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Is neutering good or bad?

To Neuter, or Not to Neuter Your Dog: That is the Question

There are any number of third-rail topics that occasionally electrify the conversationally unwary dog owner: Grains or grain-free? Dewclaw removal, cropped ears and tails,...

Pet Food Shortages? Don’t Panic

I read an article the other day about a pork processing plant in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, shutting down due to hundreds of workers becoming infected...

Dogs in the Workplace

As the saying goes, “Life is better when I’m with my dog.” I can cite a long list of ways that he makes my days...

Whole Dog Journal’s Free Guide on Dry Dog Food

The food you give your dog plays a critical role in his well-being, both on a daily basis and long-term. He needs a diet with the right nutrients to keep him active, happy, and healthy. And make no mistake: Not all dog foods are created equal. Since 1998, The Whole Dog Journal has been proving that much in an annual review and ratings of dry dog foods.

You can’t help it: Reconsidering past decisions after a devastating diagnosis

It’s been nearly 2 1/2 years since we lost our precious dog Linus to hemangiosarcoma. He was a sweet, silly, athletic Portuguese Water Dog...
whole dog journal editor Nancy Kerns

Don’t Be Loyal

For about 18 months, I’ve been reading everything I can get my hands on about canine dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). I started right after the...

Diet, Dogs, and DCM

Food reviews have been a standard feature of WDJ for 22 years, so it’s not a surprise we are asked for dog food recommendations....

Canine Melanoma

Canine melanoma is the umbrella term for a group of melanocytic tumor subtypes that are so complex and diverse (yet distinct from each other)...

Canine Lymphoma: Risk Factors, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Lymphoma accounts for 7 to 24% of all canine cancers and approximately 85% of all the blood-based malignancies that occur, making it one of...

Know Your CBDs

It’s everywhere: CBD, the “miracle” drug. Each week, I probably have several clients inform me – their veterinarian – that they are giving this...

Addison’s Disease in Dogs

Addison’s disease in dogs occurs when the adrenal glands or brain axis are not functioning properly. It can be divided into two categories: primary and secondary.

Tea Tree Oil Diffusers Are Toxic to Dogs

While some essential oils can benefit dogs, others are extremely dangerous - especially when used in their concentrated form. Tea tree oil demands extra caution around dogs, cats and small children. Although exposure to any essential oil is generally most concentrated when it directly contacts skin, tea tree oil diffusers and liquid potpourri present specific health concerns to dogs. These items release essential oils like tea tree continually into the air, risking exposure by inhalation.