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Is That a Cyst or a Tumor?
A “cyst” is a capsule that usually has fluid in it, although it can have air as well. “Tumor” is a general term, basically a generic swelling or mass.
Home Remedies for Itchy Dogs
When itching starts, consider what might have caused that reaction. Home remedies for itchy dogs might help, but only if they address the cause of itching.
How to Handle Dog Skin Conditions
Dogs can have many different skin conditions. Some skin problems are minor and easily fixed, while others are trickier to diagnose. Some may be controllable but not curable, while others can be cured. It makes sense with any skin condition to begin with basic treatment options, like parasite control if you see fleas.
Dog Mange Mites on Humans
You can get sarcoptic mange from your dog. but the canine variant of the sarcoptic mange mite can’t fully reproduce in people, so symptoms will fade in 4 or 5 days.
Can Dogs Eat Soy?
Soy is a good source of essential amino acids for dogs, but it needs to be included in the food in a form that benefits your pet.
Can Dogs Be Vegan?
Most nutritionists and veterinarians agree that dogs can be vegan and healthy if the diet is nutritionally balanced. Research on vegan for dogs, however, raises more questions than answers.
What Causes Yeast Infection in Dog Ears?
Frequent swimming and allergies are among the common causes of a dog ear yeast infection. Untreated, it can lead to scratching, head tilting, and neurological issues.
Pet Insurance for Dogs
Is pet health insurance worth it? Absolutely. The cost of insuring your dog’s medical care and what it will cover vary based on your choices; here is help for making smart choices.
How Often Should Your Wash Your Dog?
When should you wash your dog? It depends on your dog’s coat, lifestyle, activities, age, and health. Here’s how to reduce allergens, minimize shedding, and keep your dog smelling fresh.
Should My Dog Sleep in My Bed?
While the studies were small, the conclusions are big: Dogs do not negatively affect human sleep.
Dog Staph Infection Treatment
If your dog has a recurring skin infection, a home remedy may not be enough.
Benadryl for Dogs
Know your dog’s weight and how to recognize a mild allergic reaction before giving Benadryl to dogs.