Why Alpha Dog Training is Outdated

Studies show that building a trusting relationship with your dog through fear-free training and positive reinforcement is far more effective than establishing dominance.


The world of dog training can be a very confusing place for dog guardians, especially first-time owners looking for information about how to train their new puppy or adult dog. The internet only adds to this confusion with so much conflicting advice and opposing views. Outdated practices and philosophies of dog training, such as dominance training or the need to be the “alpha” pack leader persist, despite being debunked by modern science. Let’s take a brief look into the history of dog training to understand where practices like alpha dog training originated.

A Brief History of Dog Training

The rise of contemporary dog training began in the early 1900s with the publication of a German book called Training Dogs. This “how-to” manual was written by a police colonel called Konrad Most and the techniques within it resembled army drills designed to force obedience in recruits using corrections and punishment. Although his book was not translated into English until the 1950s, his methods reached Western society via his students, one of whom founded the Hollywood Dog Training School and became famous for training dogs that appeared in films such as The Wizard of Oz.

Later, the monks of New Skete published their bestselling book: How to Be Your Dog’s Best Friend with a similar emphasis on discipline and dominance. Indeed, they introduced the “alpha-roll”—a technique to force submission—and solidified the master-servant relationship between owner and dog. Simultaneously, the book cemented confrontational and punishment-based methods of training while amplifying the perception of dogs as wolves in human homes who must submit to their masters (Greenebaum, 2010).

By the early 1980s, dog training was becoming much less the domain of men with military pasts. The field began attracting scientists and university students studying biology, ethology, and psychology who were interested in dog behavior and how to train dogs more effectively. These people led the change that saw scientifically proven methods introduced to the wider dog training community (Pręgowski, 2015).

The last two decades have seen an explosion in a branch of science called canine science—the study of dog behavior, learning, cognition, emotion, and welfare. We have also witnessed the human-dog relationship shift from being human-centered and one-sided to a two-way bond of mutual benefit. These new discoveries overwhelmingly support the efficacy and benefits of reward-based positive reinforcement training over the punitive alpha/dominance/pack leader philosophy.

Despite these discoveries, current methods used to train dogs range broadly with some using rewards and other non-invasive techniques (reward methods), others using mainly aversive stimuli (aversive methods), and still others using a combination of both (mixed/balanced methods) (Vieira de Castro et al., 2021).

What is Alpha Dog Training?

Alpha dog training stems from “traditional” dominance-based method of training endorsing obedience by using a human-centric approach that places dogs in a subordinate position in order to maintain their place in the family. Whereas the “reward-based” behavior modification method promotes a dog-centric approach that highlights companionship over dominance and promotes harmony between human and dog desires and needs (Pręgowski, 2015).

Alpha dog training relies on dominating and punishing a dog whenever she exhibits unwanted behavior. Common tactics include the “alpha roll” (physically forcing your dog to roll over on their back to make them submit to you), eating before your dog, not allowing the dog on the bed or furniture, ensuring you walk through doors before your dog, and always having your dog walk at heel when on lead. These tactics are meant to show your dog that you are the boss or the leader of the pack.

Issues Caused by Alpha Dog Training

Alpha dog training can cause a range of behavioral and emotional issues in dogs and even exacerbate the problems proponents claim the method solves. This is because these techniques rely on dominance and punishment and often cause fear, stress, and anxiety resulting in a loss of trust in the caregiver. Aversive training techniques like alpha rolls and physical corrections may suppress behavior temporarily, and appear to be effective, but they do not address the underlying cause(s). This can lead to increased aggression, more generalized fear, or even learned helplessness. Dogs trained using intimidation may comply in the moment due to fear rather than a true understanding of what is being asked of them.

Why Alpha Dog Training is Not Recommended

Alpha dog training is not recommended for several reasons. First, this method of training is based on an outdated and debunked perception of dogs and how we relate to them. Our understanding of dogs—particularly their emotional lives and behavior—has advanced significantly in recent years, thanks to an explosion of research in the area of canine science. This body of research, collected over the past 20 years or so, clearly demonstrates that showing dominance over your dog negatively impacts welfare and the human-animal bond.

Second, a body of research now demonstrates that common strategies utilized under the alpha dog method, such as physical punishment (yanking on a choke chain, hitting or kneeing a dog, or yelling at them) cause pain and fear and can harm the relationship between owner and dog. Rather, this research shows that using positive reinforcement training is not only more humane, but results in improved training outcomes and a better bond between owner and dog.

For these reasons, prominent veterinary, animal behavior, and animal welfare organizations, as well as fear-free trainers, do not recommend training your dog using “alpha” or “dominance” training techniques.

How to Train Your Dog Without Using Dominance

As stated above, our understanding of dog behavior has evolved significantly in recent years and it’s clear that force and intimidation are not only unnecessary but also counterproductive in training. Modern, science-backed dog training methods prioritize humane, positive reinforcement techniques that strengthen the bond between dogs and their guardians while improving learning outcomes.

Positive reinforcement training focusses on rewarding desired behaviors rather than punishing unwanted behavior. This approach helps motivate dogs while also ensuring they feel safe, understood, and eager to learn. By reading and responding to a dog’s body language and emotional state, trainers and guardians can communicate more effectively, reducing stress and frustration for both themselves and their dogs.

Fear-free and positive reinforcement trainers embrace these principles, using techniques including treats, praise, play, and life rewards to encourage desired behavior. They also understand the importance of setting dogs up for success by managing the environment and reinforcing desired behaviors.

By adopting reward-based training methods, dog guardians can build a trusting and cooperative relationship with their pets—one based on mutual respect and understanding rather than outdated notions of dominance.

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Dr. Kate Mornement, PhD
Dr. Kate Mornement is a Ph.D. qualified, Board Certified Applied Animal Behaviourist (CAAB) through the Animal Behavior Society. She has devoted the past two decades to sharing her expertise through her consulting business Pets Behaving Badly and she recently founded Pet Behaviour Academy; an online education platform for pet owners and pet industry professionals. In her role as a consultant, Kate has had the privilege of educating and advising pet parents, pet professionals, industry groups and local government. She also enjoys sharing her knowledge across various forms of media as a pet writer and media spokesperson. Kate appeared in the three-part Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) docu-series "A Dog's World" as a subject matter expert and is a sought-after speaker at major pet events, expos, and conferences. She has also worked as an expert witness in dangerous and menacing dog cases since 2010.