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Letters: 11/04

A friend copied the article, “Monkey See, Monkey Do?” from the July issue for me, knowing I would want to subscribe, which I did.

Dry Dog Food Can Expire and Make Your Dog Sick

The idea is shocking to many dog owners: Their dog's food can make him sick? Of course it can all foods, whether intended for humans or pets, can be dangerous if they were improperly manufactured or stored. It's interesting, however, how few people suspect their dog's food when he becomes ill, especially if they have been feeding the same food for years and years.

Structure of the Canine Ear

he adds, it makes no sense from a health or holistic living perspective."üOne flap down? It takes some pups a little longer to develop the upright ears typical of their breed.üPrevent ear-piercing drama: Warm the ear cleanser or treatment before putting it in your dog's ear."

The Spay/Neuter Debate: When and Should You Do It?

In some dog-related circles, the question of surgical sterilization, otherwise known as spaying (females) and neutering (males), is sure to spark hot debate. Humane associations and shelters are vocal proponents of sterilization for population control, a stand that makes sense considering they're often the ones who deal firsthand with the tragic consequences of unplanned breeding.

When Your Dog Hates Being Touched

not training. Proceed more slowly

Semi-Homemade Dog Food

We frequently write about kibble and canned dog food, but have neglected some of the less common (but no less worthy) types of commercial foods. Here’s a look at commercial products that make it easy to feed a home-prepared diet. In our reviews of dry and canned foods, we make specific recommendations for selecting products for your dog. We’re not going to do this here; instead, we simply want to inform you about these alternatives to conventional kibble and canned food, and describe the differences between them.

A One-Dog Home


Belated Birthday Greetings

Here’s to spring and a new start.

Solve Fence Aggression with a Better Dog Fence

As dog owners become more and more responsible about keeping their dogs safe at home, the incidence of fence-related behavior problems rises. Even the unfortunately popular underground electronic (shock) containment system fences can give rise to the problem. The barrier is there, even if the dog can't see it, and the intense punishment of the shock the dog receives if he breaches the invisible barrier can intensify the resulting aggression.

Growing Dog-Healthy Herbs

There are many easy-to-grow herbs that are also good medicine for dogs (and their people). But first, a disclaimer: When I say “easy to grow,” in my case I mean that they are easy for my wife, Sue, to grow. It is Sue’s “paws in the dirt” concept that I think is perhaps the most important when we are thinking about gardening for the health and healing of our dogs. I believe that all of us (two- and four-leggeds) absolutely need to “ground” ourselves with Mother Earth.
Dog mounting behavior is an embarrassing nuisance.

Dog Mounting and Dog Dominance Behavior

using a short leash or tether to prevent the dog from greeting the person unless he's politely sitting down."