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Post-Surgical Procedure Protective Collars or “Coneheads”

The lampshade, satellite dish, or cone – no matter what you call it, it is hard not to alternately laugh and feel sorry for any dog wearing one. Often used after surgical procedures, these cone-shaped collars are designed to keep dogs from licking sutures or wounds, potentially opening the wounds or tearing the stitches. They are also used to keep a dog with an injury or surgical site on his head from scratching it with his paws.
Dandelion for dogs is a useful supplement that can promote health.

Recognizing Dandelion’s Herbal Benefits to Dogs

Dandelion offers a broad spectrum of medicinal and nutritional applications that can be freely accessed and safely employed by anyone. Contained within its leaves, roots, and flowers is a myriad of medicinal actions: diuretic, diaphoretic, cholagogue, alterative, astringent, antimicrobial, analgesic, immunostimulant, and nutritive, just to name a few.

Feeding a Vegetarian Diet

Dogs can exist as vegetarians, but making the diet complete and balanced" requires owner commitment and diligence. Tamara McFarland

Mysterious Holistic Medicine

Some (though certainly not all) holistic veterinary practitioners sometimes use unconventional diagnostic methods. Whole Dog Journal describes some of these tools, from the nearly ordinary to the truly far-out. Every system of medicine has something to offer, even if it’s hard to explain just what it is and how it works.

Consider Safety

He . . . he wouldn't have jumped . . . would he? I could only nod and pat the earth beside me

Buying Treats for Your Dog – What to Look For

Nowhere in all of the gigantic field of pet supply marketing are the packages so cute and the names of the products so amusing as in the dog treat category. Many of the biggest companies use every color in the rainbow to illustrate happy dogs on the packaging – in addition to their use of artificial food colors to make the treats resemble people food such as crispy bacon, tiny hamburgers, and adorable marrow-filled cross sections of bone.

Whole Dog Journal’s 2003 Dry Dog Food Review

You should be pleased; commercial food makers are producing more good quality products. But you still have to choose the one that’s best for your dog.
Licorice root for dogs offers many potential benefits.

Licorice Root for Dogs: Soothing and Healing

As in nature itself, there are no absolutes in natural medicine. The silver bullet remedy" and "miracle cure" are only myths. A derma-tological shampoo does not cure chronic eczema that stems from liver dysfunction; nor does an herb that contains aspirin-like compounds (i.e.

Take the Titer Test before Administering Vaccinations

Now more than ever, vaccine titer tests are readily available, not terribly expensive, and offer multiple advantages over the practices (intentional or not) of over-vaccination and under-vaccination. Few issues in veterinary medicine are as controversial as the debate about administering annual vaccinations to our dogs. Long considered part of the standard of baseline, responsible veterinary healthcare, and credited with conquering some of the fiercest canine viral and other infectious diseases, vaccinations now are also suspected of creating vulnerability to illnesses and chronic conditions such as anemia, arthritis, seizures, allergies, gastrointestinal and thyroid disorders, and cancer.

How to Conduct a Home Health Exam for Your Dog

There are numerous health conditions that can develop and present a real danger to your dog in between veterinary examinations – and YOU can detect many of them. It’s best to follow a consistent routine, so your dog becomes comfortable and relaxed with the procedure, and to increase your familiarity with his body, lumps, bumps, and all. Write out and follow a short outline, to remind yourself about each part of the dog’s body you want to check.

What You Should Know Before Your Dog Receives Anesthesia

Advances in anesthesiology have made this life-saving medical tool safer than ever. Prior to administering an anesthetic and performing an elective surgical procedure, a veterinarian will examine your dog completely to determine if she is in general good health. Usually, the veterinarian will draw blood before the day of surgery, especially if the patient is an older dog, or one whose health is compromised by injury or illness. The doctor will check the blood count for signs of anemia or a high white blood cell count that may indicate the dog has an infection.

Defray Veterinary Expenses with The Right Pet Insurance Plan

American dogs and other pets now find themselves included in the complexities surrounding medical expense insurance coverage. Costs of veterinary care are rising, and increasingly sophisticated and expensive treatments, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and chemotherapy, are more widely available. Pet health insurance and medical discount plans can help defray veterinary expenses. Whole Dog Journal explains which plan would be most beneficial for you and your dogs.