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Dog Arthritis Treatments

Osteoarthritis is the number one cause of chronic pain in dogs, affecting one in five adult dogs, with the incidence more than doubling in dogs seven years and older. It is a degenerative disease that causes pain, loss of mobility, and a decreased quality of life. Signs of arthritis include stiffness when getting up or lying down, limping, slowing down on walks, pain after exercise, or reluctance to jump or climb steps.

The Importance of Dog Grooming and Canine Skin Care

The primary function of the dog's hair is as a protective and insulating coating. But if the eyes are the gateway or the window to the soul, the skin and hair are both gateway and window to the embodiment of an animal's inner health and well-being. Shiny hair, that is, a hair coat that exudes a healthy and lustrous sheen, is an indicator of overall health of the animal.

Pet Food Manufacturing Plants

Not long ago, I was talking with Jay Weinstein, professional chef and editor of Kitchen & Cook, another one of Belvoir Publications of magazines, at a meeting with our publisher in Florida. Weinstein asked me where I had flown in from. I told him I had attended a pet products show in Chicago, and was touring some dog food factories on the trip, as well. Ugh! Jay protested, his fine dining sensibilities temporarily offended. Why do they have to be called dog food factories? Why can't they be called dog food kitchens, at least? Or pet nutrition facilities?

Treating Problematic Giardia Infections in Dogs

which resemble cartoonish eyeballs

Fending Off the Flu

It’s not neccessary to put your dog in solitary because of viral threats.

Properly Interpreting Your Dog’s Body Language

It's not uncommon for humans to misread perfectly normal play behavior and interrupt/separate dogs who are having a rousing good time together. At the end of Week 2 of my group good manners classes – and every week thereafter – we have play sessions where the dogs get to play with their canine classmates. In each new class there is at least one owner, often more, who is very tense about her dog's play behavior.

Establishing a Good Bite Inhibition

Animal care professionals are fond of saying, “All dogs will bite, given the right (wrong) circumstances.” If that’s the case, how have I managed to suffer only two punctures in a 30-plus-year career working with dogs? Partly through reading and responding to canine body language well enough to avoid provoking an attack (see “How to Save Yourself,” September 2005). Partly, I’m sure, through luck. But largely, I suspect, because many dogs possess a wonderful quality known as “bite inhibition.”

Wobenzym: A Digestive Enzyme Supplement for Dogs

Even when their formulas don't change, there's always something new to discover about old, familiar products. This month we're updating information on the safety and uses of Wobenzym, a supplement that became a favorite of many WDJ readers after our article on the product (Banking on Enzymes") appeared in January 2001. Charles Green is America's largest Wobenzym distributor. When his Las Vegas supplement store was listed as a resource in the article

How Coconut Oil Benefits Your Dog’s Health

There are dozens of products on the market, but look for unrefined oil at your health food store. We like to see oils packaged in glass jars (rather than plastic containers). The really good stuff is expensive, but its benefits are worth the money.üOne good candidate for supplementation is the thick-coated dog who is often greasy or smelly. Many of these stinkers" have freshened up when receiving a little coconut oil daily. Just start out with a low dosage (perhaps just a dab) and increase slowly."

Caring For Your Pregnant Dog

Given the incredibly intricate and complex series of events that need to occur to produce living puppies, it is almost miraculous that any pups are ever born, but they are. And, more often than not, nature doesn’t seem to have many problems with the process. Following are some explanations for what goes on during and immediately after pregnancy.

Watch Out for a Misdiagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease in Dogs

new strains of the disease have appeared – strains that may not be detected by standard tests.üFour-year-old Louis succumbed to ehrlichiosis. Initially diagnosed with kidney disease

Letters: 05/05

Thank you for alerting owners to facts regarding veterinary drug safety in “The FDA, Drugs, and Your Dog,” (WDJ February 2005). Because of numerous documented canine deaths and serious illnesses secondary to administration of certain drugs, efforts are under way to promote stronger regulatory programs for veterinary drug evaluation, approval, and monitoring. For these reasons, it is vital that any and all suspected adverse reactions to veterinary drugs be reported to the FDA. Cumulative data over many months may substantiate earlier reports and may also identify formerly undetected problems such as the recently identified link between NSAIDs and heart problems in humans. Reports should be made to FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine at (888) FDA-VETS, and can be filed by owners as well as veterinarians.