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The First Week with a New Puppy
It's one of the best feelings in the whole world -- those first few hours with your new puppy when everything is perfect and anything is possible. It doesn't take long, however, for that bubble to burst. It could be the very first day, when you step in that pile of puppy poo on your Persian carpet, or find deep puppy tooth gouges in your treasured pair of Jimmy Choo shoes.
Dog Doors: Conduits for Good or Not-So-Good
so we had mosquitoes in the house
Develop Your Dog’s Flexibility
I often dog-sit for friends and relatives. It's easy for me, because I have all sorts of dog gear, food, treats, and chews laying around. Also, my own home and the house down the block where I have my office are both securely fenced (and well-outfitted with crates and dog beds of various sizes). Plus, if the dogs are fidgety and in need of exercise and stimulation, I can grab my camera, load the dogs into my car, and head out to a nearby open space area to run them on trails or allow them to swim in the river and any good pictures I get, or interesting experiences I have with the dogs, are helpful to my job!
Treatment for Your Dog’s Ear Hematomas
to be sure)
Perfect Playmates
Is there anything as good as the perfect playmate for your young, playful dog? One who is about the same size and weight and has the same style of play as your dog? I'm dog-sitting my son's dog, Cole, for three whole weeks while he travels out of the country for his sport. Cole is a coonhound/Lab-mix, just about at the one-year mark - grown-up enough to not offend my now-seven-year-old Otto with his very presence on the planet, but young enough to still crave daily sessions of play.
Adoption Counseling
it became evident that the dog was not comfortable with the child. Because I strongly feel that dogs who live with kids ought to be especially forgiving of human behavior and sincerely like kids
5 Things To Do If Your Dog Needs Cage Rest
Few things are worse than hearing the vet say those dreaded words: Cage Rest." Most often the consequence of an injury or major surgery
Dog Food Logic – Make Smart Decisions on What You Feed Your Dog
The following is an excerpt adapted from a new book that can help you make smart decisions about what to feed your dog.
Trading With Your Dog to Combat Resource Guarding
It's important to be able to ask your dog to give something to you, especially something he is not supposed to have, and especially if you're frequenting public places where he might pick something that belongs to someone else or that might be harmful to him. If you only take things away that are forbidden to him, he'll learn to play the keep-away game, or worse, he may learn to resource-guard. The trade" game will help you avoid these problems."
How to Catch a Dog on the Loose
but most will send an officer right away if the dog is contained."
Keeping Your Dog’s Feet Healthy
My young Bouvier, Atle, has the triple threat of dog nails: black, stout, and surrounded by lots of hair. Regular nail trimming is not a task I relish, yet the importance of trimming nails can't be underestimated. Left untended, long nails can splinter or break off, affect your dog's gait, and cause orthopedic issues and pain. Although ultra-critical for performance dogs, proper foot care is required for the health and well-being of all dogs couch potato or agility star.
Preventing and Treating Kennel Cough
You're not likely to forget it if you've heard it even once: the half-cough, half-choke sort of like a Canada goose in need of a Ricola lozenge that signals your dog has come down with kennel cough.