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(Raw Dog Food #2) Don’t They Need Kibble to Keep Their Teeth Clean?

Of course not! Dogs don’t get cleaner teeth by eating kibble, any more than you will by eating cookies. Those crunchy little nuggets provide almost zero teeth cleaning benefits for big sharp teeth. Ever looked at your dog’s mouth about an hour after eating her doggie bits? All that goop is still smooshed between her teeth, fermenting away. One of the most immediate benefits most people see with a raw diet is sweet breath and whiter teeth. Often this difference will be seen within days. One of the most common reasons people bring their pets to a vets’ office is for dental concerns.
Mastitis in dogs is a an inflammation of the mammary glands that needs veterinary attention.

Mastitis in Dogs

Prevention of mastitis involves keeping the nursing environment as clean as possible. It’s wise to try to prevent trauma to the mammary glands by eliminating sharp objects in the whelping box and trimming the puppies’ toenails. Make sure the puppies are nursing from all the teats to keep the glands drained (in small litters, rotate through each of the teats).
Garlic can be bad for dogs in high doses, or concentrations.

Is Garlic Bad for Dogs?

Many human foods are toxic to dogs, including grapes, raisins, onions, and garlic. But, you say, garlic has health benefits for your dog and...
Two of Nancy Kern's dogs against a mountain top backdrop.

Nobody’s Perfect! Least of All Me!

I strive to be a good dog—I mean, a good dog owner. But recently, I was stuck between being a responsible dog owner and being responsible for my dogs’ well being, and I broke a leash law in order to protect my dogs. And I got yelled at, a couple of times.
A dog sits attentively under a table at an outdoor cafe.

Dogs in Restaurants: Yay! Or Nay?

I’m generally a fan of places or experiences that dog owners can enjoy with their well behaved dogs—but not so much when it’s with other people’s unruly, reactive, or loud dogs. Couple any of that with owners who make no effort to limit their dogs’ intrusion into other people’s space or hampering wait-staff, and any progress that has been made to include dogs goes out the window.
A diaper can help when your dog is in heat for the first time.

What to Do When Your Dog is in Heat for the First Time

Dog heat cycles can be unpredictable, and you can be caught by surprise by you dog going into heat for the first time. Here are some tips to managing this and keeping your dog safe and well.
Looking for dog advice on online forums can be a bad idea.

Stop looking for (or giving!) health and training advice from strangers online!

Tobacco and carrots are not good for deworming a dog. This and other advice that you get from online forums and message groups is probably best discarded in favor of advice from a reputable source.
Bully stick holders prevent dogs from swallowing the last few inches of a bully stick.

Bully-Stick Holders Reviewed

There are two types of bully stick holder types: a vice type that clamps the bully stick in place, and a friction type that uses a rubbery material.
Dogs can eat oatmeal provided it's cooked and made without additional ingredients.

Can Dogs Eat Oatmeal?

Your dog can safely eat most forms of oatmeal, but avoid those packets of flavored oatmeal, as they may contain other ingredients that are harmful to your dog, including the deadly sweetener xylitol.
Oral care is the way to freshen a dogs breath and keep it fresh.

How to Freshen Dog Breath

You can freshen dog breath at home, but you must be diligent.
A consultation with a board certified veterinary behaviorist can help solve the most troublesome dog behaviours.

What Is a Veterinary Behaviorist?

Behavioral problems can result from neurochemical imbalances, medical conditions, past life experiences, current living conditions, and every combination of these. Veterinary behaviorists are uniquely positioned to use tools from both medicine and behavior science to most accurately diagnose and efficiently treat dogs
A dog training platform is used to train a dog to stay.

What Is a Dog Training Platform?

Many trainers use a platform or a box, also called a “place board,” to help a dog understand the concept of remaining in a designated spot. It is is a low, stable surface that is used to help a dog learn to stay in the same spot while changing positions or to learn a formal “stay.”