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Adoption Counseling

it became evident that the dog was not comfortable with the child. Because I strongly feel that dogs who live with kids ought to be especially forgiving of human behavior and sincerely like kids

5 Things To Do If Your Dog Needs Cage Rest

Few things are worse than hearing the vet say those dreaded words: Cage Rest." Most often the consequence of an injury or major surgery

Dog Food Logic – Make Smart Decisions on What You Feed Your Dog

The following is an excerpt adapted from a new book that can help you make smart decisions about what to feed your dog.

Trading With Your Dog to Combat Resource Guarding

It's important to be able to ask your dog to give something to you, especially something he is not supposed to have, and especially if you're frequenting public places where he might pick something that belongs to someone else or that might be harmful to him. If you only take things away that are forbidden to him, he'll learn to play the keep-away game, or worse, he may learn to resource-guard. The trade" game will help you avoid these problems."

How to Catch a Dog on the Loose

but most will send an officer right away if the dog is contained."

Keeping Your Dog’s Feet Healthy

My young Bouvier, Atle, has the triple threat of dog nails: black, stout, and surrounded by lots of hair. Regular nail trimming is not a task I relish, yet the importance of trimming nails can't be underestimated. Left untended, long nails can splinter or break off, affect your dog's gait, and cause orthopedic issues and pain. Although ultra-critical for performance dogs, proper foot care is required for the health and well-being of all dogs – couch potato or agility star.

Preventing and Treating Kennel Cough

You're not likely to forget it if you've heard it even once: the half-cough, half-choke – sort of like a Canada goose in need of a Ricola lozenge – that signals your dog has come down with kennel cough.

Whole Dog Journal’s Approved Dry Dog Food List 2014

We've reviewed dog foods annually for 17 years now, and we try, every year, to tell you something new about the food you feed (or should be feeding!) your dog, something you may not have known before. We also tell you how we define and identify good-quality foods, and how to tell them apart from the products of lesser quality. And finally, we give you a list of foods that meet all of our selection criteria and meet our approval. We're doing all that again this year, but in a slightly different format.

Properly Socializing Your Puppy

While curiosity and the ability to learn don't have expiration dates, young puppies have an important behavioral sweet spot" between the ages of 8 and 16 weeks. During this critical period

Thanks for getting me outdoors

Two nice dog walks this weekend, with two different friends and their dogs. Saturday evening, my friend Leonora and I met at a local trailhead in a part of our local wildlife area at the same time as a carload of duck hunters – which is how we learned that the duck season opened locally that day. Whoops.

Riley, Not Rowdy

Last month, in this space, I mentioned a big Labrador I was working with at my local shelter. (That’s him on the back cover, only it doesn’t look like him, because he’s squinting in happiness with his giant rawhide bone, and he has nice big eyes, not piggy squinty eyes. But anyway.) The handsome boy, estimated at about 18 months old, came into the shelter as a stray, picked up by animal control. He lingered in the isolation ward for a couple of weeks; despite his good looks and sweet disposition, no one came looking for him.

How to Deal with a Dog Who Eats Poop

Most of us find a dog's habit of eating feces to be the most disgusting thing that a dog can do. The clinical name for this behavior is coprophagy (pronounced kä - prä - fey - je), from the Greek words copro, which means feces, and phagy, which means eat. The habit is not just revolting to us humans, it's also potentially harmful to the dog's health.