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How to Manage a Multi-Dog Household

When asked whether it's a good idea to add a second dog to a family, my answer is always an unequivocal "It depends!" If you're adding a second dog for the right reasons and your first dog gets along with others, it may be a fine idea. Here are some things to consider when you're thinking of adding a second, third, fourth (or more) dog to your pack.

Dog Antioxidants: Canines Benefit from Antioxidants Too!

Antioxidants are all the rage nowadays, seemingly good for anything that ails you or your dog. Antioxidants, natural and otherwise, are also widely used as preservatives in processed foods for pets and their people. Antioxidants are, however, another of those things that the more the scientists learn about them, the more they learn they don't know. This paradigm seems to repeat itself in the realm of holistic health!

Strange Excitement

bushels of apples

Probiotics Boost Canine Overall Health

Who hasn't heard of friendly" or "beneficial" bacteria? Even acidophilus

Consistent Dog Training With Regards to Men and Women

In general, men tend to be more physical with their dogs, and more assertive, enjoying rough-and-tumble wrestling games and expecting the dog to understand and obey. Women tend to be softer, more into cuddling than wrestling, and take more interest in teaching the dog to understand the complex world of primate (human) communication.
cleaning dog wounds

Natural Remedies for Cleaning Dog Wounds

Your dog just had surgery, stepped on broken glass, caught her tail in a door, has a puncture wound, got bit or scratched, tangled with barbed wire, or has an abrasion that came from who knows where. You want the wound to heal quickly without bleeding, pain, or infection. The following strategies help achieve that result.

On Moving

The San Francisco Bay Area, where I've lived for the past 10-plus years, just might be the center of the holistic dog-care world. You are more likely to see dogs being walked wearing head halters or front-clip harnesses than choke chains. People trade information about the best holistic veterinarians in the area – not just clues on how to find the only one in a five-county area. The pet supply stores carry a dozen different…

Dog Gone Pain: A Safe Arthritis Pain Relief Product For Dogs

As the sole practitioner of a small animal practice encompassing massage, acupressure, homeopathy, and custom-blended flower essences, I'm always looking for products that may be effective for my clients' animals. The most obvious, positive, long-lasting results I have seen have come from the use of acupressure, massage, and homeopathy. Yet when I heard from a third client about a product called DGP" (short for "Dog Gone Pain")

Hospice Care and Veterinary-Assisted Death

Our culture’s ambivalence about death is no secret and no surprise. Leaving this mortal coil can be messy and exhausting, both physically and emotionally. So with our companion animals, we oftentimes beat death to the punch, scheduling it on our own terms by taking that teary-eyed ride to the vet’s office and saying a final goodbye on a tiled floor or steel table.

What Are the Alternatives for Treating Cancer in Dogs?

The high-tech world of modern medicine has so many weapons that its “war on cancer” arsenal promises something for everyone. But all along, there have been patients, physicians, veterinarians, and animal caregivers who refuse chemotherapy, radiation treatments, surgery, prescription drugs, and other oncology protocols.

Whole Dog Journal’s 2005 Canned Dog Food Review

The making of laws and sausage, goes the old saying, is better unseen. Apparently, the pet food industry feels the same way about “wet” food for dogs and cats. We haven’t yet managed to get into a cannery to see how the product is made (but we’re not giving up!). There are a few reasons for this. The first has to do with the fact that there are very few wet food canneries in the U.S., relative to facilities that manufacture dry food. (As a matter of fact, the entire canning industry – of pet food and human food – has seen enormous consolidation in the last decade.

Correcting Canine Skin Problems

When the dog’s skin is healthy, we don’t give it a second thought. But when it is out of whack – greasy, itchy, smelly, flaky, bumpy, or raw – it becomes the center of attention for our dogs, and us, too. There is no more miserable dog than one with a serious skin problem. The skin is the epithelial and connective tissue covering of the body. Skin is also referred to as the “integument,” a term meaning “a covering or investment.” Cutaneous is also used to describe the skin.