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calcium in homemade dog food

Calcium in Homemade Dog Food

If asked the most common mistake people make when feeding their dogs a homemade diet, I’d have to say that it’s not adding calcium....
weight loss tips for senior dogs

10 Weight Loss Tips for Senior Dogs

Older dogs, like older people, have an easier time getting around if they aren't overweight. Losing weight can be a challenge for dogs at any age, but more so as dogs grow older. Still, weight loss for dogs is worth the effort. Slender dogs not only get around more easily, but also actually live longer. A 14-year study showed that dogs fed 25 percent fewer calories than their free-fed littermates lived nearly two years longer, showed fewer visible signs of aging, and enjoyed an extra three years of pain-free mobility before developing canine arthritis.

Why All Dog Diets Should Meet AAFCO Nutrient Guidelines

The long-term goal of this column is to teach interested dog owners how to formulate safe and wholesome complete and balanced" home-prepared diets for their dogs. We will eventually cover raw and cooked diets

Complete and Balanced Freeze-Dried Dog Foods

I said in last month's article on freeze-dried and dehydrated diets (Dry It

Home-Prepared Dog Food Diet Books

Over the past few months, I've read more than 30 books on homemade diets for dogs. Many offered recipes that were dangerously incomplete; a smaller number provided acceptable guidelines but were confusing, unduly restrictive, overly complicated, or had other issues that made me recommend them only with reservations. A few were good enough to recommend without reservation. This review is about the cream of the crop: three relatively new books (one is a new edition of an older book) whose authors have taken the time to analyze their recipes to ensure that they meet the latest nutritional guidelines established by the National Research Council (NRC).

Instructional Books on Home-Prepared, Bone-Free Dog Food Diets

Interest in homemade diets has never been greater, especially since the huge pet food recall of 2007. Last month, I reviewed books that explained how to feed a homemade canine diet based on raw meaty bones (RMBs). This month, I’ll look at books about boneless diets – by far the largest category of books. Unfortunately, I found a lot of bad books out there. Many of the recipes provided in the books are nutritionally inadequate! There’s no harm in using them from time to time, or to replace a small portion (up to 25 percent) of a commercial food diet, but anyone who relies on these books to feed their dogs a homemade diet is likely to end up with issues that could range from dry skin to crippling orthopedic conditions.

Does Your Dog Have an Eating Disorder?

Anorexia, bulimia, and weird pregnancy cravings are common in humans, but did you know dogs have eating disorders, too?

Answers From Experts – 05/98

and all other significant medical and temperamental data
dog chewing on things

Why Do Dogs Chew – And What to Do About It

Recently, I was surprised and happy to receive some photos and a report from one of the families who adopted a puppy from the...

Dog Food Recalls and Salmonella Contamination

Over the 23 years Whole Dog Journal has been published, we’ve discussed pet food recalls due to contamination with Salmonella a number of times....

Identifying Arthritis in Dogs

There are a number of types of arthritis that affect dogs: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, septic or infective arthritis, spinal stenosis, spondylitis and spondylosis. Conventional medicine considers arthritis in dogs and humans a chronic disease that progresses and has no cure but which can be managed with symptom-suppressing drugs and other therapies. Holistic veterinarians manage arthritis in dogs with diet, nutritional supplements, medicinal herbs, and a variety of noninvasive treatments, many of which dog lovers can provide at home.
Sheltie dog

The Dog is Throwing Up!: Your Guide to Dog Vomiting

When dogs feel nauseated and are about to throw up, they often drool, lick their lips, swallow excessively, and stand head down looking worried. Many dogs look for or turn to their owners when they're about to vomit, which can signal alert caregivers to move their pets to a better location! In time you might be able to train your dog to throw up where it does the least damage.