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Complete and Balanced Dog Food

Every aspect of an AAFCO feeding trial is meant to ensure that a food is capable of maintaining a population of a minimum number of dogs for a minimum period of time (26 weeks for a maintenance" claim; 23 weeks for a "growth" claim). At a minimum

The Size of the Thing

I hardly ever talk about Tito, the 10-pound Chihuahua-mix who came to stay with us "for a few weeks" a few years ago. I think of him as being very little trouble, but it's just that his troubles - which are actually sort of numerous - are small-scaled. He is an obnoxious barker when people arrive - even when we arrive home from an errand. He cannot bear to be touched or moved once he's settled on the sofa in the evening, and if you should happen to readjust your own position at the other end of the couch when he's on it, he gives an immediate and loud roar/bark/snarl and leaps off the couch, supremely discomfited. I think he has as-yet-undiagnosed back or shoulder or inner ear pain that contributes to his touchiness, and it causes him to occasionally shriek in pain when he's greeting people; the person will always look surprised and say, "I wasn't even touching him!" but it's not the touch that hurts. I think it's the groveling, wagging, low-headed posture that he assumes when he's greeting people that causes something to pinch in his back. (He's been examined by several veterinarians and one veterinary chiropractor, but nothing significant has been found and no treatment has helped.) And then there is his touchy tummy.

Prison Dog Training Programs: An Inside Look

Katie Locks is the owner of Lucky Dogs Training and More in Amelia Court House, Virginia. Since 2004, she has worked with rescues and individuals to strengthen the bond with dogs through training. She trains for the Southside SPCA as well as Lab Rescue of the Labrador Retriever Club of the Potomac, is a mentor trainer for Animal Behavior College, and is the lead trainer for Pixie's Pen Pals, a prison dog program.

Help Heal Your Dog with Common Herbs

All I could hear was the buzz of a thousand bees as I parted my way through a deep thicket of Heracleum lanatum, a tall, broad-leaved member of the parsley family commonly known as cow parsnip." The big

Living in the City with Dogs

If I were to choose two words to summarize how to live harmoniously with dogs in apartment buildings it would be with consideration." It really is no different than how we should strive to treat our neighbors even when pets are not involved. For example

Must-Have Chew Toys

The secret to happy chewing is variety. Be creative… think rubber, plastic, rope, wood, body parts (pizzles, pig ears, cow ears, chicken feet, chicken necks), fuzzy things, leather things, carrots, oranges, and more. There are advantages and disadvantages to each – they can all break, splinter, shred, be ingested – so it pays to have a chat with your vet about what to watch for when you choose your chews. …

5 Reasons NOT to Free-Feed Your Dog

Free feeding is the practice of making food available to your dog at all times. Convenience is typically cited as the reason why owners choose free-feeding. Being a responsible dog owner means doing what's best for your dog not what is convenient.

2016 Approved Dry Dog Foods: Whole Dog Journal’s Annual Ratings

Be honest: The main reason that many of you are reading this right now - the reason that many of you have subscribed to...

The Scooting Dog Decoded

Why is Rover dragging his butt across the carpet? Not just annoying to watch, this behavior is usually indicative of a bigger problem - infected or impacted anal sacs. Also called anal glands, these little pouches are found on several different mammals including dogs and cats, and are not very noticeable when healthy. When they are clogged or infected, however, your dog will MAKE you notice them.

Step-by-Step Training for Your Dog’s Next Vet Visit

a holistic veterinary practice in Oakland

4 Ways to Be a Better Dog Owner

check with your neighbors to learn whether he also barks – or barks more – when you're not home. Frequent barking can turn a nice neighbor into a resentful one very quickly.üSome of your guests won't mind when your dog jumps all over them

Dog Trainers Spill the Kibble on Their Favorite Food-Bowl Alternatives

I will occasionally use a bowl, but increasingly my dogs' meals are experiences! One option is a kibble-dispensing ball for each dog, with a closed baby-gate between them to prevent my Cocker Spaniel from stealing the Shepherd-mix's ball when she's done with hers.