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Bits Of Advice For New Dog Owners

Last week, I “fostered” a dog for four nights – not a big deal. He was a hound-mix, about a year old, who had...

Dog Accessories 2019: Best Dog Gear of the Year

The whole world is aware that we love to buy stuff for our pets; more than $70 billion was spent by U.S. owners on their pets last year. But we have to say that a lot of that spending was a waste! There are tons of cutesy, low-quality products out there that fail to deliver any real benefit to either dogs or their handlers. That's where we can help, with five pages of top-quality stuff that you and your dog will truly enjoy.

Treating Your Dog’s Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism (underactive or low thyroid) is a common disorder in dogs. A variety of breeds are known to be genetically predisposed, including the Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Dachshund, Boxer, Doberman, and Cocker Spaniel. (It's normal for sighthounds such as the Greyhound to have relatively low thyroid levels as a result of their unique physiology; these levels are not a sign of pathology in these breeds.)

Dog Names and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

Shortly after deciding to keep my first-ever "foster failure" (a dog who was meant to be a foster only, but who found his forever home with me), I asked my husband to take some care with his name; he's the namer in our family. I'm terrible at naming animals; he's terrific and funny. But given that this was going to be a dog that we'd have for a long time, not a foster dog just passing through, I had some criteria I wanted him to take into consideration.

Although I would technically have veto power if he came up with a name I hated, he can be quite persistent in calling a dog something he has decided on, despite what the dog's subsequent owners later decided to name the dog. For example, a couple of years ago, I fostered a short, middle-aged Border Collie-mix who had recently had puppies, and had a rumpled, pudgy appearance. She was surrendered to the shelter where I volunteer as "Mary," but Brian decided she looked more like a "Brenda," I have no idea why, and he still calls her Brenda when he sees her, when my friend who adopted her comes to visit. So I really didn't want him to get attached to a name I didn't like.

Advocate for Your Dog

Willow. She scans for hazards (snakes

Bloating in Dogs Treatable with Gastropexy

Symptoms of bloat, which is incredibly painful for the dog, include pacing and restlessness; a distended abdomen; turning to look at or bite at the flank area; rapid, shallow breathing; retching without actually vomiting up any food, and excessive drooling. Bloat is a two-part disorder, telegraphed by its formal name: gastric dilatation and volvulus. The first part, gastric dilatation, refers to an expansion of the stomach due to the presence of gas and/or food. The second part, volvulus, is the fatal blow: The distended stomach begins to twist, cutting off the blood supply and causing its tissue to die off.

Approved Dry Dog Food List: 2016

What follows is a list of foods that meet all of our selection criteria. Whether or not you have seen them before, or can get them, may depend on where you live and where you shop – although, remember, many of these products are increasingly available through online pet supply retailers.

What would you do?

a supermarket checkout person asked me what I was going to do with the chicken necks I was buying. When I said I was going to give them to my dogs


I recently read about an owner whose middle-aged dog had never been vaccinated, given antibiotics or heartworm preventatives, received a flea or tick treatment, neutered, or microchipped. He eats a species-appropriate diet (based on raw meat and bones, prey-model). He’s pure! So pure, in fact, that he allegedly has never received chlorinated or fluoridated water. His owner is apparently under the impression these things will help the dog live forever.

Alternative Treatment & Supplement Recommendations

Whole Dog Journal readers often try techniques and products described in the magazine, but sometimes years go by before we need something we read about, or it disappears from the market, or we have trouble finding it, or we simply forget all about it. Last month we revisited green tripe, Seacure, and Willard Water. Here are two more go-to products featured in previous issues that might now be perfect for you and your dog, Wobenzym & EMT Gel/Spray.

Calculating a Dog Food Diet’s Protein, Fat, Carbs, and Fiber

It is not easy to figure out how much fat and other nutrients are really in the food you feed, whether it's kibble, canned food, or a home-prepared raw or cooked diet. Here are some tips that can help. There are three different ways of measuring amounts of protein, fat, carbohydrates, and fiber in foods.