water filters or purification tablets in the mountains (giardia) can cause diarrhea in dogs. If your dog has had the opportunity to drink from rivers or streams that may be infected by giardia, or if you are traveling far from home and the water may contain unfamiliar bacteria, goldenseal can be used to combat the resultant diarrhea.

Ear Infections
Head shaking, pawing, or scratching at the ears, a foul odor, brown discharge, and redness or swelling inside the ear flap all indicate infection. The causative agents may be a foreign body (tick, foxtail), bacterial or fungal infection, or even ear mites (these are usually not common to dogs, but are contagious to those dogs living closely with infected cats). A veterinarian’s inspection with an otoscope, and perhaps a slide prepared with a smear of the dog’s offending ear exudate will offer clues as to the source of his discomfort and subsequent treatment. Foreign bodies may require removal by your veterinarian.

Many flap-eared dogs have hair growing in the ear canals. Trimming this hair will help air flow and facilitate drying after bathing or swimming. A clothespin can be used periodically to hold back the ears of long-haired dogs (take care to close the pin on the long hair, not the tender ear flaps) to expose the insides of the ears to air and help heal infections.

To clean ears, make a solution of half witch hazel, half water, or half hydrogen peroxide and half water, wiping out the ear canal gently with cotton balls.

Mullein and garlic ear oil, readily available from health food stores, works well to clear up infections and reduce excessive ear wax. Clean the ear canal of discharge and wax daily before administering. This is especially useful when the infection is caused by yeast or fungus that is proliferating in the presence of chronic wetness inside the ears. Make sure you refrigerate garlic oil after it has been opened. Botulism spores can proliferate in garlic oil at room temperatures.

Another approach, recommended by Wendy Volhard and Kerry Brown, DVM, co-authors of “The Holistic Guide for a Healthy Dog,” is to use a mixture of echinacea and goldenseal as a tincture after cleaning the ears. That mixture, as well as grapefruit extract, has anti-fungal properties that can help eliminate stubborn infections. Each of these are slightly caustic, so dilute the mixtures if the ears are inflamed.

Flea Allergy Dermatitis
The misery induced by flea infestations peaks with the mercury – summer is high season in the flea world. Incessant itching, scratching, and resultant “hot spots” can drive your dog and you crazy. If your dog has fleas, keep in mind that probably only one tenth of the fleas present are on the animal – the rest are in the carpet, in the upholstery, and in the yard, breeding more fleas. (To get the situation under control, see “Flee, Evil Fleas.”)

The itching, scratching, and resultant damage to the skin and coat caused by irritating flea bites are easily treated with a soothing tea comprised of equal amounts of fresh or dried calendula, nettle, red clover, rosemary, and yarrow brewed as a strong infusion that steeps for eight hours or so. If the herbs are fresh, use as much as a handful for each cup of water. Use one to two tablespoons of each dried herb per cup of water. Apply the cool tea to the affected area with a cloth or just pour it on directly as a rinse, repeating the application every few hours. This tea is so cooling and so healing that it reduces inflammation right away.

Comfrey can also help soothe skin problems of all sorts. The fresh or dried herb, or a comfrey tea or tincture can be added to the dog’s food; the latter liquid forms can also be applied to the skin.

Also With This Article
Click here to view “The Right Herbal Remedy for Your Dog”

-By Susan Eskew

Susan Eskew, a freelance writer, and her veterinarian husband live in Crested Butte, CO, where they share a curious passion for Chihuahuas.

Who Ya Gonna Call?


Years ago I saw a cartoon in a veterinarian’s office. In the exaggerated illustration, an old cowboy held the fraying lead rope of a skeletal, wildly sway-backed old horse with a rough coat. Stars were plain to see in the sky, and a clock on the barn wall indicated that it was the middle of the night. A veterinarian dressed in pajamas covered with a long coat shook his head, and the old horse rolled its eyes as the cowboy explained, “I don’t know what’s happened, Doc. I came out to feed ‘em tonight and saw he had taken sick real sudden!”

I guess that it’s a common, bittersweet joke with veterinarians – being paged in the middle of the night to attend to an animal whose medical “emergency” was a long time coming.

In fact, we heard the complaint several times from the veterinarians we spoke with for our series on canine cancer. We heard it expressed again and again that one of the greatest frustrations of their veterinary careers is dealing with the owners of dogs who have just been diagnosed with wildly advanced cancer.

“There’s nothing worse,” one practitioner told me, “than being expected to work immediate miracles on a dog that has been exhibiting easily recognizeable symptoms of disease for weeks, months, and even years – symptoms like steadily growing lumps and persistent weight loss, and so on.”

Even I get a little impatient when I hear from a reader who wants my immediate advice on what to do with his or her dog, right now, for an advanced condition. Never mind that I’m a journalist, not a veterinarian!

I’m not cross. My heart goes out to these people. I understand how painful it is to look into the rapidly dimming eyes of a beloved animal companion and know that you do not have the tools or knowledge neccessary to help him.

And I am overjoyed to be in a position to point these folks in the direction of further resources, if it’s at all possible. I try to let them know when our next article on the subject will be published. And I offer my genuine sympathy; I’ve been there.

But I also strongly encourage them to call their own veterinarian and set up an appointment as soon as possible. If they are unhappy with their vet, I advise them to find another one – fast! If they are looking for an alternative or complementary practitioner, I tell them to contact the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association (AHVMA); they will send you a list of holistic veterinarians in your area (the contact numbers for AHVMA are listed in our “Resources” section, page 24, every month).

But these steps constitute closing the barn door after the horses get out. Every medical professional will tell you that early intervention is the key to all successful treatments. First and most importantly, be aware of your dog’s body, appetite, elimination, and dispositition. If a change occurs, talk to a veterinarian about it as soon as possible.

Step two: Cultivate a relationship with a veterinarian. If you don’t like or don’t trust one veterinarian, or his style of medicine (conventional or alternative), start looking now for another. I strongly recommend that anyone who currently lacks access to a holistic veterinarian contact AHVMA as soon as possible, so that, at a minimum, you have the phone numbers for experts who can offer you an alternate treatment option if the need arises.

This isn’t empty advice; I’m taking it myself. Earlier this week, when I washed my nine-year-old dog, Rupert, I found small lump on his side. I’ve already made an appointment with our favorite conventional veterinarian. If it turns out to be cancer, I already know which holistic clinic I’ll take him to for treatment. That’s why I’ve been able to sleep.

Plus, I don’t want to end up in some cartoon. I want the relationship with my medical advisors to be based on mutual care and respect, not frustration. I want to do anything I can to help them help Rupie.


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