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A depressed dog may have a reduced appetite and lethargy.

How to Tell If a Dog Is Depressed

Depression in dogs typically involves a significant behavioral change. Often starting with a gradual loss of interest in once-loved games. It can also start with a bang with aggressive or destructive behaviors.
copyspace in the grass area between two dogs resting on the grass

Why Dogs Sneeze When They Play

When a dog sneezes due to an irritation in her nose, the sneeze is forceful and may include nasal discharge. A social sneeze is small and delicate with no nasal discharge and very little head movement.
A dog lying on a mat of grass indoors.

Indoor Dog Potty

There are legitimate reasons why some dog lovers need their dogs to potty indoors. We looked at “dog indoor potty” products to help you determine which you might want to choose from if you are in the “indoor bathroom” club.
A older woman pulls a turkey out of the oven while a small dog looks on in anticipation.

Can Dogs Eat Turkey?

You can share your Thanksgiving turkey with your dog. However, be aware of any additional ingredients you've use in cooking the turkey to avoid causing stomach upset or worse in your dog.
A brown nose of Labrador close up. Chocolate Labrador retriever nose. Brown labrador.

Why Is My Dog’s Nose Wet?

A wet nose strengthens your dog’s sense of smell, which is one of his most amazing senses. In a few instances, however, a wet nose can indicate something is amiss.
If you notice your dog obsessively licking the same spot, inspect it more closely as this may be the beginning of a hot spot. Credit: Olena Rubin | Getty Images

Dog Hot Spot Healing Stages

The healing stages of a dog hot spot start with when the spot is found on your dog's skin. With treatment, a hot spot...

Dental Chews for Dogs: Worth the Hype

And there are veterinarian-recommended chews to choose among.
Funny dog enjoying scratching his bum on grass at public dog park

What Is Anal Gland Expression?

Anal gland expression is done when a dog cannot naturally empty his anal glands and becomes uncomfortable.
Perhaps the most interesting thing about Boone’s DNA test results is the fact that he doesn’t look anything like any of the breeds detected by any of the companies. Most people think he’s some sort of Doodle!

Comparing Results from Mixed-Breed DNA Tests

I recently received the results of my dog Boone’s mixed-breed DNA test from Darwin’s Ark, a nonprofit scientific research organization (which I previously wrote...
Male veterinarian wrapping a small dogs paw with gauze

Injured Dog Paw Pads and Wounds

A sore dog paw may just need TLC to aid healing, but a pad that is rubbed raw, ripped, bleeding, or infected may require veterinary help.
Hand inspecting dog with wound on shoulder hitting an object.

Dog Bacterial Infections

A dog can get a bacterial infection in many ways, through an injury, a disruption in his gut or skin good bacteria, or secondary to another illness.

The Best Dog Shoes

All-weather shoes protect dog paws year-round, but are most appropriate for protecting paws from hot pavement. We tested six designs from five companies – Ruffwear’s Grip Trex were the best.